Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon / Anglesey Youth Service



Mae Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Môn ar gael o hyd i Bobl Ifanc Ynys Môn. Mae manylion cyswllt isod ar gyfer unrhyw un a allai fod angen rhywfaint o gyngor neu ddim ond sgwrs gyfeillgar trwy'r amseroedd ansicr hyn. #cadwnddiogel #arosadref #gydangilydd gallwngurohyn
Anglesey Youth Service is still available to Anglesey Young People. Below are contact details for anyone who may need some advice or just a friendly chat during these uncertain times. stay safe stay home together we can beat this


Disgyblion Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni yn dangos eu gwerthfawrogiad a’u cefnogaeth i bawb sydd wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn. Da iawn Breanna, Isabella a Taylor
Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni pupils showing their appreciation and support to everyone who has been working hard during this difficult time. Fantastic well done Breanna, Isabella and Taylor. Cyngor Mon


Galw pobl ifanc Ynys Mon!
Dyma restr o enwau cyswllt, rhifau ffon a chyfeiriadau e-bost ar gyfer staff Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon. Cysylltwch os ydych angen cyngor, cefnogaeth neu jyst isio sgwrs am rhywbeth sy’n eich poeni tra bod y Clybiau Ieuenctid ar gau a dydych chi ddim yn mynd i’r ysgol.
Mi ydan ni’n dal ar gael i chi!
... Calling the young people of Anglesey!
Here is a list of contact names, phone numbers and email addresses for Anglesey Youth Service staff. Please get in touch if you need advice, support or just want to talk about something that worries you while the Youth Clubs are closed and you don't go to school.
We're still available to you!
Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi Ysgol Syr Thomas Jones Holyhead County Secondary School
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More about Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon / Anglesey Youth Service

Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon / Anglesey Youth Service is located at Council Offices, Llangefni, Ynys Mon, LL77 7TW Llangefni