Gwili Jones

Monday: 08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:30
Friday: 08:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:30
Sunday: -

About Gwili Jones

Gwili Jones is a family run agricultural dealership with branches in Carmarthen and Lampeter it trades throughout West and Mid Wales.

Gwili Jones Description

The business started in Hafod, Peniel, back in 1947, when Gwili Jones sold an old second hand Allis Chalmers tractor. He had bought this tractor in England with the intention of using it on his smallholding. But as it turned out, the tractor was not suitable for the work, and Gwili decided to sell it on to a local farmer.

He made a profit, and this gave him a taste for buying and selling. He travelled frequently to England over the years looking for tractors that would be suitable for the Carmarthenshire farmers – for many, this would be their first ever tractor, as this was the time when machines were gradually replacing horses.

Gwili and his wife Eileen worked long hours as the business grew through the fifties and sixties. Gwili was also well known as a contractor – combining or baling, apparently there was no slope too steep for Gwili to venture across!

By the mid-sixties, increasing modernisation meant that farmers were investing in brand new machinery to make things easier on the farm. Without a telephone in the house, the machines had to be ordered from the public phone box in Peniel village. Eventually, a phone was installed in the house and gradually the ‘office’ moved from the kitchen table to a purpose-built office.

Wynne and Huw, the two sons, joined the company at the end of the sixties and “Gwili Jones & Sons” was born. From then on, the business expanded rapidly, with many tractors being exported to all corners of the world, to Europe as well as to Canada and America and the Far East.

Gwili had sold a great number of Ford tractors over the years, Ford 5000s and the Ford 66 in particular, and in 1985 “Gwili Jones & Sons” were appointed the main dealers for Ford tractors.

In 1989, when Ford merged with New Holland, “Gwili Jones” took the opportunity of opening a new branch in Lampeter, and that was when Gwili’s daughter Siân and her husband Nigel joined the company. Today, “Gwili Jones” supplies a wide agricultural area, from St David’s to Machynlleth, and from Brecon down to Swansea.

With excellent and committed staff, we are very proud of the service we can offer our customers today. It’s a different age from the early days, but the essence of the company remains: selling the best machines for the work, and after selling – always striving to provide the best possible service.

Dechreuodd y fusnes yn Hafod, Peniel, nôl yn 1947, pan werthodd Gwili Jones hen dractor ail-law Allis Chalmers, a oedd wedi prynu i ffwrdd yn Lloegr, gyda’r bwriad o ddefnyddio’r tractor ar ei fferm fach. Ond, yn y diwedd, nid oedd y tractor yn addas at y gwaith, ac fe benderfynnodd Gwili ei werthu ymlaen i ffarmwr lleol.

Mi wnaeth elw, a chafodd flas ar brynu a gwerthu. Mi wnaeth drafaelu dipyn i Loegr ar hyd y blynyddoedd wrth chwilio am dractors a oedd yn mynd i siwto ffermwyr bro Caerfyrddin - i lawer, dyma’r tractor cyntaf iddyn nhw berchen erioed, wrth i’r peiriannau gymeryd lle’r ceffylau.

Bu Gwili a’i wraig Eileen yn gweithio oriau hir wrth i’r fusnes dyfu drwy’r pumdegau a chwedegau. Roedd Gwili wrth ei fodd hefyd yn contracto - combeino neu balo, ac mae’n debyg roedd yn fodlon mentro ar hyd lethrau serth fyddai neb arall chwant gwneud!

Erbyn canol y chwedegau, roedd moderneiddio yn digwydd yn raddol, a ffermwyr yn buddsoddi mewn peiriannau newydd sbon er mwyn gwneud pethau’n haws ar y ffarm. Heb ffôn yn y tŷ, roedd rhaid mynd i’r ciosg ffôn ym Mheniel er mwyn archebu peiriannau. Yn raddol, cafwyd ffôn yn y tŷ, ac o dipyn i beth, symudodd yr ‘offis’ o ford y gegin ac fe adeiladwyd swyddfa at y pwrpas.

Ymunodd Wynne a Huw, y ddau fab, â’r fusnes ar ddiwedd y chwedegau, ac fe sefydlwyd “Gwili Jones a’i Feibion”. O hynny ymlaen, ehangodd y fusnes ymhellach, gyda llawer o dractors yn cael eu allforio i bob rhan o’r byd, i Ewrop yn ogystal â Chanada ac America a’r Dwyrain Pell.

Roedd Gwili wedi gwerthu nifer fawr o dractors ‘Ford’ ar hyd y blynyddoedd, Ford 5000s a’r Ford “66” yn benodol, ac yn 1985 cafodd “Gwili Jones a’i Feibion” eu penodi yn brif ddosbarthwyr tractors “Ford”.

Yn 1989, pan ymunodd Ford gyda New Holland, daeth cyfle i ‘Gwili Jones’ agor cangen newydd yn Llanbedr Pont Steffan, a phryd hynny ymunodd Siân a’i gwr Nigel a’r cwmni. Erbyn heddi, mae “Gwili Jones” yn gwasanaethu ardal amaethyddol eang, o Dyddewi i Fachynlleth, ac o Aberhonddu draw i Abertawe.

Gyda staff ardderchog ac ymroddgar, rydyn yn falch iawn o’r gwasanaeth rydyn ni’n medru cynnig i’n cwsmeriaid heddi. Mae’r oes wedi newid tipyn ers y dyddiau cynnar, ond mae’r hyn sy’n bwysig yn aros: gwerthu’r peiriannau gorau at y gwaith, ac ar ôl gwerthu - ymdrechu bob amser i roi’r gwasanaeth gorau posib.

More about Gwili Jones

Monday: 08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:30
Friday: 08:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:30
Sunday: -