Growing The Future - Tyfu'R Dyfodol

About Growing The Future - Tyfu'R Dyfodol

Growing the Future is an exciting initiative to design and deliver good quality horticultural training.

Mae Tyfu'r Dyfodol yn fenter cyffrous i ddylunio a darparu cyfleoedd hyfforddi garddwriaethol o safon.

Growing The Future - Tyfu'R Dyfodol Description

Whether you're a fledgling gardener or seasoned grower, we can teach you how! We have courses & information to suit everybody.

Os ydych yn garddwr egin neu dyfwr profiadol, gallwn eich ddysgu! Mae gennym gyrsiau a gwybodaeth i bawb.



Planting Design for Beginners Course at The National Botanic Garden of Wales - Friday November 15th
An overview of the key principles of planting design to give attendees an understanding of how to create a garden that ‘works’ and is pleasing to the eye.
Topics will include scale and proportion, balance, colour theory and texture.
... Booking is essential. 10am-2pm. £40 (£36 Concessions & Garden Members) which includes entry to the Botanic Garden. To book, please call 01558 667150 or visit our Eventbrite page - esign-for-beginner…
Cwrs Dylunwaith Plannu i Ddechreuwyr yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru - Dydd Gwener Tachwedd 15fed
Trosolwg o egwyddorion allweddol cynllunio plannu i roi dealltwriaeth i’r rhai sy’n mynychu sut i greu gardd sy’n ‘gweithio’ ac sy’n bleser i’r llygad.
Pynciau i gynnwys graddfa a chyfran, cydbwysedd, theori lliw a gwead.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 10yb-2yp. £40 (£36 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau'r Ardd) sy’n cynnwys mynediad i’r Ardd Fotaneg. I archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 neu ewch i’n tudalen Eventbrite os gwelwch yn dda - esign-for-beginner…
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Planting Design for Beginners Course at The National Botanic Garden of Wales
Friday November 15th
An overview of the key principles of planting design to give attendees an understanding of how to create a garden that ‘works’ and is pleasing to the eye.
... Topics will include scale and proportion, balance, colour theory and texture.
Booking is essential. 10am-2pm. £40 (£36 Concessions & Garden Members) which includes entry to the Botanic Garden. To book, please call 01558 667150 or visit our Eventbrite page - esign-for-beginner…
Cwrs Dylunwaith Plannu i Ddechreuwyr yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru
Dydd Gwener Tachwedd 15fed
Trosolwg o egwyddorion allweddol cynllunio plannu i roi dealltwriaeth i’r rhai sy’n mynychu sut i greu gardd sy’n ‘gweithio’ ac sy’n bleser i’r llygad.
Pynciau i gynnwys graddfa a chyfran, cydbwysedd, theori lliw a gwead.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 10yb-2yp. £40 (£36 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau'r Ardd) sy’n cynnwys mynediad i’r Ardd Fotaneg. I archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 neu ewch i’n tudalen Eventbrite os gwelwch yn dda - esign-for-beginner…
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Planting Design for Beginners Course at The National Botanic Garden of Wales
Friday November 15th / Tuesday December 3rd / Friday January 10th / Saturday February 15th
An overview of the key principles of planting design to give attendees an understanding of how to create a garden that ‘works’ and is pleasing to the eye.
... Topics will include scale and proportion, balance, colour theory and texture.
Booking is essential. 10am-2pm. £40 (£36 Concessions & Garden Members) which includes entry to the Botanic Garden. To book, please call 01558 667150 or visit our Eventbrite page - esign-for-beginner…
Cwrs Dylunwaith Plannu i Ddechreuwyr yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru
Dydd Gwener Tachwedd 15fed / Dydd Mawrth Rhagfyr 3ydd / Dydd Gwener Ionawr 10fed / Dydd Sadwrn Chwefror 15fed
Trosolwg o egwyddorion allweddol cynllunio plannu i roi dealltwriaeth i’r rhai sy’n mynychu sut i greu gardd sy’n ‘gweithio’ ac sy’n bleser i’r llygad.
Pynciau i gynnwys graddfa a chyfran, cydbwysedd, theori lliw a gwead.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 10yb-2yp. £40 (£36 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau'r Ardd) sy’n cynnwys mynediad i’r Ardd Fotaneg. I archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 neu ewch i’n tudalen Eventbrite os gwelwch yn dda - esign-for-beginner…
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Bee Garden Cosmetics Course - Friday November 8th - 1 SPACE REMAINING
Create your own products to take home including lip balm, body butter and face cream with help from Growing the Future’s Ecosystems Trainer, Lynda.
Learn about the products of the hive produced by the honeybees, including beeswax and honey, and their use in beauty products. Learn the principles of soap making with a demonstration on making honey soap.
... Booking is essential. 11am-2pm. £45 (£41 Concessions & Garden Members) which includes entry to the Botanic Garden. To book, please call 01558 667150.
🐝 🐝 🐝
Cwrs Cosmetigau’r Ardd Wenyn - Dydd Gwener Tachwedd 8fed - 1 LLE AR ÔL
Gwnewch gynhyrchion i fynd adref yn cynnwys balm gwefus, menyn corff a hufen i’r wyneb gyda chymorth Hyfforddwraig Ecosystemau prosiect Tyfu’r Dyfodol, Lynda.
Dysgwch am gynhyrchion y cwch sydd wedi eu creu gan y gwenyn mêl, priodweddau’r cŵyr gwenyn a mêl a’u defnydd mewn cynhyrchion harddwch. Dysgwch yr egwyddorion o greu sebon gydag arddangosiad ar wneud sebon mêl.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 11yb-2yp. £45 (£41 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau’r Ardd) sy’n cynnwys mynediad i’r Ardd. I archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 os gwelwch yn dda.
The National Botanic Garden of Wales
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Today is #NationalStressAwarenessDay
Studies have shown that just 20 minutes in #nature can significantly reduce the level of stress hormones in our bodies, and #gardening and connecting with #wildlife can have a positive impact on our #mentalhealth
Keep it a hobby, not a chore 🌿
... 🍂
Mae’n #DiwrnodYmwybyddiaethStraen heddiw
Mae astudiaethau wedi dangos gall ond 20 munud o fod mewn #natur lleihau lefel yr hormonau straen yn ein cyrff yn sylweddol, a gall #garddio ac ymgysylltu â #bywydgwyllt gael effaith gadarnhaol ar ein #iechydmeddwl
Cadwch e’n hobi, nid yn dasg 🌿
The National Botanic Garden of Wales Insole Court Wild Elements Treborth Botanic Garden/Gardd Fotaneg Treborth
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Terrarium Workshop at The National Botanic Garden of Wales - Wednesday November 6
Enjoy a hands-on and creative workshop and make your very own terrariums.
Learn about the materials needed, the different types of terrarium and the variety of plants you can use; including tropical and succulents.
... Bring your own empty jars to create a variety of different-sized terrariums to take home.
Booking is essential. 2-4pm. £20 (£18 Concessions & Garden Members). For more information, including how to book, please call 01558 667150 or visit our Eventbrite page - workshop-gweithdy-…
Gweithdy Terariwm yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru - Dydd Mercher Tachwedd 6
Mwynhewch weithdy ymarferol a chreadigol a gwnewch derariwm eich hun.
Dysgwch am y deunyddiau sydd eu hangen, y gwahanol fathau o deraria a’r amrywiaeth o blanhigion y gallwch eu defnyddio; gan gynnwys trofannol a suddlon.
Dewch â jariau eich hun i greu teraria mewn amrywiaeth o feintiau i fynd adref.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 2-4yp. £20 (£18 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau’r Ardd). Am fwy o wybodaeth, gan gynnwys sut i archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 neu ewch i'n tudalen Eventbrite os gwelwch yn dda - workshop-gweithdy-…
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Planting Design for Beginners Course at The National Botanic Garden of Wales - Friday November 15
An overview of the key principles of planting design to give attendees an understanding of how to create a garden that ‘works’ and is pleasing to the eye.
Topics will include scale and proportion, balance, colour theory and texture.
... Booking is essential. 10am-2pm. £40 (£36 Concessions & Garden Members) which includes entry to the Botanic Garden. For more information, including how to book, please call 01558 667150 or visit our Eventbrite page - esign-for-beginner…
Cwrs Dylunwaith Plannu i Ddechreuwyr yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru - Dydd Gwener Tachwedd 15
Trosolwg o egwyddorion allweddol cynllunio plannu i roi dealltwriaeth i’r rhai sy’n mynychu sut i greu gardd sy’n ‘gweithio’ ac sy’n bleser i’r llygad.
Pynciau i gynnwys graddfa a chyfran, cydbwysedd, theori lliw a gwead.
Rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw. 10yb-2yp. £40 (£36 i Gonsesiynau & Aelodau'r Ardd) sy’n cynnwys mynediad i’r Ardd Fotaneg. Am fwy o wybodaeth, gan gynnwys sut i archebu, ffoniwch 01558 667150 neu ewch i’n tudalen Eventbrite os gwelwch yn dda - esign-for-beginner…
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More about Growing The Future - Tyfu'R Dyfodol

Growing The Future - Tyfu'R Dyfodol is located at National Botanic Garden or Wales, SA32 8 Llanarthney, Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom