Kumon Monmouth Study Centre

About Kumon Monmouth Study Centre

Kumon Monmouth offers individualised maths and English study programmes, designed to help children of all ages and abilities fulfill their potential.

Kumon Monmouth Study Centre Description

The Kumon Monmouth Study Centre has been serving the local community since 1998. I took over the running of the centre from my wife in 2003. I am passionate about the Kumon Method of Learning and have seen first-hand how it can benefit students of all ages. My own three children, who are now all grown up, studied the Maths and English programmes when they were in Primary and Secondary School.

My eldest daughter is dyspraxic and has Asperger’s syndrome. Although a very keen reader, she struggled with her handwriting during Primary School and the English programme gave her the framework and practice she needed to become a very competent writer. Within six months her writing style had improved enormously, with all her letters formed and positioned correctly and easy to read. She was also good at mental arithmetic but was not finding her school mathematics challenging enough. The Maths programme challenged her to become quicker and more accurate within a set time frame and allowed her to progress beyond her school level. She became less frustrated with her school work as a result.

My middle daughter lacked confidence in her own ability and the Maths and English programmes gave her the extra time and practice she needed to feel more positive and confident in school. She took great pride in becoming the class ‘times-table’ champion. Both Kumon programmes enabled her to develop good study skills and she has continued to be disciplined and well organised with her studies, which has really paid off now she is at University.

The Kumon English Programme was introduced to my youngest daughter when she was aged four. By the time she started school in the September, she was able to read words and short stories independently and could also write short sentences with neat handwriting; we were delighted. She started school very confidently and has grown up with a love of reading and writing. As a result, she is soon to start A-level English.

The Kumon programmes require dedication, patience and a willingness to persevere over a long period of time; this applies not just to the student but also to the parents who need to regulate and monitor their child’s daily study routine. There are no quick gains in life but if you're willing to put the time and effort in, the results are worth it, as the programmes really work.

More about Kumon Monmouth Study Centre

Kumon Monmouth Study Centre is located at Monmouth Methodist Church, St James Street., NP25 3DL Monmouth
07443 539117