Help Us Learn

About Help Us Learn

Help Us Learn is a non-profit organisation that uses extreme fundraising events in order to achieve the biggest change for children's education in some of the worlds poorest countries.

Help Us Learn Description

We organise and take part in extreme fundraising events which gives support equally between two of our current campaigns:

'Paper and Pencils' Campaign.

Supplying schools with the equipment and resources they need to give these children a real education. Millions of schools can't even afford basic equipment like paper and pencils, let alone textbooks and other learning resources. Just £15 could supply a primary school with enough paper, pens and pencils for a month and with your help, we will continue to send much needed resources to schools in the worlds poorest countries.

'Street Children' Campaign

Many children have their right to an education taken away from them by poverty. They simply cannot afford to pay for schooling. Donations and money gained through fundraising events will be given to children who need two basic things, food and to go to school. Children in poverty stricken countries are forced to work at a very young age in order to survive. Many of the children that are from the areas we work in have found a living from selling trinkets and goods to tourists on the streets as well as working in sawmills, farms and factories. Our partner organisations have local volunteers who find children at work and with your donations, give them the help they need by paying for them to go to school and helping their families with food costs.

Where we work . . .

Currently we are working within the South American countries of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. However future donations and money from fundraising events will be sent to those who need it in the African countires Uganda and Gambia along with the south east Asian countries Cambodia and Indonesia.