International Blue Cross And Blue Crescent Movement

About International Blue Cross And Blue Crescent Movement

The International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Movement is worldwide humanitarian organisation.

International Blue Cross And Blue Crescent Movement Description

The International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent is a worldwide, non-profit, charitable, non-governmental, politically and religiously neutral humanitarian movement, comprising a number of sub-branded humanitarian agencies that allow us to organise our activities around specific thematic platforms and engage with a wider audience.

We were created to enable all interested humanitarian workers to offer their skills in service of humanity, in particularly to enable all interested humanitarian medical and healthcare professionals to offer their skills as humanitarian medics for the promotion of humanitarian community public health, to poverty regions, disaster stricken or disaster vulnerable regions, to enable all interested humanitarian rescue workers to offer their skills in those disaster stricken regions, and to provide education programs in disaster awareness, preparation & prevention, survival skills, emergency planning in disaster vulnerable regions.



The International Confederation of Blue Cross Blue Crescent Organisations (ICBCO), otherwise known as the #InternationalConfederation, forms 'unique organisational unions that unite' and brings together a network of humanitarian non profit community service organisations, non governmental organisations, social enterprises, commercial enterprises, church missions, and fraternal organisations etc., that have come together under the confederation's umbrella. ~ 'Stronger together for all humanity' federation onalConfederation


The International Collective of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent, otherwise known as the #InternationalCollective, is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is mandated by the International Movement to work to organise a number of themed collectives, providing a shared collective identity, that will facilitate collective actions and bring about a collective impact. Collective participants ...carry out their social, political, humanitarian collective actions within a suitably themed collective with others who identify with that particular themed collective. Participants share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest but more often a range of issues, beliefs and ideals and work together to see change at either national or international level, and as a collective will interact to engage in collective actions to achieve a common objective. lective/ onalCollective/
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The International Coalition of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent, otherwise known as the #InternationalCoalition, is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is mandated by the International Movement to work to help form 'coalition alliances for combined action' of organisations who temporarily act together to tackle a specific cause or common concern!. ~ 'Coalition Alliances for Combined Action ' lition onalCoalition


The International Confederation of Blue Cross Blue Crescent Organisations (ICBCO), otherwise known as the #InternationalConfederation, forms 'unique organisational unions that unite' and brings together a network of humanitarian non profit community service organisations, non governmental organisations, social enterprises, commercial enterprises, church missions, and fraternal organisations etc., that have come together under the confederation's umbrella. ~ 'Stronger together for all humanity' federation onalConfederation


The International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent is a worldwide, non-profit, charitable, non-governmental, humanitarian action, activism, advocacy and awareness movement. Our members carry out their awareness raising actions, activism, and advocacy under their chosen #NationalCollective themed platform. Themed collectives provide a shared collective identity, facilitate collective actions and bring about a collective impact. Participants carry out their social, political, human...itarian collective actions within a suitably themed collective with others who identify with that particular themed collective. Participants share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest but more often a range of issues, beliefs and ideals and work together to see change at either national or international level, and as a collective will make decisions on a consensus-driven egalitarian basis, and interact to engage in collective actions to achieve a common objective. lective/ onalCollective/
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We recognise the good works and virtue of #GoodwillAmbassadors at the #InternationalFederation and their work at #NationalSocieties and those ambassadors of our bilateral component agencies such as ICBC #ActivismAmbassdors, #AdvocacyAmbassadors, IDDC #DiplomaticAmbassadors, IUBC #AcademicAmbassadors, IChBC #ApostolicAmbassadors, InCo #AwarenessAmbassadors, ICBCC #ActionAmbassadors, #PeaceAmbassadors, ICBCBS #CulturalAmbassadors, InOb #LegacyAmbassadors, InFra #FraternalAmbass...adors, ICBCO #BrandAmbassadors etc., that also do good works within each #NationalSociety. You can find out more about the work of our #Ambassadors by visiting the following links or clicking on the above hashtag links!: s/ mbassadors.BCBC/ mbassadorsWorldwide/
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Find out about our #InternationalMovement and its autonomous component agencies by checking out the following hashtag news feed links: #InternationalConvention (ICv platform helps our members get involved in International Conventions!) #InternationalFederation (IFBC platform helps national societies organise national campaigns!) #InternationalConfederation (ICBCO platform forms unique organisational unions!) #InternationalParliament (IP platform organises parties advocating a political standpoint based on a humanitarian perspective!). #InternationalCommittee (ICBC platform organises mission themed schemes of action, activism and advocacy through its Missions in each country!) #InternationalCooperation (InCo platform cooperates with global organisations to promote their global events!) #InternationalObservances (InOb platform helps us promote and support international observances such as the UN World Day observations!) #InternationalCoalition (ICoalBC platforms develops global campaign coalitions for combined action!) #InternationalCommand (ICBCC platform organises a uniformed command corps!) #InternationalCooperative (ICoOp platform organises thematic cooperatives such as humanitarian worker cooperatives, or consumer cooperatives!) #InternationalDiplomacy (IDDC platform coordinates its 200 delegations in a diplomatic outreach effort to join in solidarity with a single country and a national issue!) #InternationalCommission (ICmsnBC platform is a Think Tank; with various Standing Commission Working Groups providing movement-wide strategic guidance!). #InternationalCollective (ICollBC platform loosely organises a number of mutual-aid self-help collectives!) #InternationalUniversity (IUBC platform is for #AcademicActivists organsing academic programs such as #StreetSchools, #StreetSeminars and#StreetSkills!). #InternationalChurch (IChBC platform implements spiritual and religious programs providing spiritual guidance, counselling, and prayer in disaster effected regions, and provide spiritual awareness, education, and hope to disaster vulnerable communities!). #InternationalConference (ICBCM platform is the supreme deliberative body where all of the movement's component agencies come together as a conference to discuss matters that concern the movement as a whole!). #InternationalReview (IRBC is the official publication of the movement).
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The 'International Cordon' is an internationally recognisable activism, advocacy and awareness ribbon symbol used by the International Blue Cross Blue Crescent Movement, the 'International Cordon' ribbon is available in all colours; not just blue! It is use as a symbol by the #InternationalCooperation; on global awareness days, the #InternationalObservances; for UN world observations, and the #InternationaCoalition; by coalition awareness campaigns, and by the #InternationalCommittee; as an activism and advocacy symbol; when it is often oriented to appear as a number 4 in its 'H4H' schemes of action, activism and advocacy. The 'International Cordon' symbol combines the emblems of the cross and crescent to form a ribbon. don/ onalCordon/


The #InternationalConference of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Movement (ICBCM) otherwise known as the International Conference is a non-governmental humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is the supreme deliberative body where all of the movement's component agencies come together as a conference to discuss matters that concern the movement as a whole, and is the governing body responsible for overseeing the impleme...ntation of and compliance with the resolutions of the International Conference. In addition, the International Conference coordinates the cooperation between the ICBC, the IFBC and other bilateral partner agencies of the movement, plans and coordinates joint activities for the Movement. The International Conference and its national sub-structures are also responsible for organising conferencing, seminars, workshops, meetings, and fund-raising events.
The International Conference endorses the International Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Commission of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent, which are to be shared by all components of the Movement, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect.
The official slogan of the International Conference of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Movement (ICBCM) is 'Together for all humanity' onal.Conference.ICBCM/
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The #InternationalFederation of Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Societies (IFBC) is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, that reaches out through its 198 National Societies throughout the world.
Together, we act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. We are committed to 'saving life and changing lives' and we do so... without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
Our strength lies in our volunteer network that forms the backbone of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement. Each national society is made up of volunteers, who provide a wide variety of humanitarian services, ranging from first response, search and rescue emergency response, lifeguarding, and disaster response. Our community-based volunteers help reduce vulnerabilities, strengthen resilience and help to create a safer world. National Societies support the public authorities in their own countries as independent auxiliaries to the government in the humanitarian field.
The International Federation's fundamental objective as mandated by the International Movement is to work to guide and support the development of its national societies, and to provide capacity building support, and it does this in cooperation with other bilateral partner component agencies that form the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement.
The International Federation's work respects the Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Commission, and endorsed by the International Conference, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect. onal.Federation/ ternationalFedera…/
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The International Cooperative of Blue Cross Blue Crescent Organisations is a non-governmental humanitarian cooperative agency, that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, that forms unique cooperative alliances and brings together our member organisations or our ordinary members, to participate in, and benefit from, various thematic cooperative agencies that are self help platforms. In keeping with the 'Cooperative Principles', membership of the I...nternational Cooperative's thematic agencies is open to either all 'member organisations', or all 'ordinary members'. Although, participation in thematic organisation cooperative's requires that each member organisation has the capacity to participate equally with other member organisations, likewise participation in thematic coopereratives open to all ordinary members (humanitarian worker cooperatives) requires that each individual has the ability to commit and undertake a fair share. As determined in the Charter of the International Cooperative, and as mandated by the International Movement, the fundamental objective of the International Cooperative is to work to help develop, implement and support a number of thematic cooperative agencies or self help platforms operated by either our member organisations for the benefit of our member organisations, or operated by our ordinary members for the benefit of our ordinary members, using the services of that thematic cooperative agency or platform. The International Cooperative works in collaboration with our bilateral partner, the Federation of International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Organisations (FIBCO), to develop 'organisation cooperatives', and works in collaboration with other bilateral partner component agencies such as the International Federation of Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Societies (IFBC) or International Committee of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (ICBC) to develop 'humanitarian worker cooperatives'. The ICo-op's work respects the Cooperative Principles of (1) Open, Voluntary Membership, (2) Democratic Governance, (3) Member Economic Participation (4) Autonomy & Independence, (5) Education of members and public, (6) Cooperation between Cooperatives, (7) Concern for the Community. Additionally, the ICo-op's work respects the Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Conference of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Movement, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect. perative nalCooperative
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The #InternationalCommittee of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (ICBC) is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and works on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed people, worldwide wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied to men, women and children. The work of ICBC strives to limit suffering of victims of war, natural disasters, other humanitarian crisis, and of situations of vio...lence. Our humanitarian workers provide activism, advocacy and lobbying, investigating and raising awareness to expose abuses of those affected by crime, armed violence, terrorism, and conflict, as well as taking action in response to disaster emergencies. We campaign to educate and mobilise the public and international community, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world.
The International Committee is mandated by the International Movement to work to develop and implement movement-wide mission themed programs, and coordinates its programs and campaigns in cooperation with its bilateral partners, the IFBC national societies and the International Federation and other component agencies that form the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement. The ICBC uses its unique position and mandate to operate in situations of humanitarian crisis, natural disasters, violence or conflict, and effectively access vulnerable populations.
The International Committee contributes to the Millennium Development Goals indirectly through its programs of assistance to individuals and communities. It also manages medical and health programs, which target vulnerable communities and individuals. The International Committee's work respects the Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Commission, and endorsed by the International Conference, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect. mittee.ICBC nal.Committee.ICBC/ ernationalCommittee
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The #InternationalCommand of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent (ICBCCorps) is a non-governmental humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is the uniformed component that comprises the ICBCC - Blue Cross Corps, ICBCC - Blue Crescent Corps and the ICBCC - Blue Crystal Corps. We act to ensure that our uniformed members in disaster vulnerable communities are resilient and have sufficient competence including practical skills and organisational expertise, which help them prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and man-made disasters and other emergency crisis.
International Command personnel are involved in carrying out a wide range of humanitarian activities within its ICBC-Corps Divisional Commands at District level within an IFBC National Society, and in cooperation with other bilateral partner component agencies that form the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement.
The International Command is mandated by the International Movement to develop and coordinate initiatives such as First Responder Corps, Lifeguard Corps, LifeBoat Corps, Medical Corps, SAR Emergency Responder Corps, Physio-Responders Corps, Crowd Control Corps, Street Chaplain Corps, Outreach Trainer Corps, and Frontline Activists Corps.
The International Command's work respects the Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Commission, and endorsed by the International Conference, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect. mand.ICBCC…/Internation al.Command.ICBC.Corps
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The International Commission of Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (ICmsnBC) or the International Commission, is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is a standing commission advisory and regulatory body that establishes Standing Commission Working Groups to provide movement-wide strategic guidance in the interest of all component agencies of the movement. It prepares Movement-wide policies su...
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The #InternationalCooperation of Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (InCoBC) otherwise known as the International Cooperation is a non-governmental autonomous humanitarian agency that is part of the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement. The International Cooperation's fundamental objective as mandated by the International Movement is to cooperate internationally with many organisations; in particular the United Nations, to help promote and support global scale events... such as World Day observations and celebration events, especially giving support for these World Day events to be implemented in developing countries, and we do this in cooperation with our bilateral partner component agencies that form the International Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement.
The International Cooperation's work respects the Movement's fundamental principles, as defined by the International Commission, and endorsed by the International Conference, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect. peration.InCoBC onalCooperation.InCoBC
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The #InternationalCollective platform loosely organises a number of mutual-aid self-help themed collectives to facilitate a voluntary reciprocal exchange of help for mutual benefit; in which the helper / helpee principle is important, the idea is that the more a person helps, the more he or she is helped, and that those who help most are helped most. Collective participants interact to engage in collective actions, organise public protests, marches, rallies, demonstrations, ...campaign stalls and other activities that positively raise awareness on issues of concern. Collective participants comprise of men women and mixed gender who share 'Incognito' their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may mutually solve their common problem through activism, awareness, campaigning, public protests, demonstrations, marches, and rallies under the #MaskedMillionsMovement, #MaskedMillionsMarch #Incognio and #AnonymousAmbassadors themed collectives, that are structured in to a #MembersCollective #EventsCollectives, #SpecialtyCollectives, #CountryCollectives, and an #OrganisationsCollective! lective onalCollective
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More about International Blue Cross And Blue Crescent Movement

International Blue Cross And Blue Crescent Movement is located at For security we do not use our postal address online, Merthyr Tydfil