James Bayliss Property And Auto Care Services

About James Bayliss Property And Auto Care Services

Cwmni sy’n cynnig gwasanaethau glanhau drwy ardal Abertawe, Llanelli a Rhydaman.
We offer various cleaning services in Llanelli, Swansea and Ammanford.



Diolch i Cwtch Design Limited am y dillad gwaith newydd. Braf bydd edrych ychydig yn fwy proffesiynol nawr. 🙂
Thank you to Cwtch Design Limited for the new branded workwear. It will be nice to look a little more professional from now on. 🙂


Diolch i chi am y gefnogaeth yn ystod 2019. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi i gyd ar gyfer 2020.
Thank you for all of your support during 2019. A Happy New Year to everybody and best wishes for 2020.


Diolch i bawb am y gefnogaeth yn ystod 2019. Nadolig Llawen i chi i gyd. Mwynhewch am ymlaciwch dros yr ŵyl.
Thank you to everybody for the support during 2019. A Merry Christmas to you all. Relax and enjoy over the festive season.


Dyma drawstoriad eang o’r gwaith rydym wedi cyflawni dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Cofiwch gysylltu os gallwn fod o gymorth gydag unrhyw agwedd.
Here is a small cross section of the work we have completed over the previous weeks. Remember to get in touch if we can be of assistance with anything.


Mae ein gwefan newydd nawr yn fyw. Cymerwch olwg ar yr amryw o wasanaethau rydym yn darparu, drwy ddilyn y linc isod.
Our new website is now live. Please follow the following link to view the variety of services we offer.
... www.jamesbayliss.cymru
See More


Diolch o galon i raglen Prynhawn Da am gynnwys Gwasanaethau Cartref a Cherbyd James Bayliss yn eu cyfres o raglennu ‘ O Fan I Fan’. Dyma’r eitem i chi gael mwynhau.
Thank you very much to ‘Prynhawn Da’ for including James Bayliss Property and Auto Care Services in their series ‘O Fan I Fan’. Here is the video for you to enjoy.


Diolch i chi i gyd am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Dyma ambell lun o’r gwaith rydym wedi cwblhau dros yr wythnosau diwethaf.
Thank you to everybody for their continued support. Here are a few pictures of work we have completed over the past few weeks.


Dyma gasgliad o’r gwaith rydym wedi cyflawni dros yr wythnosau diwethaf.
Here is a small snapshot of the work completed during the previous weeks.


Dyma ambell lun bach o’r trawstoriad o waith dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Diolch i bawb am eu cefnogaeth barhaus. Cofiwch ein bod ni’n darparu trawstoriad o wasanaethau gan gynnwys, glanhau ffenestri, cafnau a byrddau uPVC, garddio, ynghyd a glanhau cerbydau.
Here are a few pictures of the cross section of work completed during the last few weeks. Thank you to everybody for their support. Please remember we offer a range of services including window cleaning, gutter and uPVC cleaning, pressure washing, gardening as well as vehicle valeting.


Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus i chi i gyd. 🙂


Diolch i bob un am y gefnogaeth ers cychwyn y flwyddyn. Serch i’r dudalen hon fod yn gymharol dawel, mae’r gwaith wedi bod yn brysur iawn, ac mae’r dyddiadur yn llenwi’n gyflym! Cofiwch gysylltu os gallwn fod o gymorth wrth lanhau ffenestri, glanhau byrddau uPVC, cynnal a chadw gerddi, clirio cafnau, ynghyd a glanhau carpedu ac ati.
Thank you to everybody for the support since the beginning of the year. Despite this page being relatively quiet, work has been extremely busy, and the diary is filling up quickly. Please contact us if we can be of assistance with window cleaning, pressure washing, uPVC cleaning, garden or grounds maintenance as well as carpet cleaning and vehicle upholstery cleaning.


Dyna ddechrau prysur iawn i 2019 wrth lanhau cerbydau mawr a bach, glanhau cafnau, ffenestri a byrddau a chafnau uPVC. Diolch i chi gyd. Cofiwch gysylltu os rydym ni’n gallu bod o wasanaeth.
A very busy start to 2019, with both large and small vehicle cleaning, gutter clearing, window cleaning and uPVC fascia cleaning! Thank you for your support. Remember to contact us if we can be of service.


Mae’r taflenni newydd wedi cyrraedd ac yn barod i’w dosbarthu. 🙂
The new leaflets have arrived and are ready to be distributed. 🙂


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd, dymuniadau gorau ar gyfer 2019. / Happy New Year to you all, best wishes for 2019.

More about James Bayliss Property And Auto Care Services
