Ieithyddiaeth Prifysgol Bangor / Bangor University Linguistics

About Ieithyddiaeth Prifysgol Bangor / Bangor University Linguistics

Ieithyddiaeth ac Iaith Saesneg, Prifysgol Bangor

Linguistics and English Language, Bangor University



πŸŽ‚ 🎁 Penblwydd Hapus / Happy Birthday Professor David Crystal!
David is an honorary lecturer in our School. Each spring we have David Crystal Day where we get to hear one of David's exciting talks about #linguistics or #Englishlanguage @davcr


Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu ymwelwyr i’r Diwrnod Agored heddiw!
We’re looking forward to welcoming visitors to the Open Day today!
Remember to check out the library πŸ“š and the beautiful buildings 🏰 too!


β€ŽΨͺΩ‡Ψ§Ω†ΩŠΩ†Ψ§ Llongyfarchiadau i Wesam Almehmadi am basio ei viva PhD heddiw!
Congratulations to Wesam Almehmadi on passing her PhD viva today! Wesam investigated the Pragmatic & conversational features of Arabic-speaking adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
... Wesam began studying with us in 2012 when she did an ELCOS course, followed by an MA in Linguistics, and we are very happy that she successfully defended her PhD thesis today!
Well done!
#linguistics #phd #viva #bangor Bangor University Bangor Linguistics Society πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
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How language matters: English and Spanish speakers interpret descriptions of spatial scenes differently
New paper by a former MA student Javier Olloqui-Redondo (now based in Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Thora Tenbrink (Reader in our School) and Anouschka Foltz

More about Ieithyddiaeth Prifysgol Bangor / Bangor University Linguistics