Kenfig Nature Reserve

Monday: 09:00 - 16:45
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:45
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:45
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:45
Friday: 09:00 - 16:45
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:45
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:45

About Kenfig Nature Reserve

Background information about the reserve.



The Kenfig cattle came to watch us mow a small slack today.


We found these nasty shards of glass on a sandy path near the car park today. Despite the fantastic weather we are enjoying this summer please keep your shoes on.


What a fantastic effort by volunteers this week who gave up their precious time to remove plastic from the beach near the rivermouth.


Large skipper, one of several summer butterfly species on the wing at Kenfig at the moment.


Blue tits appear to be thriving in the warm and calm conditions this spring. These 11 chicks in a box near the reserve centre look nearly ready to fledge.


After a two month absence, cattle will be back on the reserve this weekend. Please give them plenty of space if walking your dog in the northern dunes.


Some pictures from recent days. Great tit nest inside north hide, pink variant of green-winged orchid, Kenfig Pool at dawn, dune pansy, common milkwort, rue-leaved saxifrage and small blue butterfly.


It's truly beautiful out on the dunes at the moment. Spring is so special here. There are lots of plants in flower now including early purple orchids and green-winged orchids. Photos by Tom Wright.


We're pleased and surprised to see that at least two otters have been visiting Kenfig Pool this winter and spring. The camera trap also recorded a fox out in the reedbed at night.


Video showing some of the results of the three year Natura 2000 project which was completed recently.


Kenfig Pool looking especially peaceful early this morning. (Photo by Becky Carrington)


Icy Kenfig Pool this afternoon with wind-blown ice sheets piled up on the west shore.


Our Red Ruby Devon cattle enjoying the late winter sunshine this afternoon in the northern dunes.


The west side of the pool is fairly flooded after a wet January and looking very beautiful.when the sun shines.


Three species of owl have been seen at Kenfig in two days! Barn owl near the birchwood north of Kenfig Pool, little owl at Sker House and two short-eared owls near the golf course. Sadly no photographs were taken.


Careful if you go walking at Sker Point. Overnight erosion has left the track unsafe to walk on.


Work restoring bare sand habitat in humid dune slacks during an eight-day contact just before Christmas. Good skills shown by Gwyn on the excavator removing minimal turf to expose the sand beneath. All manner of interesting plants will gradually recolonised the damp sand.


We arrived and parked the car � this is free by the way, it was busy but had several spaces left, we got the dogs out of the car and proceeded towards the water via the path and the first thing the wife and I notised was the amount of dog � feces on the paths edge there was so much of it and in my mind it was so unnecessary as there are bins provided by the trust, it's just lazy people not picking up after there own dogs !, anyway on with the walk it's stunning the water is crystal clear there wildlife bursting from all areas of the pond and high up in the trees � and talking of trees there are apple � � everywhere and apples on many of them and very delicious they were too � A pleasurable walk around the waters edge the dogs loved the water and wooded area we had a good dry day and spent about two hours walking � you could spend much longer as there are marked walks in several directions, I would recommend you take time out and check this beautiful adventure out four yourselves.


We are regular users of the reserve and the beach, it was absolutely beautiful there this thursday, 1st December, gorgeous blue sky but, frost on the ground and ice on the lake and pools. There is a survey being done amongst dog owners re the problem of some dog owners failing to clean up after the animal, especially around the main car park and the grass areas near the centre buildings. Please people, if you come to our beautiful nature reserve, bring doggie bags and clean up after your dog.


This was our first visit and we weren't disappointed. Plenty of parking spaces even though it was busy.The trails are well signposted we opted to take the yellow route through and over the dunes to the beach. Still plenty of open spaces to throw the ball for our Staffie and an even vaster space on the sand which was almost deserted apart from a few other dog walkers. Walked back to the car via a slightly different route...along the bridle path which was a bit sludgy but all part of the fun. I must agree with some previous comments...around and about the car park and visitors centre was a lot of dog faeces which is so disappointing when everything else is so well kept. There's plenty of bins so no excuses and those that don't clear up after their dogs should be ashamed.

We took our own refreshments but there was an ice cream van on site. Could do with a little shop there though. ..I'm sure it would make a killing.


Not been here for ages , but thoroughly enjoyed my dog walk with friends and our three dogs yesterday. The dogs had a good run and dip in the pool despite the cold weather! Would love to see the little snack bar open for hot drinks. .....the one at Parc Slip Nature Reserve is great, with places to tie dogs up outside whilst you get served, and plenty of seats outside. ��


Just such a beautiful place, so many direct paths to walk and dog friendly - Free car parking makes for a lovely family day out for all. There are many benches along route to beach so the less ambled can rest. Sker beach is absolutely amazing and well worth the walk.


It's a fantastic place which I've been walking for over 40 years. Im gutted because some stupid persons idea to let animals graze on the dunes. Myself and the children were chased and stampeded by the horses when we were walking around the pool. We had to grab 3 children and 4 dogs and run in pool before being trampled. Absolutely ridiculous and dangerous.

So the following day we decide to go down to sker so we don't get attacked by horses. We go around the corner of sker house to be greeted by 100 black massive looking cows/bulls. The cows/bulls decided they didn't like the dogs and again they charged. Try lifting 3 children and 4 dogs over a 4 foot wall while trying to look back at about 30 of them coming straight at us. 2nd close call avoided just because I was switched on and was ready for them to kick off.

It gets better. 3rd day. I know, we won't go over sker way. we will get trampled by cows/bulls. We won't go around the pool coz we will get trampled by the horses. I got an idea. We'll go kenfig castle side. Never any farm yard animals over there right. Wrong. Dogs are running free on the sand dunes loving life. I can hear the dogs Barking like mental over the other side of a sand dune. I get to the top to be greeted by at 300 sheep roaming free. No fences and 4 dogs happy as Larry chasing all of them. Then we gotta try and get these dogs under control with sheep running all over the children in panic coz of the dogs being off the leads on kenfig trusts land. Not farmers land. Public land. 1 twisted ankle and 1 black eye for the children.

Im not a ranter by nature. But this is getting ridiculous and more important dangerous. On all 3 occasions if we had pensioners or people with disabilities with us then who knows what would have happened. I hope it doesn't take a serious injury or God forbid something worse to happen before some idiots decide, oh yes it is a bit dangerous. We'll put a stop to that. Always gotta be a disaster involved before anybody does anything. Kenfig sand dunes is the best place any day and also any conditions. Its a fantastic place. A place you gotta visit. But if I was u I wouldn't take anybody there who can't run 100ms faster than Usain Bolt. Beat Ali in a fight or side step like Phil bennett back in the 70s. Its a joke. A dangerous joke at that. BE WARNED.


I love taking my dog here. She loves it because of the variety of environments. Dunes, grass water and loads of different smells. She meets lots of friendly dogs and enjoys a quick dip in the pool. The beach is worth the walk and always empty. We love this place all seasons.


I arrived at Kenfig nature reserve at around 11am yesterday morning and spent a wonderful 2 hours walking with my two dogs. We took the bridle path down to the beach which was empty,we then walked along the beach for a while , the dogs love it, splashing in the pools and running on the sand. We then got back onto a different path to make our way back and I found that I had walked all the way around the pool, stopping now and then to check out the many different types of birds along the way.Had a thoroughly lovely couple of hours and will be back again very soon�


Great place to take the family. We have a teenager, 9 year old and 5 year old and they never get bored. Always a different trail to take, plus there's a beach and a lake. Plenty of green grass for picnics and sports. Yesterday we all went for a paddle in the lake with other families and plenty of different breeds of dogs, very harmonious. A lovely free day out with plenty of parking. Would highly recommend.


Beautiful place to walk your dog.

Interesting trails around the sand dunes leading to the beach.

Easy and quick access to the reservoir.

Keep in mind that horse riders use one of the trails to reach the sea front.

Quite a few spots for a picnic on a sunny day.


Wonderful place to visit. Beautiful area, lovely coastal views (as long as your back is to Port Talbot). Great walk from the car park, across the soft sandy dunes to the sea listening to the birdsong. We enjoyed a walk along the velvety clean beach with the tide shoving curious jellyfish along the shore. Lots of joyous dogs bounding in the sand and wading in the lake. Plenty of wildlife to see.

Unfortunately, also lots of litter, overflowing bins and dog mess, and really sad to see what was an excellent, friendly educational centre, café and shop all boarded up, despite the full car.

We collected as much litter as we could, beer cans and bottles and crisp packets mainly, and binned them. If your hungry in your way home, the chips in Pyle are scrummy!


We loved it here. Amazing spaces but there should be some type of all day and evening toilet facilities. Just what you don't need at the end of a long walk are no loos.

Also I'm a dog owner and happily scoop his poop. But omg, how much dog doos around the centre!


Brilliant first time here, went down to the pool and then decided to follow the yellow trail, Lovely stunning views and a gorgeous walk over the dunes and down to Sker Beach, walked along there for a while and picked the yellow route back up to return to the Reserve... Lovely walk and one I'd love to take the kids on but the only issue I have is the amount of DOG CRAP we encountered every step of the way... this is disgusting and let's down an absolutely beautiful location... why can't dog owners (not all of them, just a few lazy ones who can't be arsed) pick up their dog poo and put them in the dog bins??!!


Went there on a bank holiday Monday, toilets were open, very clean, plenty of parking available and the information sign was useful. We saw orchids and various other plants and heard many different birds. The afternoon was spoilt though by dog fouling, every few steps we came across another heap. Spent more time assessing the paths for the dangers ahead than we did looking up and enjoying nature around. Perhaps some dog wardens are needed on an ad-hoc basis to remind owners of their responsibilities 😔


It’s okay. But unfortunately like everyone else has mentioned there’s too many idiots leaving their dog poo lying around. They bag it but yet find it difficult to carry back and just throw it with in the surrounding area. 👎🏻

However on a lighter note walking through the dunes were a fun experience on the way back.


Great place really enjoyed it. This review would be 5* but there was a major issue with dog poo on the paths! I know it's the dog owner responsibly to pick up their dogs mess maybe some signs or penalties for irresponsible dog owners!


Went for a walk there today, lovely place but spoilt by dog poo, it's everywhere. I had our dog with us but being a responsible dog owner I clean up his poo. Dog owners are letting there dogs off the lead, walking either behind or in the front of the dog & either can't see their dog poo or can't be bothered to clean it up, disgusting. Never mind cleaning the beach, they want to clean up the poo.


We were looking forward to a lovely walk today at the reserve. It was our first and unfortunately last time. I have never been to a place to walk and has had to watch every where I go to not stand in dog poo ! My husband was physically sick because of seeing so much. We couldn't get away from there quick enough. They say we are dog lover's then why can't people clean up after them. Disgusting to say the least !


Completely spoilt by dog mess. I can't take the kids there anymore which is such a shame because the scenery is stunning! Everywhere you look is dog poo. Last time I was there I was even bitten by an off lead dog! Why can't dog owners keep their dogs under control?


We arrived and parked the car � this is free by the way, it was busy but had several spaces left, we got the dogs out of the car and proceeded towards the water via the path and the first thing the wife and I notised was the amount of dog � feces on the paths edge there was so much of it and in my mind it was so unnecessary as there are bins provided by the trust, it's just lazy people not picking up after there own dogs !, anyway on with the walk it's stunning the water is crystal clear there wildlife bursting from all areas of the pond and high up in the trees � and talking of trees there are apple � � everywhere and apples on many of them and very delicious they were too � A pleasurable walk around the waters edge the dogs loved the water and wooded area we had a good dry day and spent about two hours walking � you could spend much longer as there are marked walks in several directions, I would recommend you take time out and check this beautiful adventure out four yourselves.


We are regular users of the reserve and the beach, it was absolutely beautiful there this thursday, 1st December, gorgeous blue sky but, frost on the ground and ice on the lake and pools. There is a survey being done amongst dog owners re the problem of some dog owners failing to clean up after the animal, especially around the main car park and the grass areas near the centre buildings. Please people, if you come to our beautiful nature reserve, bring doggie bags and clean up after your dog.


This was our first visit and we weren't disappointed. Plenty of parking spaces even though it was busy.The trails are well signposted we opted to take the yellow route through and over the dunes to the beach. Still plenty of open spaces to throw the ball for our Staffie and an even vaster space on the sand which was almost deserted apart from a few other dog walkers. Walked back to the car via a slightly different route...along the bridle path which was a bit sludgy but all part of the fun. I must agree with some previous comments...around and about the car park and visitors centre was a lot of dog faeces which is so disappointing when everything else is so well kept. There's plenty of bins so no excuses and those that don't clear up after their dogs should be ashamed.

We took our own refreshments but there was an ice cream van on site. Could do with a little shop there though. ..I'm sure it would make a killing.


Not been here for ages , but thoroughly enjoyed my dog walk with friends and our three dogs yesterday. The dogs had a good run and dip in the pool despite the cold weather! Would love to see the little snack bar open for hot drinks. .....the one at Parc Slip Nature Reserve is great, with places to tie dogs up outside whilst you get served, and plenty of seats outside. ��


Just such a beautiful place, so many direct paths to walk and dog friendly - Free car parking makes for a lovely family day out for all. There are many benches along route to beach so the less ambled can rest. Sker beach is absolutely amazing and well worth the walk.


It's a fantastic place which I've been walking for over 40 years. Im gutted because some stupid persons idea to let animals graze on the dunes. Myself and the children were chased and stampeded by the horses when we were walking around the pool. We had to grab 3 children and 4 dogs and run in pool before being trampled. Absolutely ridiculous and dangerous.

So the following day we decide to go down to sker so we don't get attacked by horses. We go around the corner of sker house to be greeted by 100 black massive looking cows/bulls. The cows/bulls decided they didn't like the dogs and again they charged. Try lifting 3 children and 4 dogs over a 4 foot wall while trying to look back at about 30 of them coming straight at us. 2nd close call avoided just because I was switched on and was ready for them to kick off.

It gets better. 3rd day. I know, we won't go over sker way. we will get trampled by cows/bulls. We won't go around the pool coz we will get trampled by the horses. I got an idea. We'll go kenfig castle side. Never any farm yard animals over there right. Wrong. Dogs are running free on the sand dunes loving life. I can hear the dogs Barking like mental over the other side of a sand dune. I get to the top to be greeted by at 300 sheep roaming free. No fences and 4 dogs happy as Larry chasing all of them. Then we gotta try and get these dogs under control with sheep running all over the children in panic coz of the dogs being off the leads on kenfig trusts land. Not farmers land. Public land. 1 twisted ankle and 1 black eye for the children.

Im not a ranter by nature. But this is getting ridiculous and more important dangerous. On all 3 occasions if we had pensioners or people with disabilities with us then who knows what would have happened. I hope it doesn't take a serious injury or God forbid something worse to happen before some idiots decide, oh yes it is a bit dangerous. We'll put a stop to that. Always gotta be a disaster involved before anybody does anything. Kenfig sand dunes is the best place any day and also any conditions. Its a fantastic place. A place you gotta visit. But if I was u I wouldn't take anybody there who can't run 100ms faster than Usain Bolt. Beat Ali in a fight or side step like Phil bennett back in the 70s. Its a joke. A dangerous joke at that. BE WARNED.


I love taking my dog here. She loves it because of the variety of environments. Dunes, grass water and loads of different smells. She meets lots of friendly dogs and enjoys a quick dip in the pool. The beach is worth the walk and always empty. We love this place all seasons.


I arrived at Kenfig nature reserve at around 11am yesterday morning and spent a wonderful 2 hours walking with my two dogs. We took the bridle path down to the beach which was empty,we then walked along the beach for a while , the dogs love it, splashing in the pools and running on the sand. We then got back onto a different path to make our way back and I found that I had walked all the way around the pool, stopping now and then to check out the many different types of birds along the way.Had a thoroughly lovely couple of hours and will be back again very soon�


Great place to take the family. We have a teenager, 9 year old and 5 year old and they never get bored. Always a different trail to take, plus there's a beach and a lake. Plenty of green grass for picnics and sports. Yesterday we all went for a paddle in the lake with other families and plenty of different breeds of dogs, very harmonious. A lovely free day out with plenty of parking. Would highly recommend.


Beautiful place to walk your dog.

Interesting trails around the sand dunes leading to the beach.

Easy and quick access to the reservoir.

Keep in mind that horse riders use one of the trails to reach the sea front.

Quite a few spots for a picnic on a sunny day.


Wonderful place to visit. Beautiful area, lovely coastal views (as long as your back is to Port Talbot). Great walk from the car park, across the soft sandy dunes to the sea listening to the birdsong. We enjoyed a walk along the velvety clean beach with the tide shoving curious jellyfish along the shore. Lots of joyous dogs bounding in the sand and wading in the lake. Plenty of wildlife to see.

Unfortunately, also lots of litter, overflowing bins and dog mess, and really sad to see what was an excellent, friendly educational centre, café and shop all boarded up, despite the full car.

We collected as much litter as we could, beer cans and bottles and crisp packets mainly, and binned them. If your hungry in your way home, the chips in Pyle are scrummy!


We loved it here. Amazing spaces but there should be some type of all day and evening toilet facilities. Just what you don't need at the end of a long walk are no loos.

Also I'm a dog owner and happily scoop his poop. But omg, how much dog doos around the centre!


Brilliant first time here, went down to the pool and then decided to follow the yellow trail, Lovely stunning views and a gorgeous walk over the dunes and down to Sker Beach, walked along there for a while and picked the yellow route back up to return to the Reserve... Lovely walk and one I'd love to take the kids on but the only issue I have is the amount of DOG CRAP we encountered every step of the way... this is disgusting and let's down an absolutely beautiful location... why can't dog owners (not all of them, just a few lazy ones who can't be arsed) pick up their dog poo and put them in the dog bins??!!


Went there on a bank holiday Monday, toilets were open, very clean, plenty of parking available and the information sign was useful. We saw orchids and various other plants and heard many different birds. The afternoon was spoilt though by dog fouling, every few steps we came across another heap. Spent more time assessing the paths for the dangers ahead than we did looking up and enjoying nature around. Perhaps some dog wardens are needed on an ad-hoc basis to remind owners of their responsibilities 😔


It’s okay. But unfortunately like everyone else has mentioned there’s too many idiots leaving their dog poo lying around. They bag it but yet find it difficult to carry back and just throw it with in the surrounding area. 👎🏻

However on a lighter note walking through the dunes were a fun experience on the way back.


Great place really enjoyed it. This review would be 5* but there was a major issue with dog poo on the paths! I know it's the dog owner responsibly to pick up their dogs mess maybe some signs or penalties for irresponsible dog owners!


Went for a walk there today, lovely place but spoilt by dog poo, it's everywhere. I had our dog with us but being a responsible dog owner I clean up his poo. Dog owners are letting there dogs off the lead, walking either behind or in the front of the dog & either can't see their dog poo or can't be bothered to clean it up, disgusting. Never mind cleaning the beach, they want to clean up the poo.


We were looking forward to a lovely walk today at the reserve. It was our first and unfortunately last time. I have never been to a place to walk and has had to watch every where I go to not stand in dog poo ! My husband was physically sick because of seeing so much. We couldn't get away from there quick enough. They say we are dog lover's then why can't people clean up after them. Disgusting to say the least !


Completely spoilt by dog mess. I can't take the kids there anymore which is such a shame because the scenery is stunning! Everywhere you look is dog poo. Last time I was there I was even bitten by an off lead dog! Why can't dog owners keep their dogs under control?

More about Kenfig Nature Reserve

Kenfig Nature Reserve is located at Ton Kenfig, CF33 4PT Bridgend
Monday: 09:00 - 16:45
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:45
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:45
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:45
Friday: 09:00 - 16:45
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:45
Sunday: 09:00 - 16:45