Heart Of Oak Healing

About Heart Of Oak Healing

Heart of Oak Healing brings together many ancient branches of shamanic wisdom from Toltec-Mexica mystery school teachings and the art of nahualism to the knowledge of trees such as the Oak and Yew for healing, integration and manifestation.

Heart Of Oak Healing Description

Local Service



I have a couple of spaces available for one-to-one Toltec-Mexica healing tomorrow in Totnes..
I also have my kambo tool-kit with me.
Pm me ASAP to secure your session as spaces fill up fast!
... Thank you! Tlazoh
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I have one space available for one-to-one healing near Clapham Junction this afternoon.
My diary for August is filling up fast, but I still have a few spaces available between now and the end of the month.
Please pm me to secure your spot! ... Thank you. With love and blessings for this transition into the sixth Sun.
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I'm currently taking bookings for summer consultations, house-visits and one-to-one healing. I will be doing the rounds between South Wales, Somerset, Devon, London and Sussex between now and the end of August. This is a deep and thorough work. Pm me to secure your place as spaces tend to fill up very quickly. Thank you!


Let's be present: Let's walk barefoot on the earth; the earth is our mother, she loves us! Let us intend the healing of any ailment, and make a conscious effort to take better care of ourselves, each other, our loved ones, and this beautiful planet... to be respectful of all life. Let's make a fire and learn to work with it - the fire is our grandfather, he will always help us. Let's sing to the rivers and streams, making offerings of gratitude for clean drinking water so li...fe can continue to flourish. Let's help one another reach a greater understanding of our existence. Let's dream big while we remember to take care of the little things in life. Let's be mindful of our thoughts and wise with our words. And let's not take ourselves too seriously while we do all of the above! Let's walk our talk... Let's do our best!
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INTENT: Our ancient ancestors knew that if we still our minds, breathing silently as we find our center, by bringing each breath down into the area of the navel, then we can turn our attention within, and just with our intent we can find the answers we're looking for!
Image: Representation of Xochipilli in Quinn breathing posture. Museum of Anthropology, Mexico DF.


"Breathe in the healing power of the sun, exhale all the heavy energy.. " This is how a one-to-one session begins.
Most of my clients receive a healing in four movements. Each movement follows a series of breathings designed to induce an altered state known as hypnogogic, where healing is made easier.
... 1st movement: Establishing the intention of healing and planting that energy in the earth. 2nd movement: Erasing ancestral blockages going back several generations. 3rd movement: Removing any heavy energy from the vital organs. 4th movement: The main extraction, going through the many layers of the unconcious to get rid of the seeds of destructive patterns, before replacing them with a new positive energy to help create the desired outcome.. the best possibility or greatest potential of the client.
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I have a few spaces available for one-to-one consultations and healing from Wednesday until Saturday in London. Pm me for details. Thank you!


Quetzal Healing brings together ancient Toltec-Mexica mystery school teachings for healing, dreaming, manifestation, and rejuvination. The techniques that I use utilizes breath-work and numerology that corresponds to the relationship between the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Pleiades. Each session is tailored specifically to the client's needs for the best results.


The Yew Tree: Inspiration for Life
Nine years ago I chose life: I chose freedom over the shackles of addiction, and one of my greatest allies in this work was, and still is the yew tree. Every day I would make the short pilgrimage to Llandaff, to make my offerings... to ask this tree of transformation, of death and rebirth to help me, and it did! Sitting under its twisting branches, this magnificent tree with its dragon-like posture taught me to 'stop the world' - to still ...my mind, opening my perception to receive the gifts of seership, and inspire me to let go of the old wounds of my personal past as I dreamed a brand new life into existence.
Photo credit: Chris Lledrod Evans
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Thanks to all you beautiful family and friends out there who have shown your support. Please take a moment to check out my new FB page. Love you all! X


With the spirit of the eagle, birch and sage - offerings for renewal of energy and new beginnings.
Photo Credit: Spike Clark


Photo credit Chris Lledrod Evans


Jovial, warm hearted and caring. He's been to the dark side and made it back to the light. Iwan is a special man and a friend and I have every confidence in him to hold a safe, healing space. Our journeys combined for a while as we worked with Iboga and Bwiti and I even then I could see that this man had the personality to set others at their ease. God bless, mother bless, wood bless, you won't go far wrong with this man.


Iwan has some deep insight into issues such as identity, addiction, co-dependency and transgenerational/ ancestral wounding. I have walked with him on a shamanic path at various events for around 5 years and have watched him develop into a competent, skilled healer. His power is rooted in a love of the Welsh trees and land where he was born. I know him to be a brother of integrity and his healing assisted me at a very deep point of suffering in my life. Highly recommended. Thanks Iwan ✨💚✨


Iwan emanates tenderness and compassion. He is a highly attuned healer, and holds a grounding presence. He clearly understands the hard work of facing and integrating the shadow which allows his light to shine through open heartedly and without judgement, guiding others on their own individual journeys.

Thank you Iwan for your support so far and I look forward to working with you again soon.



I had a massively powerful session with Iwan, carried out with a great deal of skill and care, I felt really well held throughout.


Jovial, warm hearted and caring. He's been to the dark side and made it back to the light. Iwan is a special man and a friend and I have every confidence in him to hold a safe, healing space. Our journeys combined for a while as we worked with Iboga and Bwiti and I even then I could see that this man had the personality to set others at their ease. God bless, mother bless, wood bless, you won't go far wrong with this man.


Iwan has some deep insight into issues such as identity, addiction, co-dependency and transgenerational/ ancestral wounding. I have walked with him on a shamanic path at various events for around 5 years and have watched him develop into a competent, skilled healer. His power is rooted in a love of the Welsh trees and land where he was born. I know him to be a brother of integrity and his healing assisted me at a very deep point of suffering in my life. Highly recommended. Thanks Iwan ✨💚✨


Iwan emanates tenderness and compassion. He is a highly attuned healer, and holds a grounding presence. He clearly understands the hard work of facing and integrating the shadow which allows his light to shine through open heartedly and without judgement, guiding others on their own individual journeys.

Thank you Iwan for your support so far and I look forward to working with you again soon.



I had a massively powerful session with Iwan, carried out with a great deal of skill and care, I felt really well held throughout.


Jovial, warm hearted and caring. He's been to the dark side and made it back to the light. Iwan is a special man and a friend and I have every confidence in him to hold a safe, healing space. Our journeys combined for a while as we worked with Iboga and Bwiti and I even then I could see that this man had the personality to set others at their ease. God bless, mother bless, wood bless, you won't go far wrong with this man.


Iwan has some deep insight into issues such as identity, addiction, co-dependency and transgenerational/ ancestral wounding. I have walked with him on a shamanic path at various events for around 5 years and have watched him develop into a competent, skilled healer. His power is rooted in a love of the Welsh trees and land where he was born. I know him to be a brother of integrity and his healing assisted me at a very deep point of suffering in my life. Highly recommended. Thanks Iwan ✨💚✨


Iwan emanates tenderness and compassion. He is a highly attuned healer, and holds a grounding presence. He clearly understands the hard work of facing and integrating the shadow which allows his light to shine through open heartedly and without judgement, guiding others on their own individual journeys.

Thank you Iwan for your support so far and I look forward to working with you again soon.



I had a massively powerful session with Iwan, carried out with a great deal of skill and care, I felt really well held throughout.

More about Heart Of Oak Healing
