Kamala Yoga Cymru

About Kamala Yoga Cymru

Yoga taught with love and laughter! Dynamic Core Strength Vinyasa / Calming Yin / Nurturing Pregnancy and Well Woman Yoga.
Classes, workshops and retreats. Private sessions also available.





Happy Weekend beautiful people.....hope you take some time to nourish yourself this weekend πŸ’• xx


Only 4 weeks to go until the Be Nourished retreat πŸ’œ xx


As well as the Thurs evening class I now offer a lunchtime class on a Thursday (and a Monday) in the main hall at IBERS in Gogerddan :-) Take some time out of your day to breathe deeply, connect to your body, come back to centre and release tension on all levels! Or join us this evening at 6pm in the Cambria for Flow & Deep Stretch :-) Beginners welcome xx


All of the comments in the image are things people have said to me after "I would love to come to yoga but...." so I just wanted to write a post to bust some yoga myths! Often we will talk ourselves out of doing new things, our ego's sneaky way of trying to get us to play small instead of blooming and blossoming like the shining star we each are! πŸ’« If you have recently started yoga / enjoy yoga I would love you to share your experience to inspire others to do the same! πŸ’– If...
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Ease your way into the week with some Monday yoga! Two new classes - gentle yoga at 12pm in IBERS, and Yoga for Stress & Anxiety (students only) at the Union 7.30pm :-) xx


Coming up in November....Come and be nourished body, mind and soul πŸ’œ xx


Thursday Yoga! Join us for delicious movement to light you up from the inside out 🌈🌞πŸ”₯πŸ’«πŸ’› #findanewperspective #coreconnected #empoweredyoga


Top tip from Natures Divine Oils for after a Yoga Shred or dynamic yoga class 😊 xx


World Mental Health Day - reminding us that it's OK to not be OK and to ask for help and support if we need it.... that at some point in our lives, a large number of us will be affected by some kind of mental health issue and there is no shame in that or in asking for help...that we must take time to make sure our loved ones feel heard and know they can share how they really feel and come to us in times of need......"Here''s to all of our unique, wild, brilliant, complex minds" πŸ’œ xx


Benefits of yoga - there are too many to list, but some include: Relieving stress & boosting positivity πŸ‘ Releasing tension from the body 😊 More restful sleep 😴 You come into communication with yourself - encourages self enquiryπŸ’•... Improves circulation / digestion / immunity ❀🍏 Encourages a better posture 😻 Increased flexibility πŸ™… Brings you into your body and grounds you 🌎 Builds strength & mind body connection πŸ’ͺ Brings you into the present momentπŸ‘€ Releases energy blockages πŸ˜ƒ Helps let go of patterns or behaviors that no longer serve us πŸ™Œ Generally makes you feel TOTALLY FLIPPING BRILLIANT!! 🌈🌻🌞 Get some yoga into your day today - whether it's 5 minutes or two hours, your body mind and soul will thank you! Happy Yogaing peeps xx
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Our next afternoon Women''s Wellness retreat coming up on the 20th Oct with a focus on easing and dealing holistically with stress and anxiety 🌹🌈 Sally and I have decided we want to keep the groups smaller for these events as we have found women feel freer to express themselves confidently in groups with lower numbers and to help make sure we can give each person individual focus. This means there will only be 10 places on each afternoon retreat. Five are currently booked for this one, so get in touch sooner rather than later if you want a place to avoid disappointment 😊£20 deposit secures your place. Any questions just ask - looking forward to sharing wellness advice, naturopathy, yoga, delicious food / treats, massage and deep relaxation with you πŸ’• xx


It's been so awesome watching everyone coming to this Yoga Shred class finding their stride and getting stronger over the past weeks - you are TOTALLY rocking it ladies! We are a range of ages, body types and experience as far as yoga goes and you all put 100% heart and soul in each week....love leading this class of inspiring women - bring it on Monday mornings!! xx


Only 6 weeks to go :-) Can't wait to share this with you - a weekend of bliss out relaxation and nourishment on all levels <3 Just over half of the places are now booked, fifty squid deposit secures your place :-) xx


Gentle yoga for women πŸ’– Drop in class at the Cambria tomorrow, beginners welcome xx


A beautiful yoga nidra (guided, deep relaxation) for your Saturday.....take 20 minutes to rest and replenish <3 You won't regret it! xx


Meditation works!! And you don't need to sit for hours a day to gain benefit - a short time spent in meditation every day (5 or 10 minutes) can bring so many benefits. This can be as simple as just sitting or lying somewhere quiet and tuning into your breath as it comes in and flows out of your body - every time your mind distracts you (and this is a natural part of the process - it does not mean you're "failing" in any way) just gently bring your focus back to your breath. Simples :-) So wonderful that school's are realising the benefits yoga and meditation can have for children -they are the future, let's equip them well for their journey xx


Rest is REVOLUTIONARY!! Love this interview with Uma Dinsmore Tuli, discussing why in today's society deep rest and self care is actually an act of rebellion and freedom <3 All summed up beautifully in a very quick watch - get out of the Matrix - all while doing "nothing"!! ;-) Xx


Last chance to enjoy one of Liz''s blissful soundbaths xx


Wonderful classes and wonderful teacher. Lindsay is a kind and gentle soul. Couldn’t recommend her classes enough! Brill!!


Lindsay is a lovely warming person who truly embodies her passion for yoga. She is so calming and delivers her class with a gentle and nurturing attitude and encourages her students to fully recharge and reconnect to their body.

More about Kamala Yoga Cymru
