Gorsaf Dân Ac Achub Penarth / Penarth Fire And Rescue Station

About Gorsaf Dân Ac Achub Penarth / Penarth Fire And Rescue Station

Pam na ymwelwch chi â thudalen Facebook swyddogol Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru - www. facebook.com/SWFireandRescue

Why not visit the Official South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Facebook page - www. facebook.com/SWFireandRescue

Gorsaf Dân Ac Achub Penarth / Penarth Fire And Rescue Station Description

Croeso i dudalen Facebook swyddogol Gorsaf Dân ac Achub Penarth (GTADC).

Bwriedir i'r dudalen hon eich hysbysu ynghylch beth rydym yn gwneud yn eich ardal ac i chi ein hysbysu beth allwn wneud i helpu cadw cymunedau De Cymru'n ddiogel.

Mae Gorsaf Dân Gymunedol Penarth yma i'ch cynghori a'ch diogelu. Pe baech angen unrhyw gyngor diogelwch tân neu larymau tân wedi'u gosod yn eich cartref, cysylltwch â ni ar Radffôn 0800 169 1234. Os mai grŵp cymunedol lleol ydych chi, fyddai'n elwa o ddefnyddio ein hadnoddau, cysylltwch â ni ar 01443 232000.

Welcome to the official Penarth Fire and Rescue Station (SWFRS) Facebook page.

This page is intended to let you know what we are doing in your area and for you to let us know what we can do to help keep the communities of South Wales safe.

Penarth Community Fire Station is here for your advice and protection. If you require any fire safety advice or smoke alarms fitted in your home contact us on Freephone 0800 169 1234. If you are a local community group that may benefit from using our resources please contact us on 01443 232000



https://www.facebook.com/178076655555413/ posts/2633114013384986/


Gwylfa gwyrdd yn trafod diogelwch dwr gyda cherddwyr a rhedwyr ym Mae Caerdydd at gyfer wythnos ymwybyddiaeth dwr #bewateraware
Green Watch discussing water safety with walkers and runners in Cardiff Bay for water awareness week #bewateraware


Dyma Gwylfa Gwyrdd yn dangos eu parch ar Ddiwrnod Coffa Diffoddwyr Tân heddiw.
Here's Green Watch showing their respects for Firefighter Memorial Day today.


Dyma weithgaredd diweddar eich diffoddwyr tân lleol; Llongyfarchiadau i FF Vaastra ar ei briodas a fynychodd Gwylfa Coch a Gwyn fel cefnogaeth. Cwblhaodd Gwylfa Glas ymarfer chwarterol gyda gorsaf dân y Rhath i brofi ymateb gweithredol i achub dŵr. Hefyd mae Gwylfa Coch wedi ymweld parti penblwydd Archie penwythnos diwethaf i cyflawni gwybodaeth bwysig diogelwch tân ac ymweld â Bae Caerdydd heddiw i gefnogi ras 10km Caerdydd.
Here's the recent activity of your local firefight...ers; Congratulations to FF Vaastra on his wedding which Red and White Watch attended as support. Blue Watch completed a quarterly exercise with Roath fire station to test operational response to water rescues. Also Red Watch have visited Archie's birthday party last weekend to deliver important fire safety advice and visited Cardiff Bay today to support the Cardiff 10km race.
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Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant Hapus! Happy St David's Day!


https://www.facebook.com/178076655555413/ posts/2483826114980444/


Da iawn Gwylfa Gwyrdd. Gwaith Gwych yn y cymuned!
Well done Green Watch. Brilliant work in the community.
... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=404385136996201&id=10002274154898 6
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Mae'r criwiau ym Mhenarth wedi parhau â'u gwaith ardderchog yn y gymuned leol. Cyflwynodd Gwyliad Gwyrdd gyflwyniad Domino i 280 o ddisgyblion a staff yn Ysgol Stanwell yn amlinellu peryglon gwrthdrawiadau traffig ar y ffyrdd a sut i gadw'n ddiogel. Roedd Gwylfa Goch yn ymweliad defnyddiol iawn yn Hosbis Marie Curie i drafod gwybodaeth am risg penodol ar y safle. Hefyd gwnaeth Gwylfa Goch a chydweithwyr o Ganolog Caerdydd ymarfer dŵr ym Mae Caerdydd.
Crews at Penarth have con...tinued their excellent work in the local community. Green Watch delivered a Domino Presentation to 280 pupils and staff at Stanwell School outlining the dangers of road traffic collisions and how to remain safe. Red Watch had a very useful visit at Marie Curie Hospice to discuss site specific risk information. Also Red Watch and colleagues from Cardiff Central carried out a water exercise in Cardiff Bay.
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Crynhoad o weithgareddau diweddar yr ymladdwyr tân ym Mhenarth;
Heddiw, roedd Gwylfa Werdd yn gweithio gyda chriwiau o Ganol Caerdydd i ddeall galluoedd y llwyfan awyr. Hefyd, buont yn ymweld â Ysgol Feithrin Cogan yn ddiweddar i roi cyngor diogelwch tân pwysig i'r plant a'r staff.
Mae'r Gwylfa Goch wedi cynnal eu cymwyseddau trwy hyfforddi gydag offer torri hydrolig ar gyfer mynychu gwrthdrawiadau traffig ar y ffyrdd. Hefyd yn ymarfer eu medrau sylfaenol o ddefnyddio'r ysgol... 10.5m, gan bwmpio o ddŵr agored a thynnu offer yn ôl. Yn ogystal, cynhaliwyd ymweliad â siop IKEA i gasglu gwybodaeth am risg penodol ar y safle.
A round up of the recent activities of the firefighters at Penarth;
Today Green Watch worked with crews from Cardiff Central to understand the capabilities of the aerial platform. Also they recently visited Cogan Nursery School to give important fire safety advice to the children and staff.
Red Watch have maintained their competencies by training with hydraulic cutting equipment for when attending road traffic collisions. Also exercising their basic skills of using the 10.5m ladder, pumping from open water and hauling aloft. Furthermore a visit to the IKEA store was carried out to gather site specific risk information.
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https://www.facebook.com/178076655555413/ posts/2462732557089800/


Mae'r gwylfaû ym Mhenarth wedi bod yn brysur yn y flwyddyn newydd yn cynnal eu cymwyseddau gydag ymarferion yn Bae Caerdydd a cwrs tân gwyllt yn Nhonypandy. Hefyd cynhaliwyd ymweliad â Chanolfan Rheoli'r Gwasanaeth Tân ar y Cyd ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
The watches at Penarth have been busy in the new year maintaining their competencies with exercises in Cardiff Bay and Wildfire courses in Tonypandy. Also a visit to the Joint Fire Service Control Centre in Bridgend was carried out.


https://www.facebook.com/178076655555413/ posts/2422246117805111/


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=2401011513261905&id=1780766555554 13


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Hoffai'r holl griwiau ym Mhenarth ddiolch i Tesco, Penarth am eu haelioni i'r orsaf. Nadolig Llawen a Flwyddyn Newydd Dda.
All the crews at Penarth would like to thank Tesco, Penarth for their generosity to the station. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

More about Gorsaf Dân Ac Achub Penarth / Penarth Fire And Rescue Station

Gorsaf Dân Ac Achub Penarth / Penarth Fire And Rescue Station is located at Hazel Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
01443 232000