Health Comet

About Health Comet

"Look after you body, it's where you live! " Are you really where you want to be right now, both physically, mentally & financially? Ready to take control?

Health Comet Description

Ok so this is me. . . . . an ordinary everyday Welsh mum, an ex Physical Education teacher and a budding entrepreneur!
I joined the Juice Plus business in Feb 15, and have been spreading the word about this amazing product and business opportunity ever since.
It has been a lifesaver for me, as after being made redundant from my job managing a project looking at raising standards in PE across schools in Pembs, I felt completely lost! I needed something that could fit around my family life, and enable me to drop off my daughter at school and pick her up, but also spend time with her during school hols.
I was dubious at first, but researched the product and NSA company, before attending a conference in Birmingham.
Health and Well being have always been important to me, and I was literally blown away by what I heard and saw at the conference. Delighted to be surrounded by such positivity and support; a completely different scenario I had experienced in school and whilst working for the council. I was also amazed by the potential to be able to build a sucessfull business by just using your phone and WiFi;I was attracted by the possibility of having more control over my life so that I could choose when, where and with whom I worked. . . . . even better was no longer having a BOSS!
I had had my share of pretty poor bosses in the past, who just made my life miserable! Ring any bells with you?
My whole family benefit from Juice Plus, my husband and I take the Premium capsules and the complete shakes, and my daughter has her chewables for free.
Its such a relief to know that before we have had breakfast, we have smashed the 5 a day quota nearly x3 over. . . . and since the World Health Organisation recommend we should be eating 9 - 13 portions, that's happy days!
Whilst I was teaching, my stress levels were really high, I used to sleep badly and wake up grumpy! My energy levels were often depleted, particularly by the end of each term, which resulted in me frequently being ill over the holidays. I used to feel bloated and uncomfortable after meals and generally lethargic. I was also struggling to cope with the delights of menopause!
Since taking Juice Plus, I wake up a completely different person now, my energy levels have gone through the roof, as a family we have not been ill and had no doctors visits, and my daughter eats more fruit and veg now than before, not missing any days off school through illness at all this year.
This is the reason why I recommend the products to all my family and friends, so that they too can enjoy the benefits of Juice Plus.
Dont take my word for it, just check through the 36 plus medical journals that have published & the Gold Standard clinical studies on Juice Plus, to find out that our products { which are world leader in nutritional suplements}, are completely wholefood, bioavailable, and 100% top quality!
Its not really complicated, Juice Plus is just fruit, vegetabes and berries. . . . . but the wonderful news is that is helps: -
Reduce markers of inflammation - the main cause of disease and ageing
Improves our circulation
Combats oxidative stress up to 75%
Keeps our skin, hair, nails healthy
Keeps our gums and teeth healthy
Its not a cure. . . . but it provides your body with what it needs to heal itself!

More about Health Comet

Health Comet is located at Haverfordwest