Helpa Fi I Stopio - Help Me Quit

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Helpa Fi I Stopio - Help Me Quit

The best choice you can make to help you quit smoking.
Y dewis gorau gallwch chi ei wneud i’ch helpu i roi’r gorau i ysmygu.

Helpa Fi I Stopio - Help Me Quit Description

Mae Helpa Fi i Stopio yn un man cyswllt ar gyfer smygwyr sydd eisiau stopio smygu yng Nghymru.

Bydd pob gwasanaeth Helpa fi i Stopio yn rhoi cymorth strwythuredig i chi wedi’i deilwra i’ch anghenion. Caiff sesiynau eu cyflwyno gan arbenigwr rhoi’r gorau i smygu hyfforddedig a bydd yn cwmpasu pynciau yn ymwneud â pharatoi i roi’r gorau iddi, stopio, peidio ag ailddechrau ac eich dyfodol di-fwg. Cymerir eich darlleniad carbon monocsid ym mhob apwyntiad; bydd hyn yn eich helpu i fonitro eich cynnydd o smygwr i rywun nad yw’n smygu ac yn helpu eich cymhelliad. Mae nifer o wasanaethau yng Nghymru i gefnogi eich ymgais i roi’r gorau iddi. I ddarganfod pa wasanaeth sydd orau i chi edrychwch ar y rhestr

Help Me Quit is the single point of contact for smokers who want to stop smoking in Wales.

All Help Me Quit services in Wales will provide you with structured support on preparing to quit, quitting, staying stopped and your smoke-free future. Sessions are always delivered by trained stop smoking experts. There are a number of services in Wales. All services are free and will give you the best chance of quitting smoking for good. When you choose a Help Me Quit service, your stop smoking expert will discuss the different types of stop smoking medications which are available to help you quit.

More about Helpa Fi I Stopio - Help Me Quit

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -