Gwynedd Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



Become a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Whilst still maintaining your current employment Nationally Accredited Qualification. 1 weekend a month over 9 months. Starts March 2020 The Courses will be held in Bangor, North Wales and Machynlleth, Powys starting in March 2020.... (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below. pnotherapy-diplom…/
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Become a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Whilst still maintaining your current employment Nationally Accredited Qualification. 1 weekend a month over 9 months. Starts March 2020 The Course will be held in Bangor, North Wales and starts on March 14th 2020.... (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below. pnotherapy-diplom…/
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The Gwynedd Hypnotherapy Weight Management Programme. No Diets No Counting Calories No Depravation... And you can still eat the foods you enjoy. For more information visit tural-weight-loss/
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Become a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Whilst still maintaining your current employment Nationally Accredited Qualification. 1 weekend a month over 9 months. Starts June 2019 The Course will be held in Bangor, North Wales and starts on June 8th 2019.... (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below. pnotherapy-diplom…/
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Train to be a Professional Hypnotherapist. 1 weekend a month over 9 months. Starts June 2019 This Hypnotherapy Diploma Course has been designed to offer the total beginner a route to become a Professional Hypnotherapist. With its mix of theory and practice based learning the course enables delegates to develop the levels of competence and confidence required to run their own Hypnotherapy Practice. The Hypnotherapy Diploma course has been assessed and accredited at Practitione...r level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) UK. The Course will be held in Bangor, North Wales and starts on June 8th 2019. (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below pnotherapy-diplom…/
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Train to be a Professional Hypnotherapist. Whilst still holding onto your current job. This Hypnotherapy Diploma Course has been designed to offer the total beginner a route to become a Professional Hypnotherapist. With its mix of theory and practice based learning the course enables delegates to develop the levels of competence and confidence required to run their own Hypnotherapy Practice. The Hypnotherapy Diploma course has been assessed and accredited at Practitioner leve...l by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) UK. The Course will be held in Bangor, North Wales and starts in March 2019. (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below pnotherapy-diplom…/
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New Year New Career Aberystwyth Hypnotherapy Diploma Course now closed. There are still places on the March course in Bangor. Click on the link below for more information on how you can train to become a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist whilst still holding down your current job. pnotherapy-diplom…/


Train to be a Professional Hypnotherapist. This Hypnotherapy Diploma Course has been designed to offer the total beginner a route to become a Professional Hypnotherapist. With its mix of theory and practice based learning the course enables delegates to develop the levels of competence and confidence required to run their own Hypnotherapy Practice. The Hypnotherapy Diploma course has been assessed and accredited at Practitioner level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Coun...cil (GHSC) UK. Courses will be held in Aberystwyth Mid Wales starting in February 2019 and Bangor North Wales starting in March 2019. (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below pnotherapy-diplom…/
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Still time to make a difference before Christmas if you act Now.


Check out this free offer. To learn more go to rpfreeofferappl.../


Trauma Resolution.
The Trauma Resolution Programme offered by Gwynedd Hypnotherapy has been developed to help those people who are still suffering today as a result of a traumatic event or events from the past. These can include rape, domestic violence, physical abuse or bullying, severe illness or accident, natural disasters, witnessing an act or acts of violence etc. Some of the symptoms which often accompany trauma can include, Flashbacks to the traumatic event, irritabil...ity, anger, avoidance, problems sleeping or distressing dreams, self blame, hyper-arousal, panic attacks.
Simply put, the Trauma Resolution Programmer, painlessly strips away the emotional component of the traumatic memories so that they no longer trigger the fight or flight response in the individual. This allows the memory of the event to be recalled without the usual automatic response.
Many people find it difficult to believe, that something which has caused so much distress for many years, can be addressed so effectively, allowing them to feel in control of their life once more, no longer feeling at the end of a roller coaster of emotions, which they have no control over.
If you would like to speak to someone about how the Trauma Resolution Programme could possibly help you or someone you know then contact me David J. Davies on 01286 238809
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The past is the past, right? But for many, that statement is just not true. Traumatic events from their past invade their present and control their future. It does not have to be this way.
... If PTSD or traumatic events / memories from your past, prevent you from enjoying life in the present then contact David J Davies on 07743 516711 to find out how I may be able to help you, remove the emotional component of those past events, so you can start to live your life in the present and look forward to your future.
For a free, no obligation discussion on how I may be able to help you contact me now on 07743516711
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Train to be a Professional Hypnotherapist.
This Hypnotherapy Diploma Course has been designed to offer the total beginner a route to become a Professional Hypnotherapist. With its mix of theory and practice based learning the course enables delegates to develop the levels of competence and confidence required to run their own Hypnotherapy Practice.
The Hypnotherapy Diploma course has been assessed and accredited at Practitioner level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Coun...cil (GHSC) UK. The Course will be held in Aberystwyth Mid Wales and starts in February 2019. (Early booking is advised as places are limited.) For more information, click on the link below pnotherapy-diplom…/
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Trapped Emotions!
When something traumatic, frightening or even just really embarrassing happens in our life we tend to do the British thing and “keep a stiff upper lip” This generally means that we attempt to push our emotions related to whatever happened to one side, think about something else or try to forget the event altogether. We may even believe that we have succeeded in our attempt to do this, whereas, in actual fact, all we have really done is to store these emo...tions somewhere in our body ie. we have temporarily pulled the head off the weed so to speak. We think it has gone, but the root is still there and before we know it, up it pops again At least with the weed, it is relatively easy to identify because it appears in the same place. The problem with doing this with our emotions is that we cannot easily predict where and when they are going to pop up next. As we continue suppressing our emotions and storing them in our bodies we end up creating a metaphorical box of these stored /suppressed emotions. Having created this box, we now have to ensure that its lid is kept tightly closed. This becomes increasingly more difficult each time we add to it, requiring more of our energy in order to achieve this. These emotions do not just disappear purely because we have shut them down. They continue to influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviors most often in negative or self-defeating ways. We may believe that we have succeeded in taming these unwanted emotions but in reality, all we have created is a tinderbox for ourselves. A tinderbox, just waiting for an emotion which matches one of these pent-up ones in this box then, bang!! We explode.
We find ourselves more inclined to overreact to situations which do not warrant such a severe reaction. (flying off the handle or having a panic attack or even just breaking down and crying our eyes out for example) More often than not, this is the result of being ambushed by the accumulation of these trapped emotions, and because we are unable to deal with this sudden surge of emotion and the negative, self-defeating thoughts which accompany them, we end up reacting in an extreme or inappropriate manner. We start the whole process off again as the event just described, itself becomes an emotionally loaded or traumatic event. If left unaddressed, this downward cycle simply continues, in many instances becoming more severe. As a result, it can seriously interfere with our ability to enjoy everyday life. Relationships with friends and family members can become strained and many of the activities which we once did without a seconds thought, become increasingly more difficult or impossible to do.
For help with releasing trapped emotions contact me David J. Davies on 01286 238809.
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Next 3-Day Hypnotherapy Foundation Course starts in Bangor Gwynedd on 15th September 2018 For more information or to book your place goto py-foundation-cour…

More about Gwynedd Hypnotherapy

Gwynedd Hypnotherapy is located at 39 Water Street, Penygroes, LL54 6LW Caernarfon
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -