Jones Crisps

About Jones Crisps

Proper hand cooked Welsh crisps - Creision Cymreig wedi'u coginio a llaw
01758 701380 orders@madryn. co. uk

Jones Crisps Description

Yr unig gwmni creision o Gymru - The only Welsh based crips company

Rydym yn enwog am ein cestyll, corau, golygfeydd godidog ac. . . wrth gwrs. . . mwy na'n siâr o law o fôr yr Iwerydd.
Er bod gofyn i ni gadw ymbarél wrth law, o leiaf bod modd i ni dyfu tatws heb eu hail.
Caiff ein tatws eu ffrio â llaw cyn ychwanegu cynhwysion llawn blas.

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In Wales we are famous for our castles, choirs, beautiful natural landscapes and. . . yes. . . more than our fair share of fresh Atlantic rain!
Okay so we might have to don our raincoats quite often, but it also means that we can grow world class potatoes.
We take our tip top 'tatws', lovingly hand fry them and add fantastic ingredients.

More about Jones Crisps

Jones Crisps is located at 3 Ty Connaught, LL32 8UB Conwy
01758 701380