Hwb Caernarfon



https://www.dailypost.co.uk/…/first-loo k-huge-indoor-ice-17…


... a mae’r adeiladu wedi cychwyn ... and the building starts


.... a mae’r adeiladu di cychwyn .... and construction begins


CYSTADLEUATH / COMPETITION Share this video and you will be entered into a draw to win nights accommodation, evening meal and ice skating tickets fo 2 persons in Caernarfon this winter! Simply watch and share ! Rhannwch y fideo hon a byddwch yn cael eich cynnwys mewn raffl i ennill llety nos, pryd bwyd nos a thocynnau sglefrio ar gyfer 2 berson yng Nghaernarfon y gaeaf hwn! Gwyliwch a rhannwch, simpl!


https://www.dailypost.co.uk/…/town-two- tales-mixed-fortunes…


Llawr Sglefrio Caernarfon - Angen Gwirfoddolwyr Mae 'Hwb Caernarfon' yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i helpu redeg llawr sglefrio dan do ar y sgwâr yng Nghaernarfon o'r 18fed Tachwedd i'r 5ed Ionawr. Bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn cynorthwyo gyda dosbarthu esgidiau, derbyn tocynnau, â rheoli mynediad i'r llawr sglefrio ei hun. Mae'r llawr sglefrio dan do a bydd yr oriau agor rhwng 10am ac 8pm bob dydd. Mae croeso i wirfoddolwyr weithio unrhyw gyfnod ac unrhyw ddiwrnod yn ystod yr wythnos a bydd ganddyn nhw hawl i docynnau am ddim yn dibynnu ar yr oriau a weithiwyd. Dyma gyfle i fod yn rhan o ddigwyddiad hwyliog a chyffrous y gaeaf hwn yng Nghaernarfon.
Mae gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid a chyfathrebu yn bwysig, darperir hyfforddiant!


Caernarfon Ice Rink - Volunteers Wanted 'Hwb Caernarfon' is looking for volunteers to help run a large indoor ice rink on the square in Caernarfon from the 18th November to the 5th January. Volunteers will be assisting with distribution of boots, receiving tickets as well as controlling access for ticket holders to the rink itself. The rink is indoor and opening hours will be from 10am until 8pm daily. Volunteers are welcome to work any stint and any day during the week and w...ill be entitled to free tickets depending on hours worked. This is an opportunity to be part of a fun and exciting event this winter in Caernarfon, and one that may offer privileges and gifts in the way of tickets for friends or family'.
Y Maes, LL552NF
Free tickets and perhaps Christmas voucher gifts for friends and family!
Customer service and communications is important, training provided!
See More


Mwy o fanylion iw ddilyn yn fuan... More info coming soon ...


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1AN-7JSgR54 &feature=youtu.be


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X-atw1PHaF0 &feature=youtu.be


https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu .be&v=jOmTPrcv6b8


https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu .be&v=g_71sBPh3Vk


https://www.dailypost.co.uk/…/plans-cae rnarfons-farmfoods-s…




XMAS STALL SPACE AVAILABLE! This November / December inside Caernarfon’s Winter Wonderland Ice Rink building. Stall locations inside and around the rink, see picture! 18.11.19 - 04.01.20 £20 Y Diwrnod / A Day £80 Yr Wythnos / A Week... Ffon / Phone 07878 749 644 GOFOD STONDINAU DOLIG AR GAEL! Y Tachwedd / Rhagfyr hwn y tu mewn i adeilad llawr sglefrio ar y maes yng Nghaernarfon. Lleoliad stondinau y tu mewn ac o amgylch y llawr sglefrio, gweler y llun!
See More


VOLUNTEERS WANTED bag-packing in Tesco Caernarfon on 19th Oct & Sat 26th Oct to raise money for Winter Wonderland & Ice Rink in Caernarfon this November - December. Free ice rink tickets for those who volunteer. Please message me ...... Chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i helpu pacio yn Tesco Caernarfon ar Sad 19 Hydref a Sad 26 Hydref i godi arian ar gyfer Ffair Gaeaf a Llawr Sglefrio yng Nghaernarfon ym mis Tachwedd - Rhagfyr. Tocynnau llawr sglefrio am ddim i'r rhai sy'n gwirfoddoli. Plis yrrwch negas i fi....

More about Hwb Caernarfon

Hwb Caernarfon is located at 19 Stryd Twll yn y Wal, LL55 1 Caernarfon