Gogerddan Childcare

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Gogerddan Childcare

Where the learning adventure begins. . . . . . . . . .
We are proud to provide excellent childcare and education in both our nursery and holiday club setting.



Head over to our Instagram page, check out our posts, stories and highlights to see what fun we all have at Nursery and Clwb Gogerddan! ūü§©
Dewch i edrych ar ein tudalen ‚ÄėInstagram‚Äô I weld faint o hwyl ni gyd yn cael yn y meithrynfa a Clwb Gogerddan ūü§ó
https://instagram.com/gofalplantgogerddan childcare?r=nametag


Following the youngest toddlers interest in dinosaurs we have had a busy few days exploring dinosaur songs, swamps and stomps! Such a fun, messy, noisy and sensory experience! #handsonlearning#learningthroughplay#
Yn dilyn diddordeb y plant bach rydyn ni wedi bod yn mwynhau archwylio deinasoriaid. Llawer o hwyl yn creu llanast, canu a chwarae!


Colour explosion..........the excitement ūüėć


Following the preschool children’s interest in this magical story they have enjoyed being involved in so many experiences using their imagination. They have developed a whole project around the story, focussing on numbers and colours with a grand finale today - creating their very own volcano! Developing their own characters will be the children’s next steps..... we will be following their magical footprints! #handsonlearning#developingchildrensthink ing#
Mae‚Äôr plant wedi bod yn mwynhau cymryd rhan mewn gymaint o weithgareddau ar ol darllen y stori ‚ÄúTen Minutes to Bed Little Unicorn‚ÄĚ Rydyn yn edrych ymlaen i weld beth fydd yn digwydd nesaf yn y prosiect!


Burns Night celebrations...... ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ


What a busy day today at Gogerddan Childcare....... celebrating Santes Dwynwen and Burns Night. We developed a tree of hearts for the families to leave a special Santes Dwynwen message for their child. It was lovely sharing the messages with the children this afternoon. ‚ô•ÔłŹ We have a few Scottish families in the nursery therefore today the children have been busy baking shortbread and creating their very own tartan patterns. A big thank you to one of our parents who came in ...this afternoon to help us celebrate the Scottish heritage. A lovely afternoon of dancing, poetry, music and a special guest came to play the bagpipes for the children. ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #realexperiences
Diwrnod brysur heddiw yn Gofal Plant Gogerddan...... yn dathlu Santes Dwynwen a Burns Night. Datblygwyd coeden o galonnau i'r teuluoedd adael neges i'w plentyn. Roedd hi'n hyfryd i rhannu'r negeseuon gyda'r plant y prynhawn yma. ‚ô•ÔłŹ Mae gennym ychydig o deuluoedd sy‚Äôn dod or Alban felly, heddiw, mae'r plant wedi bod yn brysur yn pobi a chreu eu patrymau tartan eu hunain. Diolch yn fawr i un o'n rhieni sydd wedi dod i mewn prynhawn yma i helpu ni i ddathlu treftadaeth yr Alban. Prynhawn hyfryd o ddawnsio, barddoniaeth a cherddoriaeth. Death ymwelydd arbennig i chwarae'r pibellau i'r plant. ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #profiadaugoiawn
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Gogerddan Childcare would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2019. 2018 was a very busy year for us, we welcomed a lot of new families and said lots of 'see you laters' to children moving on to their next adventure (it's never a goodbye as you are always a BIG part of our Gogerddan family) We would just like to say a very important thank you to our staff team, you have continued to provide the children with endless fun, learning experiences and lifelong memories bo...th at Nursery and Clwb Gogerddan!! Thank you for all your support, here's to 2019!
Hoffai pawb o 'Gofal Plant Gogerddan' dymuno Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd, roedd 2018 yn blwyddyn llawn hwyl a sbri, gweithgareddau ysbrydoledig ac cyffrous bydd y plant yn cofio am byth ni'n siwr!! Dyma i 2019 hapus, iachus a siwr o fod prysur iawn!! Ac yn olaf - Diolch i'r holl t√ģm am eich ymroddiad i'r meinthrynfa, mae pob un ohonoch yn dod a rhywbeth m√īr arbennig!! Diolch am bobeth ‚̧ԳŹ
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Gogerddan Childcare. Thank you to all of our families for your help and support this year. I would just like to say a BIG thank you to our team of dedicated staff who provide such wonderful experiences for the children each and every day, I hope you all enjoy a well deserved break!
Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda i chi gyd oddiwrth pawb yng Ngofal Plant Gogerddan ūüéĄ


I hope all of the children enjoyed their experience of watching our very own little firework display yesterday. They watched safely from inside, through the window! The expressions on their little faces just said it all ūüėć
#firstexperiences #realexperiences #wow #fireworks
Arddangosfa t√Ęn gwyllt y meithrinfa ddoe! Gobeithio bod pawb wedi mwynhau! Braf i weld gwynebau‚Äôr plant i gyd trwyr ffenest ūüėć
... #tangwyllt
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This week we have been exploring pumpkins with the children. We have been looking at size, shape, weight, texture, taste and much more..... the creativity of our team is endless! Thank you to Adi for carving our very own Gogerddan Childcare pumpkin! The older children have had a sensory, messy day creating all kinds of slimy creatures at Clwb Gogerddan.
Mae’r plant wedi bod wrth ei bodd wythnos yma yn archwylio pwmpennau. Gymaint o gweithgareddau a lot o profiadau synhwyraidd!


Julie and I attended a Foundation Phase Excellence Network conference early in October arranged through Mudiad Meithrin. We were lucky enough to take part in two inspiring workshops. The first workshop we attended was with Elizabeth Jarman who is an international learning environment expert and the creator of ‚ÄėThe Communication Friendly Spaces Approach‚Äô. The first questions that she raised during the workshop really made me think about our setting and how we could improve. ...
What does your setting say about you as you arrive at the door? What is it like from a child’s viewpoint as they arrive at the nursery?
Here are some photos of our front entrance before and after our creative team enhanced it. The baby room team volunteered to develop the lovely Autumn themed display. It’s been wonderful to see the children engaging with the display as they arrive and the conversations sparked between the children and their parents on arrival and as they leave!
#enhancingourareas #impactforthechildren #creatingcommunicationfriendlyspaces #elizabethjarman
Ar √īl cael y siawns i cymryd rhan mewn 2 gweithdy ysbrydoledig ar ddechrau mis Hydref, rydym ni wedi bod yn meddwl sut mae mynedfa'r meithrinfa yn edrych ar yr argraff gyntaf i'r plant a'r teuluoedd. Roedd t√ģm ystafell y babanod wedi gwirfoddoli ei sgiliau creadigol i creu arddangosfa Hydrefol!! Dyma rhai lluniau o cyn ac ar √īl y prosiect!! Mae'r holl staff wedi bod wrth eu boddau yn gwrando ar y teuluoedd yn sgwrsio am beth welwn nhw ar y ffordd i mewn neu ar y ffordd adref! ūüćĀūüćÉūü¶ČūüźŅÔłŹ
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Our latest CIW inspection report has now been published and is available to read on-line. The inspection was an unanounnced inspection, the inspector got a see a usual day at Plas Gogerddan Nursery. The report just shows how hard the staff team work each and every day! We received the following judgments: Care and Development - Excellent Wellbeing - Excellent... Environment - Excellent Leadership and Management - Excellent. PROUD!!
Mae ein hadroddiad arolygu diweddaraf CIW wedi'i gyhoeddi ac mae nawr ar gael i'w ddarllen ar-lein. Arolygiad dirybudd oedd yr arolygiad, cafodd yr arolygydd gweld ddiwrnod arferol yn Feithrinfa Plas Gogerddan. Mae'r adroddiad yn dangos pa mor galed y mae'r tńęm o staff yn gweithio bob dydd! Cawsom y barnau canlynol: Gofal a Datblygiad - Rhagorol Lles - Rhagorol Amgylchedd - Rhagorol Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth - Rhagorol
https://gov.wales/‚Ķ/report/inspection_‚ Ķ/18549_c_180905_w.pdf https://gov.wales/‚Ķ/report/inspection_‚ Ķ/18549_c_180905_e.pdf
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Penblwydd hapus i ni! / Happy birthday to us!
Today we celebrated the nursery’s birthday. Plas Gogerddan Nursery has been open for 22 years, and Gogerddan Childcare has been running for 6 years today. The children were busy creating their own party hats to wear for our birthday tea party this afternoon.
Heddiw roedd parti y Feithrinfa. Mae Meithrinfa Plas Gogerddan wedi bod ar agor am 22 mlwyddyn, ac mae Gofal Plant Gogerddan wedi bod yn rhedeg am 6 flynedd heddiw. Roedd y plant wedi bod yn brysur yn creu hetiau parti i wisgo.


The Two's room children have been showing a great interest in Farm animals the past week, they've been creating animals for the board, looking at farm books and spotting tractors working in the fields!! Today we created tractors and the children chose what colour tractor they wanted (one of the children took great pleasure in teaching the grown ups which tractor was which .. John Deere, Massey Ferguson and New Holland)
Mae'r plant 2 blwydd oed wedi dangos diddordeb mawr mewn anifeiliaid fferm wythnos yma. Rydym ni wedi creu anifeiliaid i mynd ar yr arddangosfa, edrych ar llyfrau fferm a gwylio'r tractor yn gweithio yn y cae! Heddiw mae'r plant wedi bod yn creu lluniau tractor a dewis pa lliw o nhw eisiau.. (ac roedd un o'r plant wrth eu bodd yn dysgu'r edolion i gyd amdano'r tractorau gwahanol!!)


Diwrnod prysur yn ystafell y babanod heddiw, ar √īl casglu mwyar duon wnaethom nhw creu toes chwarae, coginio hefo nhw a bod yn creadigol gyda paent wedi creu allan o mwyar duon ūüé®
Busy day in the baby room today, a day full of exploring with blackberries. From scented playdough and cooking activities to making their own blackberry paint and making pictures!!


Yesterday the Two's room children made some natural paints using blackberries, soil and grass to do some outdoor vertical painting! Take a look at some of the little ones busily creating their own little masterpieces!!
Creuodd y plant o ystafell y 'Two's' paent naturiol allan o mwyar duon, pridd a porfa ddoe ac mwynhaodd y plant creu lluniau wrth paentio fertigol yn yr ardd natur. Dyma cip olwg o'r plant yn brysur trwy'r gweithgaredd!


We are seeking highly motivated, passionate team members to join our team in September 2018. Applications will be accepted from candidates holding a Level 3 in Childcare,Learning and Development (or equivalent), an ability to speak Welsh is desirable.
The following positions will be available:
... Helping Hands Position 20 hrs per week Nursery Nurse Position 40 hours per week Nursery Nurse/ Play Work position at our after school / holiday club.
Closing date: Friday 27th July 2018
If you are looking for a new challenge please get in touch. To apply please email your CV to: office@gogerddanchildcare.co.uk
Rydym yn chwilio am aelodau t√ģm i ymuno √Ę'n t√ģm ym mis Medi 2018. Dyddiad cau: Dydd Gwener, 27 Gorffennaf 2018 cysylltwch √Ę ni i wneud cais, anfonwch eich C.V. i office@gogerddanchildcare.co.uk
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Thank you @victoriascarrott and @scarrott5214 for letting us share these pictures of James and Amelia! Two cousins graduating from Gogerddan Childcare today!! Funny monkeys!!
Diolch am gadael i ni rhannu'r lluniau yma o James ac Amelia yn cael hwyl a sbri yn y seremoni graddio heddiw. Dau Cefndir yn graddio o Gofal plant Gogerddan!


Seremoni graddio i rhai o'r plant sydd yn gadael i mynd i ysgol fawr yn mis Medi! Cafon ni amser gwych yn gwrando i atebion y plant am eu amser yn meithrinfa ac eu rhagfynegiadau ar gyfer y dyfodol - Diolch i gyd o'r teuluoedd daeth heddiw, byddwn yn gweld eisiau'r rhai bach!! Pob lwc i bawb ūüéď‚̧ԳŹ Today we held the first of our graduation ceremonies for the children that are leaving for their next adventure in big school. We are going to miss all the children so much! The children did amazingly and we loved hearing all their answers about their time at nursery and their predictions for the future. Thank you to all the families that came along. Good luck to everyone. Graduation ceremony number 2 next Thursday!!

More about Gogerddan Childcare

Gogerddan Childcare is located at A4159, SY233EB Aberystwyth
01970 823100
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -