Kj Lifestyle & Fitness

About Kj Lifestyle & Fitness

Katie Jayne - Lifestyle, Fitness & Personal Training

Level 3 Qualified Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer
Qualified Kettlebells Instructor
Qualified Circuits Instructor

A Personal Trainer offering help to everyone to reach any fitness /exercise and lifestyle goals they may have, with nutritional advice added in.

- One-to-one personal training sessions
- Buddy or group (up to 4 people) personal training sessions
- 8 or 12 week transformation challenges
- Tailored workout plans with weekly check ins, online coaching available
- Nutritional Advice pack

- Circuits
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
- Bikini Body
- Over 50's
Please message to book on due to limited spaces available.

Ways of contact for more information and prices:
- Message on Facebook
- Instagram: @katiejayne__
- Email: katiejayne. pt@gmail.com

Kj Lifestyle & Fitness Description

Katie Jayne - Lifestyle, Fitness & Personal Training

Level 3 Qualified Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer
Qualified Kettlebells Instructor
Qualified Circuits Instructor

A Personal Trainer offering help to everyone to reach any fitness /exercise and lifestyle goals they may have, with nutritional advice added in.

- One-to-one personal training sessions
- Buddy or group (up to 4 people) personal training sessions
- 8 or 12 week transformation challenges
- Tailored workout plans with weekly check ins, online coaching available
- Nutritional Advice pack

- Circuits
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
- Bikini Body
- Over 50's
Please message to book on due to limited spaces available.

Ways of contact for more information and prices:
- Message on Facebook
- Instagram: @katiejayne__
- Email: katiejayne. pt@gmail.com



вңЁрҹ‘ҷ6 Week Bikini Body Challengeрҹ‘ҷвңЁ вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” Introducing my newest Online Training Programme!! вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” Complete with a lean down nutrition plan and a 6 week training plan this will help give you a kick start to the new year and also get you ready for any Holidays/Weddings/Events you have coming up! It will give you a good base to start from to build upon and with hard work and determination you will see the results!!... вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” You will have weekly check-ins with me online to keep track of your progress and also to have any support from me along the way 24hrs a day! вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” Drop me a message for more information, price or to get started!! рҹ‘ҷрҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ‘рҹ”Ҙ вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”
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12 weeks ago Tash started PT sessions twice a week to get ready for her 30th birthday holiday to Bali!
She worked so hard in the sessions and really pushed herself every time (even between all the giggles!!) and look how amazing she looks living it up in Bali!!
CouldnвҖҷt be more proud of her, and whatвҖҷs even more is that she started as a client and has become such a good friend!
... Enjoy every second of your hols рҹҳҳ xxx
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вҖў Front Squats рҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ вҖў
Not only are Front Squats great for enhancing your Quads, but they also play a role in developing Core Strength, improving Flexibility and can help to reinforce your Lower Back - by building up all of these components you are also helping to improve your posture!
The technique takes a little getting used to, but practice makes perfect and youвҖҷll see great advantages to adding them into Leg Day вҳәпёҸрҹҷҢрҹҸј
... For more info on PT, Classes & many Mini Healthy Eating Cookbook get in touch рҹ’•
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рҹҘ‘рҹҚҺрҹҚҢрҹҘҰрҹҢҪрҹҘ© Vs. рҹҚ«рҹҚ”рҹҚҹрҹҚ•рҹҚ°рҹҚӘ
ItвҖҷs true when they say itвҖҷs 80% Diet, 20% Exercise - You cannot out-train a bad diet!
Healthy eating doesnвҖҷt have to be boring or the typical вҖңChicken, Rice & BroccoliвҖқ to lean down!
... This one is always a winner! Low carb, quick, simple and yummyyyyy рҹҗҹрҹҘ—

For more info on purchasing a Recipe Pack full of yummy healthy meals or PT/Classes/Online Training get in touch вҳәпёҸвңЁ
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Tasha Nicholas working hard in PT last night in this heat with a killer Lower Body session! рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ Working on those Waist to Booty ratios and building up her strength! Always gives 100%!!!
For more info on PT or Classes drop me a message вңЁ


Reality Check! вңҢрҹҸј HereвҖҷs my 30 second transformation simply by pulling up the high waist band on my leggings! Truth is, IвҖҷm proud of how I look on both sides, they are both me and itвҖҷs always good to show the bad angles/the low rise reality! I saw @becklomasвҖҷs post this morning and thought she was spot on by saying that everyone has a muffin top to some degree! рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ I only ever wear high waisted leggings and jeans simply for comfort and so that I donвҖҷt have to keep pulling... them up every 5 minutes. Everyone is different, everyone has flaws, everyone carries body fat differently, but itвҖҷs learning to just accept it and have confidence in yourself! рҹҳҢ Be real, and neveeeer compare yourself to someone else because they could be at a totally different stage to you, instead use others as inspiration to motivate yourself to be your best version of you! рҹ’•
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ItвҖҷs not always about having visible abs, itвҖҷs more about body confidence and loving your body at each stage of the process! Holiday treats and very, very little training have made sure I have no trace right now...but do I care?! Nopeeeee вҳәпёҸ I have 6 days left to enjoy before itвҖҷs time to get to work and see whatвҖҷs underneath the fluff!! рҹҸҶрҹ‘ҷрҹ’ғрҹҸј #ItsMyTimeNow #BeforePic


вҖў Now thatвҖҷs a bowl full of Yummm рҹҘўрҹҚӨрҹҘҰ вҖў вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” Honey & Garlic King Prawns, Homemade Egg Fried Rice (with some mushrooms thrown in for good measure!) and my new favourite thing, Roasted Broccoli! вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” вҖў Recipe вҖў... вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” - For the Prawns: Mix together Honey, chopped or crushed Garlic, Soy Sauce and S&P, throw in the Prawns and make sure they are well coated, leave to marinade for 10 minutes! Heat up a frying pan and fry until the Prawns are piping hot and the glaze is sticky. вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” - For the Egg Fried Rice: Fry off the mushrooms (if using!), lightly beat 2 eggs together and put in with the mushrooms constantly stirring to break them up, add in cooked rice and fry for a few minutes together, add a good splash of Soy Sauce! You can also add anything you like to this! вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” - For the Broccoli: Cut up and place in an oven proof dish, lightly drizzle some Garlic Olive Oil and S&P and roast in the oven until done! вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ” вҖў Quick and easy dinner or lunch that tastes amaaaazing!! вҖў вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”
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рҹҢёвҖў H a p p y вҖў S a t u r d a y вҖўрҹҢё
A healthy and sustainable lifestyle is all about balance! Lovely colourful plate of fresh fruit and other goodies ready to go on top of Pancakes on a snowy Spring Morning! вқ„пёҸрҹҘһрҹҚ“рҹҚӢрҹҚ«


Happy Hump Day рҹҚ‘рҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
I was never blessed with good вҖңbootyвҖқ genetics as you can see on the left! So I decided to build myself one instead and IвҖҷm definitely proud with how itвҖҷs coming along!
I train Glutes and Legs 3-4 times a week with Upper Body and Core once or twice a week! These comparison pics show that no matter what genetics you have if you put the hard work and determination in you can achieve the figure you always want!
... Never give up on something you really want вҳәпёҸрҹҷҢрҹҸј
For more info on Personal Training or Classes get in touch!
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вҖңNever underestimate the investment you make in yourselfвҖқ вқӨпёҸрҹ§Ўрҹ’ӣ
Personal Training spaces available, for more info drop me a message рҹ’Ң


The Booty Core 100 Challenge!! рҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ‘
Definitely one of the toughest classes yet but the girls worked so hard and kept pushing all the way!All completed it in under 30 minutes рҹ’ӘрҹҸјвңЁ


A perfect option for a Low-Carb Dinner вҷҘпёҸ
Homemade NandoвҖҷs Chicken Thighs with Asparagus wrapped in Prosciutto and Cream Cheese!
Super tasty, easy and quick to do! For the full recipe comment below рҹҷҢрҹҸј


Leg Day PT Session this morning for Kirsty рҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ‘
After a few weeks of focusing on HIIT and body weight exercises to improve overall fitness itвҖҷs time to step up a gear and hit the weights for the next stage of training!
This mornings session was all about focusing on getting the technique right for Leg Press, Squats & Deadlifts before we can build up the weight and KirstyвҖҷs strength!
... She puts 100% into every session and I canвҖҷt wait to see the changes over the next few weeks! Proud PT вҳәпёҸ
For more info on PT drop me a message вңЁ
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Bikini Body focusing in this session on Upper Body and Core using resistance training and body weight with an element of Cardio thrown in aswell! рҹ‘ҷрҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
All the girls put 110% in, kicking off the New Year the right way рҹҳҚ
For more info on classes or PT drop me a messageвҳәпёҸ


вңЁвңЁ Book in for Classes! вңЁвңЁ
вңЁWeek Commencing January 8th!вңЁ
Monday 6pm - Over 50вҖҷs - Spaces Available
... Monday 7pm - Bikini Body - 1 Space Available
Tuesday 7pm - Circuits - Spaces Available
Wednesday 6pm - Over 50вҖҷs - Spaces Available
Wednesday 7pm - Booty Core - FULL
Thursday 6:30pm - Bikini Body - Spaces Available
Message to book for this week or next week! вҳәпёҸ
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First session for the new class Booty Core last night рҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҚ‘ All the girls worked so hard! Bring on next week рҹ’ӘрҹҸј


рҹҘ‘рҹҚҺрҹҚҢрҹҘҰрҹҢҪрҹҘ© Vs. рҹҚ«рҹҚ”рҹҚҹрҹҚ•рҹҚ°рҹҚӘ
ItвҖҷs true when they say itвҖҷs 80% Diet, 20% Exercise - You cannot out-train a bad diet!
Healthy eating doesnвҖҷt have to be boring or the typical вҖңChicken, Rice & BroccoliвҖқ to lean down!
... This one is always a winner! Low carb, quick, simple and yummyyyyy рҹҗҹрҹҘ—

For more info on purchasing a Recipe Pack full of yummy healthy meals or PT/Classes/Online Training get in touch вҳәпёҸвңЁ
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More about Kj Lifestyle & Fitness

Kj Lifestyle & Fitness is located at Unit 10, Capel Hendre Industrial Estate, SA18 3SJ Capel Hendre, Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom