Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach

Monday: 13:30 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 11:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00
Friday: 10:00 - 11:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach

Hypnotherapy & Mind Coaching are excellent tools for creating lasting and permenant change. We work with Anxiety, Habits, Trauma, Fertilty & Pregancy.

Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach Description

A natrual approach to Quit Smoking, no need for patches, gum, fake cigarettes, simply a fast and effective way using Hypnotherapy, NLP and Counselling.



Today marks the offical Day of ny 10th year as a Qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
I then spend 3 months writing and perfecting programmes in :-
Quit Smoking... Confidence Weight Loss (no longer offer) Anxiety & Stress Fertility Support Positive Pregnancy
This week we have been focussing on Anxiety & Stress. The one thing I will always urge is a visit to your Doctor and work with a competent therapist with a proven soild education.
Why? Last week I was shocked to find an ex client has asked for help from a lady who is perhaps not qualified officially to treat anxiety. Instead of referring her to a competent therapist, she sent them on to an online group based in Amercia and was not asked any questions regarding her health or neither was a consultation taken. She was asked to subscribe to a package for £77 a month.
When she said she did not have this, they asked her to borrow the money! She was then sent some You Tube videos and some music on an app which is free!
By the time a saw her - she was shaking and so upset that someone she entrusted could have done this. I am pleased to say we got so much from her session and she has given me permission to share in a bid this does not happen to others.
Be very careful who you entrust with your health issues. There seems to be a lot of these unmonitored groups around - they may mean well, but they are most certainly not working for the best interest of their client's.
If you are suffering from Anxiety and your reading this. There is a way we can work through though it. I am based in Swansea South Wales. If your not near me - I can find a fully experienced practitioner near you.
Heres to the weekend. Please feel free to message me via my page or call.
Jacquelyn Haley Clinical Hypnotherapist
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A powerful picture to explain the depths of our mind.
When people say "I know what it is" !
I hate to break it to you - but you don't and if you did - you would not be suffering still.
... The "thinking conscious" part of our brain is all but a tip of the iceberg.
The sub conscious holds the secret's and is 90% hidden from our conscious waking mind.
To get to the root we need an excellent therapist with excellent skill sets.
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Hi All,
Lots of inquires last night.
1) Can you help me with.....?
... 2) How much do you charge for...?
All my prices and what I areas I cover are of this page.
I have inserted a special "Get Quote Button" with specific Questions for me. So please send all requests to me privately.
Also, please note Fears & Phobias cover everything. So whether your scared of flying or spiders ect. I can work with you.
Have a great day all.
Jacquelyn Haley
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My attempt to make videos ! This week I am celebrating 10 years as a Hypnotherapist ! That's flown!
I am so passionate on how Hypnosis works and changes lives. If I can, he can, she can, they can - THEN YOU CAN!


In a nutshell! There is a lot of bad language in this. See through that, hes got one strong bold message if you suffer from anxiety.


As easy as 1-2-3! The amount of people I see who remove fears in minutes is incredible!


When searching for an answer, maybe its time to have a quick reality check.
What ever your doing or have been doing isn't working, if it had you would have found the solution by now.
Maybe its time to try a new approach. I did and it worked!
... #hypnotherapy
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ENJOYING a cuppa in the sunshine after a week of breakthroughs.
Working over Skype has been incredible for so many. From helping with Pain, Confidence, Attracting a Perfect Partner to Forgetting an Awful one!
... Hynotherapy is a wondeful tool and so many misunderstand it and rather than believe the experts they focus on Joe Bloggs down the road that may have read an article on it once!
Its helped me so much over the years and I couldn't inagine my life with out using these invaluable skills.
Its World Mental Health Day today and if you are suffering from Anxiety Stress, PTSD, Physical Pain, Emotianal Pain.
Hypnotherapy can help! You deserve to live your life happy . So grateful for this therapy and how it helps to change peoples lifes .
Jacquelyn Haley
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Excited to Lauch our first Event in November this year at The Dragon Hotel - Swansea. Sharing the latest techniques in Mind Develoment to creat an epic start to your business in 2019!


Have a chocolate craving or a sweet tooth! What I do is brilliant for that too!


I have now incorporated Hypnotherapy in my Fertiltiy & Conception Support.
Apprart from allowing the natural cycle of the woman to be regular, its also imperative to remove any mental and emotional blocks.
I have rarely run my programme where the lady did not have an emotional issue connected to her infertility.
... Its also very alarming that in many cases the male sperm is not tested either!
My programme is one Hypnotic Session of 90 Minutes to two hours. Todate my programme has a 68% CONVERSION Rate.
IVF and IUI has only a 25% to 36% success rate and costs thousands in comparison.
For further information - please contact me in confidence on +44 7534 387774.
I can also work over Skype and Zoom.
Jacquelyn Haley
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Really nice review to wake up too.!
People doubt Hypnsosis works. They doubt whether it will get results for them. So they live on with the issue thats bothering them until they have had enough!
Your mind is very powerful and when you understand how to use it and how it works. It is life changing! #hypnosis #BWRT #OP2G #Kineticshift


Last week this incredibly brave lady broke her anonimity and spoke out of her ordeal she faced as a young child. In 72 hours she has had almost 10K views. If we encourage everyone to speak out. Then perhaps one day, this will be a thing of the past.


Tomorrow is October 1st!
Stop "October " . Are you ready?


When we think we can't go on. When I hear many say " I just cant do it" . This lady is such a heroine and a huge Inspiration to all who know her.


Thank YOu for this wonderful review Dominique Shipstone, this technque was based on pain reduction OldPain2Go and some BWRT for energy - perfect combination to treat a very achey back.
Thanks so much !


The Power of Hypnosis - strong content which will make you stop and think just what people go through in extreme trauma - many are quick to judge today. This demonstrates just how amazing and how powerful your unconsious is when you are shown how to use it.


Can Mindfulness help with PTSD? Although clinical trials have run with inconclusive evidence. Personal experience has shown to have a positive effect.
Engagement - Mindfulness may appeal to clients who do not look for evidence-based treatments and are seeking alternative interventions. Mindfulness practice may improve symptoms and it may also help such clients become engaged with their therapist or the treatment process.
Preparation - Mindfulness practice could be introduc...ed prior to treatment. Learning to observe internal reactions without judgment and to accept feelings, sensations, and thoughts as they arise might usefully prepare those who suffer PTSD to tolerate the unpleasant emotions that trauma processing elicits.
Less rumination - If implemented as an adjunct to other therapy sessions, mindfulness could be encouraged throughout and used on a daily basis in the comfort of your own home. . Increased awareness of trauma-related re-experiencing symptoms may allow you to break a ruminative cycle by gaining some distance from trauma-related intrusive thoughts and feelings.
As afore mentioned, using Mindfulness can be a positive and awakening experience.
The above text has been taken and slighty adjusted from the Goverment's website.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Jacquelyn Haley
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OldPain2Go® is based on the simple logic that if someone is trapped in pain that no longer serves a purpose, then there must be a logical reason for us to hold on to it. This Therapy Treatment is simply finding that logic and having the unconscious understand that the purpose no longer exists and it would give us a much better life without the pain. Quite simple really .


Whatever that NLP thing was you tried on me yesterday, I've woke up with a different, more positive mindset today! I had a few tears but I think it was letting go of everything I put in that yellow ball yesterday, all the negativity and trauma feels like a distant memory today. My physical pain has also been quite low today, I've been feeling productive. So I've got to say a big thank you, my body hasn't felt this manageable in a while and my mind is feeling bright. You truly amaze me all the time with your knowledge, you've been such a great help and you're always looking for new ways to help more, especially for people like me with chronic illness, keep up the phenomenal work you do. Can't wait for my treatment tomorrow and by Christ do I need it!!! Thanks Jacky 😍😍😍


Thanks for your knowledge and time today Jac. Your advice was very much appreciated. "Knowledge is definitely power". Thank you so much xx


Thank you for your kinetic shift therapy it has really helped to shift the energy that I no longer needed so I could move into a place where I am feeling stronger and more positive. Fab therapist :-) xx


She is amazing if you want to give up smoking go to see her, think of your health and the money you will save, I am so glad I found her :-)


Saw Jacquelyn Healey for stress management earlier this year. SHE IS so nice to talk to and listens so well. I felt I could trust her . Anyway I has a few sessions and I still feel so much better.


Jacquelyn is such a lovely intuitive lady , I felt very relaxed , she has helped me in many ways ,I would definitely recommend her .

Thank you for helping me .


Jacquelyn has been my massage therapist for years , more recently o went to her for help to sleep. She gave me a loads of advice to help and recorded my hypnotherapy session so it's always at hand . Been sleeping much better . Thanks Jacquelyn


I've had the pleasure of working and training with Jax this year. She is an absolute joy to work with and is clearly a kind, caring and compassionate therapist. If you want help from someone who is at the top of her game then look no further


I've had Jacqui work with me a few times as I find her work so empowering and helpful.

The first time was when I was in extreme throat pain and she did some distance reiki. I love Reiki and have had it many times yet this was the first time I'd ever experienced it by distance. So powerful was it that we both saw the same vision at the same time even though we were physically a couple of hundred miles apart.

The intense feeling of well being from having reiki has to be experienced to understand. I think Jacqui's work is outstanding and puts me at my ease effortlessly.

The second time I worked with Jacqui I was having mental and physical blocks about a project I was about to undertake, I was afraid of what people might think of me. Working with me on Skype Jacqui did an exercise where she used her hands to pull the block out of my body. As mad as it sounds, I could feel it leaving my body, it was incredible, and it's allowed me to go forward without fear in my new project.

Thank you Jacqui!


I stopped smoking with Jacquelyn 8 weeks ago . I did try to smoke after I stopped to test it but I felt sick. She is a a cracking lady as well and made it a good laugh. She also kept in touch after and gave me a recording. Deffo recommend her . If you can afford to smoke you can afford to quit with her . Best money I ever spent.


I have known, trained and worked with Jaq over many years. She has a lovely heart and is a great therapist and these new techniques have taken her to another level. Go Jaq...and go to Jaq. You won't regret it.


I had a session with Jacquelynon saturday. I suffer with nerve pain in my hand, and tension pain in my shoulders. I had driven for about 4 hours on saturday before i saw Jacquelyn and was in discomfort. In the session she removed my shoulder pain and even after driving for 5 hours back home on Sun i was still pain free. My hand is so much better. All i am feelinv now is tightness which is due to the nerve, no pain. Thank you so much. #oldpain2go #keneticshift #hypnotherapy


I first met Jacquelyn 4 years ago when my friend quit smoking with her . I have had several therapies off her over the years and she is fab and amazing in all she does. I have had a flare up of Bells Palsy 3 months back. I rang Jac and booked her new OldPain2Go therapy. A week on . I have lost 5lbs and 13 inches. The pains got less in my head and feeling is coming back in my face. The only way I can describe it is like something became "unblocked " . Thanks lovely lady ! Your amazing!


I booked my Law Of Attraction Session with Jacquelyn in December. It was a two hour session. We spoke of what I really wanted from 2018 . She then recorded this meditation for me based on all we spoke of. It's now February and all I can say is WOW ! Everything is falling into place , I am feeling on top of the world. One of the things I asked for was like totally out of reach , but Jacquelyn firmly guided me to focus on it ! I am blown away with the results! Cant recommend this woman enough 😍


I booked Jacquelyn in December to take some motivation too exercise . My diet is good . But I needed that omph to get me back to the gym!

She did just that . I found Jacquelyn to be down to earth, very easy to talk to. She has an amazing sense of humour and seemed to say just what I needed to get the job done!

She is well trained in many areas . A star find !

Book her ! You wont be disappointed :)


Excellent... I feel she is the best in this field. Thanxx Jacquelyn. She talked with me friendly to knw my disease very well and gave me lots of advices. Now I am sleeping much better. That thanx go to you.. Thanxx againnn...


Whatever that NLP thing was you tried on me yesterday, I've woke up with a different, more positive mindset today! I had a few tears but I think it was letting go of everything I put in that yellow ball yesterday, all the negativity and trauma feels like a distant memory today. My physical pain has also been quite low today, I've been feeling productive. So I've got to say a big thank you, my body hasn't felt this manageable in a while and my mind is feeling bright. You truly amaze me all the time with your knowledge, you've been such a great help and you're always looking for new ways to help more, especially for people like me with chronic illness, keep up the phenomenal work you do. Can't wait for my treatment tomorrow and by Christ do I need it!!! Thanks Jacky 😍😍😍


Thanks for your knowledge and time today Jac. Your advice was very much appreciated. "Knowledge is definitely power". Thank you so much xx


Thank you for your kinetic shift therapy it has really helped to shift the energy that I no longer needed so I could move into a place where I am feeling stronger and more positive. Fab therapist :-) xx


She is amazing if you want to give up smoking go to see her, think of your health and the money you will save, I am so glad I found her :-)


Saw Jacquelyn Healey for stress management earlier this year. SHE IS so nice to talk to and listens so well. I felt I could trust her . Anyway I has a few sessions and I still feel so much better.


Jacquelyn is such a lovely intuitive lady , I felt very relaxed , she has helped me in many ways ,I would definitely recommend her .

Thank you for helping me .


Jacquelyn has been my massage therapist for years , more recently o went to her for help to sleep. She gave me a loads of advice to help and recorded my hypnotherapy session so it's always at hand . Been sleeping much better . Thanks Jacquelyn


I've had the pleasure of working and training with Jax this year. She is an absolute joy to work with and is clearly a kind, caring and compassionate therapist. If you want help from someone who is at the top of her game then look no further


I've had Jacqui work with me a few times as I find her work so empowering and helpful.

The first time was when I was in extreme throat pain and she did some distance reiki. I love Reiki and have had it many times yet this was the first time I'd ever experienced it by distance. So powerful was it that we both saw the same vision at the same time even though we were physically a couple of hundred miles apart.

The intense feeling of well being from having reiki has to be experienced to understand. I think Jacqui's work is outstanding and puts me at my ease effortlessly.

The second time I worked with Jacqui I was having mental and physical blocks about a project I was about to undertake, I was afraid of what people might think of me. Working with me on Skype Jacqui did an exercise where she used her hands to pull the block out of my body. As mad as it sounds, I could feel it leaving my body, it was incredible, and it's allowed me to go forward without fear in my new project.

Thank you Jacqui!


I stopped smoking with Jacquelyn 8 weeks ago . I did try to smoke after I stopped to test it but I felt sick. She is a a cracking lady as well and made it a good laugh. She also kept in touch after and gave me a recording. Deffo recommend her . If you can afford to smoke you can afford to quit with her . Best money I ever spent.


I have known, trained and worked with Jaq over many years. She has a lovely heart and is a great therapist and these new techniques have taken her to another level. Go Jaq...and go to Jaq. You won't regret it.


I had a session with Jacquelynon saturday. I suffer with nerve pain in my hand, and tension pain in my shoulders. I had driven for about 4 hours on saturday before i saw Jacquelyn and was in discomfort. In the session she removed my shoulder pain and even after driving for 5 hours back home on Sun i was still pain free. My hand is so much better. All i am feelinv now is tightness which is due to the nerve, no pain. Thank you so much. #oldpain2go #keneticshift #hypnotherapy


I first met Jacquelyn 4 years ago when my friend quit smoking with her . I have had several therapies off her over the years and she is fab and amazing in all she does. I have had a flare up of Bells Palsy 3 months back. I rang Jac and booked her new OldPain2Go therapy. A week on . I have lost 5lbs and 13 inches. The pains got less in my head and feeling is coming back in my face. The only way I can describe it is like something became "unblocked " . Thanks lovely lady ! Your amazing!


I booked my Law Of Attraction Session with Jacquelyn in December. It was a two hour session. We spoke of what I really wanted from 2018 . She then recorded this meditation for me based on all we spoke of. It's now February and all I can say is WOW ! Everything is falling into place , I am feeling on top of the world. One of the things I asked for was like totally out of reach , but Jacquelyn firmly guided me to focus on it ! I am blown away with the results! Cant recommend this woman enough 😍


I booked Jacquelyn in December to take some motivation too exercise . My diet is good . But I needed that omph to get me back to the gym!

She did just that . I found Jacquelyn to be down to earth, very easy to talk to. She has an amazing sense of humour and seemed to say just what I needed to get the job done!

She is well trained in many areas . A star find !

Book her ! You wont be disappointed :)


Excellent... I feel she is the best in this field. Thanxx Jacquelyn. She talked with me friendly to knw my disease very well and gave me lots of advices. Now I am sleeping much better. That thanx go to you.. Thanxx againnn...


Whatever that NLP thing was you tried on me yesterday, I've woke up with a different, more positive mindset today! I had a few tears but I think it was letting go of everything I put in that yellow ball yesterday, all the negativity and trauma feels like a distant memory today. My physical pain has also been quite low today, I've been feeling productive. So I've got to say a big thank you, my body hasn't felt this manageable in a while and my mind is feeling bright. You truly amaze me all the time with your knowledge, you've been such a great help and you're always looking for new ways to help more, especially for people like me with chronic illness, keep up the phenomenal work you do. Can't wait for my treatment tomorrow and by Christ do I need it!!! Thanks Jacky 😍😍😍


Thanks for your knowledge and time today Jac. Your advice was very much appreciated. "Knowledge is definitely power". Thank you so much xx


Thank you for your kinetic shift therapy it has really helped to shift the energy that I no longer needed so I could move into a place where I am feeling stronger and more positive. Fab therapist :-) xx


She is amazing if you want to give up smoking go to see her, think of your health and the money you will save, I am so glad I found her :-)


Saw Jacquelyn Healey for stress management earlier this year. SHE IS so nice to talk to and listens so well. I felt I could trust her . Anyway I has a few sessions and I still feel so much better.


Jacquelyn is such a lovely intuitive lady , I felt very relaxed , she has helped me in many ways ,I would definitely recommend her .

Thank you for helping me .


Jacquelyn has been my massage therapist for years , more recently o went to her for help to sleep. She gave me a loads of advice to help and recorded my hypnotherapy session so it's always at hand . Been sleeping much better . Thanks Jacquelyn


I've had the pleasure of working and training with Jax this year. She is an absolute joy to work with and is clearly a kind, caring and compassionate therapist. If you want help from someone who is at the top of her game then look no further


I've had Jacqui work with me a few times as I find her work so empowering and helpful.

The first time was when I was in extreme throat pain and she did some distance reiki. I love Reiki and have had it many times yet this was the first time I'd ever experienced it by distance. So powerful was it that we both saw the same vision at the same time even though we were physically a couple of hundred miles apart.

The intense feeling of well being from having reiki has to be experienced to understand. I think Jacqui's work is outstanding and puts me at my ease effortlessly.

The second time I worked with Jacqui I was having mental and physical blocks about a project I was about to undertake, I was afraid of what people might think of me. Working with me on Skype Jacqui did an exercise where she used her hands to pull the block out of my body. As mad as it sounds, I could feel it leaving my body, it was incredible, and it's allowed me to go forward without fear in my new project.

Thank you Jacqui!


I stopped smoking with Jacquelyn 8 weeks ago . I did try to smoke after I stopped to test it but I felt sick. She is a a cracking lady as well and made it a good laugh. She also kept in touch after and gave me a recording. Deffo recommend her . If you can afford to smoke you can afford to quit with her . Best money I ever spent.


I have known, trained and worked with Jaq over many years. She has a lovely heart and is a great therapist and these new techniques have taken her to another level. Go Jaq...and go to Jaq. You won't regret it.


I had a session with Jacquelynon saturday. I suffer with nerve pain in my hand, and tension pain in my shoulders. I had driven for about 4 hours on saturday before i saw Jacquelyn and was in discomfort. In the session she removed my shoulder pain and even after driving for 5 hours back home on Sun i was still pain free. My hand is so much better. All i am feelinv now is tightness which is due to the nerve, no pain. Thank you so much. #oldpain2go #keneticshift #hypnotherapy


I first met Jacquelyn 4 years ago when my friend quit smoking with her . I have had several therapies off her over the years and she is fab and amazing in all she does. I have had a flare up of Bells Palsy 3 months back. I rang Jac and booked her new OldPain2Go therapy. A week on . I have lost 5lbs and 13 inches. The pains got less in my head and feeling is coming back in my face. The only way I can describe it is like something became "unblocked " . Thanks lovely lady ! Your amazing!


I booked my Law Of Attraction Session with Jacquelyn in December. It was a two hour session. We spoke of what I really wanted from 2018 . She then recorded this meditation for me based on all we spoke of. It's now February and all I can say is WOW ! Everything is falling into place , I am feeling on top of the world. One of the things I asked for was like totally out of reach , but Jacquelyn firmly guided me to focus on it ! I am blown away with the results! Cant recommend this woman enough 😍


I booked Jacquelyn in December to take some motivation too exercise . My diet is good . But I needed that omph to get me back to the gym!

She did just that . I found Jacquelyn to be down to earth, very easy to talk to. She has an amazing sense of humour and seemed to say just what I needed to get the job done!

She is well trained in many areas . A star find !

Book her ! You wont be disappointed :)


Excellent... I feel she is the best in this field. Thanxx Jacquelyn. She talked with me friendly to knw my disease very well and gave me lots of advices. Now I am sleeping much better. That thanx go to you.. Thanxx againnn...

More about Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach

Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach is located at Lon Coed Bran COCKETT, SA2 0 Swansea, United Kingdom
Monday: 13:30 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 11:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00
Friday: 10:00 - 11:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -