Grindstone Literary

About Grindstone Literary

Here at Grindstone, we want to find, nurture and reward new writing talent by offering competitions and editorial services.

Grindstone Literary Description

Here at Grindstone, we want to find, nurture and reward new writing talent by offering competitions and editorial services.



Today's the day!
Our Flash Fiction 500 Prize closes today at midnight.
Get your entries in if you haven't already.
... Details: itions
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The deadline is approaching.
Our Flash Fiction 500 Prize closes at midnight on the 28th of June 2019.
Get your entries in before it does! You've got 500 words to blow us away. Are you up to the challenge?
... Entry: £8.00 Guest Judge: Literary Agent Catherine Cho, of Curtis Brown Books Feedback for every entrant. Details: itions
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Flash Fiction 500 Prize Closing This Month -…/flash-fiction-500- prize-closing-this-m…


Our Flash Fiction 500 Prize closes in just 10 days!
The Flash Fiction 500 is one of the most prestigious flash fiction prizes in the UK and is open to both domestic and international entrants.
As well as offering a competitive cash prize, entrants also have the opportunity to gain publication in not only one, but two amazing anthologies.
... Placing in the shortlist will guarantee the publication of your submission in our 2019 Anthology, but will also win you an exclusive invitation to participate in our Atmos Collection -- a brand new collaborative fiction anthology coming later this year.
And, if that wasn't enough, the winner of this year's prize will also be chosen by a literary agent from one of the largest and most diverse agencies in the world -- the Curtis Brown Group.
Writing is a competitive world, and though agents don't represent short fiction, the opportunity to have your work read, and enjoyed by them is something that no writer should pass up. Getting yourself on an agent's radar is just one more way that you can put yourself ahead of the competition. And Grindstone are determined to provide every opportunity we can for advancement in this difficult industry.
And, if you're wondering what's in it for those who don't place on our shortlists, you'll be glad to know that our team of professional readers and judges provide hundreds of words of critical feedback to EVERY entrant.
Entrants submit through our bespoke submission platform, and receive their results and feedback right there in the submission dashboard in the form of a comprehensive performance report that details your outcome in the competition.
This is something that no one else offers.
Altogether, Grindstone provides a more supportive and constructive competition experience than any other host, and we're proud to say that we truly believe that the opportunity to know how you did and how you could improve -- to receive advice from real authors and editors, and to gain publication credits and agent introductions along the way, far outweighs a larger cash prize.
Our competitions are completely entry funded, which means that your entries allow us to provide a better service, and moving forward, we're always endeavouring to provide that in the way of opportunities and remuneration.
So come and be a part of Grindstone, a thriving writing community powered by its writers. Check out our website for the full story and all the details for our upcoming competitions.
Grindstone is different. Join our community and find out how. itions
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Our International Flash Fiction Prize closes on the 28th of June!
This year's winner will be chosen by Literary Agent Catherine Cho, of Curtis Brown Books -- one of the biggest literary agencies in the UK.
We provide personalised, critical feedback to every single entrant, courtesy of our judging team, which is made up of professional authors and editors.
... Grand Prize: £500 Runner Up: £50 Shortlisters + Winners: Publication in our 2019 Anthology, Exclusive Invitation to participate in our Atmos Collections
Entry Fee: £8 Details: itions
Our flash fiction competition is one of the largest in the UK, and is the only one to provide hundreds of words of personalised feedback to every entrant, inclusive in the entry fee. With Grindstone, it's not just about the cash prizes -- we offer growth, community, and support, providing opportunities for writers to gain publication and get the attention of agents. We share our shortlists, anthologies, and magazines with other agents, too, meaning that placing with Grindstone provides exposure and accreditation for all your hard work!
Check out our other competitions and the opportunities available on our website, or get in touch. Follow us for all the latest updates and become part of one of the fastest growing writing communities out there. At Grindstone, it's always time to work!
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Today is the last day of entries for our Dirty Dozen competition!
You have until midnight GMT to enter.
144 words. £1.44 Entry. 12x Publication spots up for grabs.
... Sound easy? Show us what you can do with 144 words.
Full details: itions
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Just three days to go before our Dirty Dozen competition closes!
144 words or less. £1.44 to enter. 12 publication places in our Dirty Dozen collection up for grabs.
... Think writing a great story in 144 words is easy? Show us. Score yourself a publication in our year-end anthology and cement your place in history...
Closing deadline - Midnight 28th May, GMT.
Multiple entries welcome. International entries welcome. Full details: itions
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Thank you to all those who've liked our page! We are truly a community-driven company, and without your support, we wouldn't be able to keep doing what we're doing.
Over the last three years, we've grown as a result of the wonderful feedback and continued support we've gotten from you. Your entries, as well as your time, and your kindness have allowed us to provide over a quarter of a million words of feedback to entrants so far. We're always endeavouring to provide more deta...iled, and substantial feedback, better prizes, and more significant publications. And it couldn't be done without you. We've added a literary magazine to our repertoire now, along with the anthology, and this year we'll be bringing out some collections, too. And it's all because of, and for you. If you know anyone else who would also benefit from Grindstone, please do spread the word and help us share the love, as well as perpetuate the message that the writing industry is a friendly and supportive place, and that opportunities are out there if you're prepared to work hard. That's what we're all about here, so if you share the dream, then break out the red pen. It's time to work!
Thank you once again to everyone who's become part of the Grindstone community. We truly do value you.
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Just 10 days to go until our Dirty Dozen competition closes!
144 Words £1.44 Entry Fee 12 Places in our Anthology Collection... 12 Free Copies of our Anthology
Enter as many times as you want before the 28th of May!
Think writing a 144 word story is easy? Prove it! itions
#amwriting #timetowork #writingcommunity
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Exciting news. Our third and final Literary Agent Guest Judge has been revealed.
Susan Yearwood, of the Susan Yearwood Agency, is going to choose the winner for this year's short story prize!
You can check out the full details on our website. itions
... #amwriting #timetowork
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We're seriously happy to announce that Literary Agent Catherine Cho of Curtis Brown Books will be presiding over the Flash Fiction Prize in 2019!
Catherine's a great agent who's always on the lookout for new talent. We did an interview with her last year, talking all things books, spec fiction, and publishing, which you can read here:
The Flash Fiction prize closes at the end of June and has cash, publication in our year-end anthology, and exclusive invite to our Atmos Collections all as prizes. Check out the full details on our competitions page.
#amwriting #writingcommunity #timetowork
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2019 Competitions Now Open for Submissions! -…/2019-competitions- now-open-for-submiss…


We're so very excited to throw open our doors once more and invite submissions for our 2019 competitions!
This year's 2019 International Novel Prize will be judged by the wonderful Lucy Morris of Curtis Brown Books.
Lucy is a great agent who's looking to scoop up some new talent in 2019, and we're happy to help her do it.
... We're looking for the opening 3000 words of your finished manuscript or work in progress -- plus a synopsis. Better get editing!
You can check out all the necessaries here: itions
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2018 Anthology now on sale! - ology-now-on-sale
And, with a 25% pre-order bonus, you can't go wrong!


Hey guys, happy new year! We're hard at work putting together the annual anthology. We'll put out some details on how you can order yourself a copy very soon. #amwriting #timetowork


Ending 2018 On a High Note - 18-on-a-high-note

More about Grindstone Literary