Goylake Publishing

About Goylake Publishing

Independent Publisher based in Glamorgan, Wales.

Goylake Publishing Description

Independent Publisher based in Glamorgan, Wales.



A wonderful feature for Saving Grace on My Book Cave 🙂


Beautiful books, children’s books, FREE books. Grab yours while you have this opportunity 🙂 https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/a veela


Tradimento is still #1 in Italy, which gives us an opportunity to thank our wonderful translator, Maria Cristina Martinelli. Take a bow, Cristina 🙂 https://www.amazon.it/Guerra-Ann-Tradimen to-Hannah-Howe-…/…/


La Guerra di Ann
La serie La Guerra di Ann è una serie composta da cinque romanzi brevi ambientati nel 1944/1945. Ciascuna storia comprende circa 15.000 parole e un mistero completo. Le storie si chiamano: Tradimento, Invasione, Ricatto, Fuga e Vittoria. L’arco della storia di Ann si evolve lungo il corso della serie e raggiunge la sua conclusione con il quinto libro, Vittoria.
... Tradimento
Mentor suo marito è fuori per una missione top secret, Ann Morgan si prepara ad affrontare un nuovo giorno del suo lavoro di segreteria nell’agenzia investigativa di Trevor Bowman. Però questo giorno sarà diverso da tutti gli altri. Nell’arco di 24 ore, Ann vedrà la sua vita sconvolta quando scoprirà un omicidio, incontrerà un affascinante vedovo, l’ispettore Max Deveraux e confronterà l’assassino, in una storia piena di tentazioni e falsità.
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Our name is unusual, possibly unique, where did it come from? These pictures offer a clue. Goylake is the medieval name for a local stream. And because our business is based on a range of sales, marketing and networking streams, we thought it was rather appropriate.


Our latest title, a gripping Victorian mystery based on a true story, has just arrived from the printer and is being distributed to all the main libraries and major book outlets. You can find full details, and a special offer on the eBook price, here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hannah-Howe/e/B0 0OK7E24E/


We are setting up promotions for Saving Grace today. Already an Amazon Hot 100 New Release, we will be promoting Saving Grace across America, Australia, Canada and Europe this summer. Here are some details about the book.
Based on a true story and written by Hannah Howe, author of the Amazon #1 Sam Smith Mystery Series, Saving Grace, "the courtroom drama of the year."
The Western Mail
... 2 August 1876
Sensation in the Charles Petrie Case!
Readers may recall that a young banker, by name Mr Charles Petrie, with every opportunity of succeeding in his profession, and commanding a not illiberal income, returned home after riding his horse to dine with his wife, Grace, and her companion Mrs Quinn. During and after dinner he had nothing to excite him save the receipt of a letter which somewhat annoyed him, and that his wife consumed rather more wine than he considered to be good for her health. Immediately after retiring to his room he was seized with symptoms of irritant poisoning, and despite every effort made on his behalf, he succumbed to its effects. An inquest was held, which vexed the minds of the Coroner’s jury to a degree without precedent in Coroners’ Inquest Law, and an open verdict was returned. However, the matter will not rest there, for after questions in Parliament, a second inquest has been called under suspicion that Mr Charles Petrie was murdered.
* * *
Who poisoned Charles Petrie? Dr James Collymore, a man familiar with poisons, a man harbouring a dark secret that, if exposed, would ruin his career; Florrie, the maid who supplied Charles with his bedtime drink; Bert Kemp, a disgruntled groom, who used poisons in his work, who four months previously had predicted Charles’ dying day; Mrs Jennet Quinn, a lady’s companion with a deep knowledge of poisons, and a deep fear of dismissal; or Grace Petrie, Charles’ wife of four months, a woman with a scandalous past, a woman shunned by polite society.
With crowds flocking to the courtroom and the shadow of suspicion falling upon Grace in the shape of the hangman’s noose, could dashing young advocate, Daniel Morgan, save her?
https://www.amazon.ca/Saving-Grace-Victor ian-Hannah-Howe…/…/
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A special weekend for our Ann’s War Mystery Series. Betrayal reached #1 in three categories on Amazon.com - mysteries, historical and literature. The story also reached #3 in Australia and #6 in Britain. Invasion is just outside the top 100 in America while Blackmail is #2 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases chart. https://www.amazon.com/Hannah-Howe/e/B00O K7E24E/


Yesterday, the proof copy of Blackmail arrived from our printer. As usual, Imprint Digital have done an excellent job. And, from the look on his face, we reckon Lambsie agrees 🙂https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hannah%20How e/e/B00OK7E24E/


To date, we have recorded ten audio books with actress, radio performer and theatre director Suzan Lynn Lorraine. And we are pleased to announce that shortly we will record two more: Blackmail and Saving Grace. Currently, Suzan is directing an Agatha Christie play. Meanwhile, you can check out her excellent narration on this audio book sample https://youtu.be/XV3ewmgi188


Вълнуваща новина! От днес започваме превода на “Хисарският отшелник” на български език. Скоро ще публикуваме повече подробности.


Independent publishing, partnerships, Bulgaria, Wales, libraries and more https://goylake-publishing.com/2018/05/17 /stream-three/


Today, we are preparing Blackmail, Ann’s War Mystery Series book three, for publication. We are sending the manuscript and cover to Imprint Digital, our printer, to Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes and Noble, and to Gardners for distribution through their 300 outlets, including Google Play. Meanwhile, a big thank you to our Canadian readers for placing Invasion, book two in this series, alongside The Da Vinci Code on the Amazon Canada chart. https://www.amazon.ca/Invasion-Anns-War-M ystery-Book-ebo…/…/


A very busy week last week when we finalised our distribution deal with Gardners. This deal means that our books will now be made available through over three hundred outlets worldwide. Today, we set the publishing process for La Guerra de Ann - Tradimento, the Italian version of Betrayal, in motion. Cristina has done a fabulous job with this transition and we are looking forward to working with her on Invasion, book two in the series. Tradimento will be available from all major retailers soon. Meanwhile, the English version of the book can be found at all the main Internet outlets, including Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Betrayal-Anns-Wa r-Mystery-Book-…/…/


We are working with the very helpful staff at Gardners today. Twenty of our books have been uploaded to their system and soon those books will be distributed to over three hundred outlets. A very exciting time for Goylake Publishing. https://www.gardners.com


This excellent publication came to our attention yesterday. It’s free, and crammed with interesting features. If you are a book lover, we feel sure that this magazine will guide you towards many wonderful books https://view.publitas.com/…/connections -emagazine-ma…/page/1


Congratulations to our author, Hannah Howe. This weekend La cancion de Sam, the Spanish version of Sam’s Song, reached #1 in France, #3 in Mexico, #5 in Spain #7 in Brazil and #10 in Britain. Furthermore, Ripper, book four in the Sam Smith Mystery Series, reached the top fifty in America. A wonderful achievement. https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/ author/B00OK7E24E/


Our books contain an element of romance. Romance often leads to a wedding, which gives us the opportunity of introducing Signature Days, one of our business partners. If you, or a friend, are looking to make your special day extra special, check these guys out. They are very good http://www.signaturedays.co.uk

More about Goylake Publishing
