Karen Morgan Uw

About Karen Morgan Uw

Mentor, trainer and public speaker. I support people realise their dreams, goals and possibilities. . . . just by using the nooks and crannies of their day to recommend everyday services that everyone uses. It's risk free & recession proof.



Just love this text..... I haven’t subscribed to anything asking UW to inform me of data allowances .... just another example of the company’s transparency and genuine desire to help its customers.... 😊
Hello. Just to let you know, you've used 80% of your monthly 4GB data allowance. If you have any questions please call us on 150. Thank you, Utility Warehouse.


Love it when team members enjoy the fruits of their labour!




Great photo of Karen Gaskell at the recent Express Day!


Great to spend time with new partners John Brady and Josie Thomas, fresh out of training, yesterday in Bournemouth. #excited #Watchthisspace!! Wonderful to see you too Yvonne!! X


Love this guy...... his course is generic and the 'Inner Game' mindset is relevant in all areas of our lives - regardless of where we work!


Are you happy?


A very lovely birthday present from HQ!!


Great to walk and talk with Fresh Air Friday’s, Ruth Steggles, this week in Roath. Time for reflection, gratitude and planning!!


A genuine string of brilliant 'life changing' testimonials tonight in Cardiff. Inspirational.


A lovely afternoon in Langland Bay! Feels as though I'm back on holiday!


Congratulations Ian & Jen! Picking up their brand new company BMW X5 from HQ! 👍


I'm reading Sheryl Sandberg's (Facebook COO) book 'Lean In'. What a read! A recommended read for all (business) leaders - men and women. Lots of personal 'ah ha' moments.


After the exciting announcements at our annual conference last weekend, there were over 50 people and LOTS of new people looking at the business opportunity for the first time, in Cheltenham tonight!


What an truly amazing day at MAD yesterday. Full of exceptional speakers, laughter, great stories and useful tips.... and lots and lots of very happy, smiley people - full of hope. Fuels the soul! So proud of everyone in the team who was acknowledged on stage for their various notable successes..... still waiting for some photos..... but here's a start! Well done guys! (I know you've inspired others to be there next year!)


Big Al ..... network marketing guru! Event not to be missed! https://www.facebook.com/agaszczuka/posts /10212601747331520


A wonderful morning flying over Cardiff yesterday, with Pete at the controls....


On the first day of Autumn, and as we change up a gear after the summer, this quote seems quite appropriate....and what better vehicle to use for personal growth and development than a part time venture with UW! ''Life has taught me that change is constant; it is also our best teacher. As the earth changes its seasons, the sky its stars, and the sun and moon move through the horizon, so our life also evolves endlessly. The world waits for no one – those who do not learn and e...volve can stumble and often fall. Nations, like people, need change to grow and develop. Some governments live in the past, many struggle with the present – a few are building the future. Life has taught me that a successful government spends less time playing politics, devising complex strategies and spreading positive stories, and far more investing in the human being'''. HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
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More about Karen Morgan Uw
