Guilt Free Health With Natasha

About Guilt Free Health With Natasha

Certified Nutrition & Transformation Coach for women. Using natural health and psychology to transform your body and mind to become the woman you deserve to be. Dairy, gluten and sugar free recipes, detoxes and online transformation programmes.

Guilt Free Health With Natasha Description

I used to think that to be 'skinny' I needed to skip meals, take laxatives, over exercise and cut out fat and carbs from my diet.
The scales ruled my life. If I wasn't binging and taking laxatives, I was exercising addictively. I didn't understand what the difference between muscle and fat was, I exercised twice a day and weighed myself 2-3 X per day to make sure I wasn't gaining too much weight.

Where did all this pressure come from? Being bullied in my teens for being overweight and the subsequent pursuit of the 'perfect' body.
I had to get really unwell to realise what finally mattered. I suffered with adrenal fatigue, food intolerances, fertility problems and slipped disks because I was pounding my body with exercise and under nourishing myself. My hair was falling out and my periods had stopped. I studied nutrition and started to apply it to myself. I began to see the power of a real, whole food diet. One where I didn't count calories and ate lots of fat and carbs at specific times! I healed my adrenal fatigue and fertility issues and went on to have my son, Jenson now 16 months old. This inspired me to qualify as a nutrition coach and my experiences are the foundation of my whole business- the food I create, the programmes I have that help women lose weight SAFELY.

I've been a size 16 and a size 6. And I was just as unhappy with my body as a size 6! Why? Because being slim doesn't equal happiness- I had a lot of important work to do on my mindset.

It wasn't until after I had my son that the conversation I started to have with myself started to change from one of self-loathing and body-shaming, to one of self acceptance and self love. I was a size 10 and suffered life changing birth injuries but I loved and accepted my body more than I ever had.

I realised SELF LOVE IS KEY TO TRANSFORMATION and gaining control over your eating habits. Your view of yourself. how you treat yourself. These things are all reflected in your eating habits, relationship with food and yo-yo dieting. That's why my programmes and coaching have a unique approach to weight loss, one that combines nutrition, self care and self love into a truly transformational experience.

It took me 12 years and several illnesses and injuries to truly find happiness, self acceptance and body confidence. It doesn't have to be that way for you. My mission is to stop other women going through all the pain I went through in the pursuit of weight loss and body confidence.

More about Guilt Free Health With Natasha

Guilt Free Health With Natasha is located at Heol Glyndwr, CF31 2EB Bridgend