Headway Flintshire



It's #CarersWeek
Let's celebrate the brilliant work #carers do for their friends and family each and every day


A big thank you to all our fab volunteers. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to provide all the support given to brain injury survivors, their family and Carers.
Voluntary work can be very rewarding and enjoyable. Helping others and doing something productive can be a good way to boost self-confidence and help you back into a working routine.
In honour of #VolunteersWeek here are our 7 top tips for volunteering after brain injury:


The brain injury identity card is designed to provide brain injury survivors with added confidence in social situations. It can also be used to help police officers and staff more easily identify brain injury survivors and ensure that they receive an appropriate response and support.
Each card is personalised, helping the card holder to explain the effects of their brain injury and request any support they may need.
Apply for yours here:


Fatigue is one of the most universal symptoms of brain injury. An injured brain has to work so much harder to do each task, even the simple or unconscious ones. Being chronically tired affects every part of life. It's trying to operate with an empty battery. #ABIWeek #braindrain


For Flintshire residents. Flintshire Community Travel - Providing assistance travelling to GP appointments, Hospital appointments and other health related appointments.


Sometimes carers have to consider giving up work to care.
This article discusses some of the options available to you
https://www.mirror.co.uk/…/financial-su pport-your-rights-yo…


"We support. We listen. We inform. We care."
In celebration of #InternationalNursesDay we're highlighting the work our nurse-led services provide - the Helpline (0808 800 2244) and Headway Acute Trauma Support (HATS).
Our wonderful nurses play a vital role in ensuring acquired brain injury patients and their families receive the best possible support, advice and information.
... You can contact the Helpline on 0800 800 2244 or helpline@headway.org.uk
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Nominate for the Headway Awards 2019 now! We're on the hunt for:
⭐️ Brain injury survivors who've achieved amazing things ⭐️ Carers who go above and beyond ⭐️ Volunteers who give their time selflessly ... ⭐️ People who've made an outstanding contribution to Headway
Click the link to nominate your #HeadwayHero for an award!
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Concussion in football has been hitting the headlines around the world recently after a number of high profile incidents.
York City footballer Daniel Parslow knows better than most the dangers of playing on after receiving a concussion and is sharing his experience to hopefully raise awareness of the issue. Read more here:


Dizziness and balance problems can be extremely debilitating; damaging self-esteem and leading to social isolation. There are no easy solutions, but the information in this factsheet can help people to understand the issues and regain some control of their lives:


❗Time for Change❗
Today I presented a motion to Parliament calling on the Government to support the conclusions of the APPG on Acquired Brain Injury's report, and to work through all of its departments to ensure that those who have sustained Brain Injuries are guaranteed full Neuro-rehabilitation as needed. The Facts are:
➡️ More than 1 million people across the UK live with this hidden Epidemic
... ➡️ 1 person will be admitted to hospital with an Acquired Brain Injury every 90 seconds in the UK
➡️ Children from poorer famillies are 4 times more likely to have an Acquired Brain Injury by the age of 5
I believe it is absolutely vital that a National review of neurorehabilitation takes place to ensure service provision is adequate and consistent throughout the UK.
If you're from the #Rhondda and would like to receive further information regarding this then please do contact me chris.bryant.mp@parliament.uk
United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum Headway - the brain injury association
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Great branch social this morning. Thanks to Mel from the British Red Cross for delivering a First Aid session which was very informative.
The members also participated in Hats for Headway by wearing interesting hats and donating £2 to Headway.
Thanks to everyone for coming along today.


Nominate for the Headway Awards 2019 now! We're on the hunt for:
⭐️ Brain injury survivors who've achieved amazing things ⭐️ Carers who go above and beyond ⭐️ Volunteers who give their time selflessly ... ⭐️ People who've made an outstanding contribution to Headway
Click the link to nominate your #HeadwayHero for an award!
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After brain injury some people will experience physical problems, such as reduced mobility. There can also be physical problems present that are not always so apparent, but can have a real impact on daily life.
Click here to learn more about some of the physical effects of brain injury:


Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) is the time after a period of unconsciousness when the injured person is conscious and awake, but is behaving or talking in a bizarre or uncharacteristic manner.
The person has no continuous memory of day-to-day events, and recent events may be equally affected, so that they are unable to remember what happened a few hours or even a few minutes ago. Read more about it on our website:


Owning a pet can have huge benefits for our health and wellbeing. Indeed, for some brain injury survivors having a furry friend to love and care for has completely changed the course of their recovery.
In honour of April being National Pet Month we spoke with one brain injury survivor about the impact her two dogs have had on her life.
"I feel like both dogs understand what I’m going through and can recognise when I’m stressed or upset."
... Read more here:
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Communication is a complex process, which involves many aspects of thinking and social skills. If brain injury impairs any of these skills then it can affect the ability to communicate successfully. 'Cognitive communication difficulties' is the term most often used for the resulting problems.
Find out more here:

More about Headway Flintshire

Headway Flintshire is located at Holywell Town Council, Bank Place, Holywell