Islam And Sufism In Wales

About Islam And Sufism In Wales

New Muslims are welcome, all questions are welcome! Islam /Sufism is purification of the heart and soul. You are welcome to visit us in Bangor, North Wales. We hold regular dhikr and Quran gatherings - please message us for more detail.

Islam And Sufism In Wales Description

Islam has many aspects and dimensions. It offers the way to true fulfillment and happiness. In Islam you will discover the pleasure of remembrance of God and the jewel of His unity.

To be a Muslim we focus on the purification of the heart and soul in order to draw closer to God. Sufism is acting upon knowledge, acquiring the good characteristics and getting rid of the bad. From it we learn not to let the past hold us back from the future. It means learning to live in the moment by God, for God.

We welcome messages and any questions. You are welcome to visit us in this beautiful part of the world in Bangor, North Wales. We welcome messages and any questions. You are welcome to visit us in this beautiful part of the world in Bangor, North Wales.



Spiritual Dhikr Gathering - BANGOR, NORTH WALES
You are invited to a gathering of remembrance and poetry on Tuesday 19th November 7pm. Food/refreshments will be served. All are welcome!
Please send us a message for more details


Hadith showing the Sahaba giving opinions on rulings (masaail) which is a proof for why we have the four madhabs today:
Narrated by Amr: I heard Abu Ash-sha'tha' Jabir saying, "I heard Ibn Abbas saying, 'I offered with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) eight rakat [Zuhr and Asr prayers] together and seven rakat [Maghrib and Isha prayers] together.' " I said, "O Abu Ash-shatha! I think he must have prayed the Zuhr late and the Asr early; the Isha early and the Maghrib late." Abu Ash-sha'tha' said, "I also think so."
Sahihul Bukhari (The Sultaniyyah Edition) Book 2, page 58


Hadith on tawassul:
'Whenever drought threatened them, Umar bin Al-Khattab prayed to Allah for rain by Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib. He would say, "O Allah! We used to ask you by our Prophet and You would bless us with rain, and now we are asking You by our Prophet's uncle so bless us with rain." And so it would rain.'
- Sahih Bukhari


Invoking your Lord is the foundation stone and the aid in traversing the path toward God. Therefore, hold firm to it as you have been ordered, and God will make you strong.
Shaykh Mawlay al-Arabi ad-Darqawi ر


"Al-Bukhārī had a quick memory and a strong mind. He would quickly bring to mind what he had memorised. His memory reached a level that amazed his teachers and contemporaries. No one came after him with the same level of understanding and memory. It was narrated from him that he said, “I have memorised one hundred thousand authentic ḥadīths, and two hundred thousand not rigorously-authenticated ḥadīths.” Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. Rizq Allah al-Kalawdhānī (d. 249 A.H.) said, “I hav...e not seen the likes of Muḥammad b. Ismāʿīl. He would take a book of knowledge and examine it thoroughly. He would memorise most of the aṭrāf (beginning parts) of the ḥadīth in one sitting.” Al-Bukhārī mentioned about himself that he was able to dictate from his memory ten thousand ḥadīths regarding prayer. If this was the amount he had memorised on one topic – prayer – then what was the amount he had memorised in the other topics, such as worship, transactions, virtues, etiquettes, tribulations, monotheism, Qur’anic explanation, and military expeditions?"
Excerpt from Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi's Madkhal [Introduction] to Bukhari Sharif
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Spiritual Dhikr Gathering - BANGOR, NORTH WALES
You are invited to a gathering of remembrance and poetry on Saturday 10th August 12pm. Food/refreshments will be served. All are welcome!
Please send us a message for more details


Imam al-Ghazali ر mentions in his Ihya that Hazrat Junayd al-Bagdadi ر has said, "Four traits lift a person to the highest ranks, even if their works and knowledge are little:
1. Forbearance 2. Humility 3. Generosity... 4. Good character
and this is the perfection of faith."
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Since the beginning of Islam - from Medina to Cordoba and beyond - hadith recitals have provided believers with a living connection with the Prophet ﷺ. Now, that tradition of oral narration via authentic chains of transmission is being revived here, on the shores of Great Britain, where we will be blessed with a rare opportunity to join the hadith revival and partake in the reading of Imam al-Bukhari’s Jami’ al-Sahih (commonly known as Sahih al-Bukhari) with one of the world’...s leading and acclaimed hadith experts.
Scholars, students, and seekers now have the unique opportunity to gain the highest form of transmission through oral narration, where the Shaykh meticulously reads the most authentic hadith collection himself - focusing on the typographical accuracy of the blessed words of the Prophet ﷺ and the names of its narrators.
Students of knowledge can connect themselves to the foremost hadith masters of Syria and the Muslim world; and seekers of knowledge (and their children) can bask in the blessings that descend by attaching themselves to the Prophet ﷺ through an unbroken chain of scholars.
Participants will be awarded with specific authorisation (ijaza) to narrate Sahih al-Bukhari and general authorisation in Hadith.
Please note: 10 days of the retreat will be conducted in Arabic only, with the final day (khatam) in English.
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Dhikr and Iftar Gathering - BANGOR, NORTH WALES
You are invited to a gathering of remembrance and poetry on Friday 21st May 9pm. Food to break fast will be served. All are welcome!
Please send us a message for more details


Imam Ibn Ata's supplicating Allah:
“How can I present to You my condition when it is not hidden form You? How can I express the words in my heart when it is from You that they emerge, and to You their affair returns? How can my hopes be unfulfilled when they have arrived to You? How can my states not be improved when they have subsisted through You and to You their affair returns?
My God, how kind You are to me despite my ignorance; and how merciful You are to me despite my abominable deeds. How close You are to me, yet how remote I am from You; and how compassionate You are to me. So what is it that veils me from You?”


Worshippers reciting the Holy Quran after prayers in the famous Qarawiyyin mosque in Fes, Morocco in the blessed month of Ramadan…/vb.336932049 6…/2817685795122372/…

More about Islam And Sufism In Wales

Islam And Sufism In Wales is located at LL57 2 Bangor, Gwynedd