L&A The Fitness People

Monday: 07:00 - 07:45
Tuesday: 06:00 - 06:45
Wednesday: 07:00 - 07:45
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:45
Friday: 07:00 - 07:45
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About L&A The Fitness People

We offer a range of classes and personal training. If you have a health and fitness goal then we have the package for you.

L&A The Fitness People Description

Luke - Co Owner & Personal Trainer
Arron - Co Owner & Personal Trainer


Pay As You Go

Body Fit (any venue) £4 Per Person


Monthly Membership

**unlimited classes per week and all venues**

£35 Direct Debit

Cash options available - ask in class


Personal Training

Individual Personal Training Session

One To One £40 Per Session

Consultation (Required Before Any One To One Session) £50


It is the responsibility of the client to inform Luke & /or Arron of any reason why you think you may not be able to train. Pregnant, medication, recent illness or injury etc.



Sam and Tom were identical twins. They were so identical that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at least during their initial days on earth.
However, they were very different from each other when it came to everything other than their appearance. Sam had no friends, while Tom was a great friendship maker. Sam loved sweets, but Tom loved spicy food and detested sweets. Sam was mommy’s pet and Tom was daddy’s pet. While Sam was generous and... selfless, Tom was greedy and selfish!
As Sam and Tom grew up, their father wanted to share his fortune equally amongst them. However, Tom did not agree and he argued that whoever proved to be more intelligent and strong would have to get a bigger share of the wealth.
Sam agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition between the two. He asked the two sons to walk as long as they could, and return home before sunset. The wealth would be divided in proportion to the distance covered. As a rule of the competition, they were not permitted to carry a watch to keep track of the time.
The following day, Sam and Tom set out to walk. It was a rather sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom broke into a sprint as he was bent on winning the race and winning a greater portion of his father’s wealth.
Sam knew that it would be ideal to walk as far as possible until noon and start for home at noon as it would take the same amount of time to walk back home. Knowing this, Sam decided to turn back for home at noon so as to reach home on time.
However, Tom, with his greed to earn more wealth, did not attempt to return home even after mid-noon. He walked twice as long as Sam and thought he would still be able to return home before sunset. He hurried back when he saw the sun turn orange. Unfortunately, he could not even make it halfway home as the sun started to set. Slowly darkness engulfed his path and he had to drag his tired feet back home.
He had lost the race because of his greed.
Moral of the Story:
It’s tempting sometimes to pull a fast one to get ahead of everyone else. In the story, Tom thought that by outsmarting his twin brother, he’ll be able to accumulate an extra portion of his inheritance. His greed caused him to overestimate his own abilities and this led him to lose the race… and money in the process. Meanwhile, Sam’s hard work paid off, he was able to win the raise through persistence.
Do you know your own abilities?
Let us help you unlock them in a steady way
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Sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
Lack of sleep kills productivity and makes sticking to your fat loss regimen a lot tougher. Research is continually showing those who sleep less than 6 hours a night gain more weight over time than those who sleep the recommended 7 to 8 hours per night.
For the clients we deal with on a daily basis, these are the top three dietary habits we believe to be the most beneficial and applicable to improving their sleep.
... Consume a Carb Rich Meal Before Bed
One of the major ‘tricks’ we use with our personal training clients is to strategically position a good portion of their daily carbohydrate intake at night. After the initial low carb period we use with the majority of our clients (not all, but if we take our typical 20% body fat, sedentary and stressed client as an example), the two windows we like to add carbs in are post-workout, and before bed.
It’ll help you relax more and induce a quicker onset of sleep.
Magnesium and Calcium
Nearly every client that walks through the door raves about the improvements in sleep they get in the first two weeks of training with us.
One of the first habits we change is to vastly increase the consumption of greens in our clients’ diets. By default, their magnesium and calcium intake skyrockets.
Magnesium and calcium both have a critical role to play in sleep.
The benefits of magnesium are vast. Specifically, to sleep, it can help in muscle relaxation, deactivation of adrenaline and the reduction of cortisol.
Calcium helps the body to use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin, which is a hormone that helps control your sleep and wake cycles.
Avoid Alcohol
Whilst your granddad may have suggested a night-cap to set you off to sleep, you may just be making things worse by doing so.
It is true that alcohol can have a sedative effect, especially red wine, yet this is short-sighted, as sleep will be negatively affected in the later stages where ‘REM’ (rapid eye movement) is greatest. The problem with drinking before bed is that your body can’t enter deep sleep until the alcohol is metabolised.
Many of our clients need to attend social functions during the week where alcohol is involved. Although the ideal scenario would be abstaining completely, sometimes this isn’t possible. Opting for clean spirits and focusing on staying hydrated at the same time is important to minimise the negative effect of sleep.
To conclude, whilst the above five pointers will serve you well in optimising your diet for more restful sleep, there is a caveat.
Do you need help getting into a good sleeping pattern?
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It was a cold and silent night. The weather was freezing cold. A group of monkeys was on a tree. They were clinging to its branches. One of the monkeys said, “I wish we could find some fire. It will help us to keep warm.”
Suddenly they noticed a flock of fireflies. One of the young monkeys thought it was fire. He caught a firefly. He put it under a dry leaf and started blowing at it. Some other monkeys also joined in his efforts.
In the meanwhile, a sparrow came flying to its... nest, which was on the same tree the monkeys were sitting on. She noticed what they were doing. The sparrow laughed. She said, “Hey silly monkeys that is a firefly, not a real fire. I think all of you should take shelter in a cave.”
The monkeys did not listen to the sparrow. They continued to blow at the poor firefly.
After some time, the monkeys became very tired. Now they realized that what the sparrow had said was correct. They set free the firefly and moved to a nearby cave.
Moral of the Story
While persistence is one of the most defining qualities of a good student, there’s always something new to be learned every day! The monkeys in the story sure are persistent but their hard work didn’t pay off because they refused to listen, at least initially. Always listen to your elders, they know better!
Let grab a coffee and set some goals!
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All-or-nothing mentality. This is the war of attrition. You will lose battles as you make progress.
we’ve lost over 30 pounds and kept it off. When I reflect on the time I was pursuing fat loss, there was A LOT of failures. A LOT of binge eating and overconsumption of food.
I wasn’t successful because I was nailing my diet perfectly every day. I was successful because I kept moving forward despite my setbacks.
... Instead of having an “I can’t _____” mindset, I had an, “I can _____ no matter how long it takes to figure it out. Because quitting won’t get me there any sooner” mindset.
If I achieved my goal 18 out of 21 meals, then I focused on the 18 meals that went right instead of pouring all of my mental bandwidth into the 3 meals that went wrong.
Those 18 meals were 18 deposits into my “habit bank.” That’s great progress!
If I was always focusing on what’s going wrong instead of what was going right, I would have felt discouraged and wanted to give up.
Like the infographic says, it all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you...if you allow it.
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The beauty and diet industries require you to feel shitty about yourself in order to survive and thrive. Without your insecurities, they don’t get paid.
People who feel good about themselves don’t buy a lot of products, so it’s up to them to nit-pick the hell out of your “flaws” until you turn to their products for solutions.
... Famous beauty slogans: . ▪️ You are in a beauty contest every day of your life. ▪️ For that Feminine Look, You Always Wanted. ▪️ Because younger looking eyes never go out of fashion.
The message is subtle, but it’s there: You are not enough.
Personally, I think this is bullshit. As someone who enjoys few things more than a bombass makeup job and a bitchin’ set of pumps, what I take issue with isn’t the product itself, but rather the blatant message that we are, in some way, broken, damaged, and in need of repair.
There is nothing inherently flawed about cellulite, wrinkles, or stretch marks.
If anything is flawed, it’s the message being perpetuated by these companies — it’s the attitude that we’re not allowed to follow the natural path of ageing and be okay with it.
Unfortunately, that’s not reality. It’s part of the (woman) human experience. Welcome to the club. There are 3.7 billion of us.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️What is L&A⭐️⭐️⭐️
🔥Our Classes are a type of strength and conditioning workout that uses your own bodyweight for resistance in order to build power all over, weight training for strength and boxing drills for conditioning.
🔥Consistent with the benefits of high-intensity interval training, this means no standard cardio workouts and hours spent at the gym.
... 🔥Body Fit workouts might even be done entirely without any equipment or added weights, although some people will choose to use weights for certain movements.
🔥Our classes will help you improve the following
➡️Stamina ➡️Strength ➡️Flexibility ➡️Power
What are the other benefits of our classes?
1. Better Conditioning and Versatility Body Fit Classes is designed to increase physical performance in a various way, whether it means being able to simply perform everyday tasks better (like mowing the lawn) or preparing your body for tough competitions.
2. The Ability to Beat Through Plateaus Body Fit is widely varied and based on compound, or functional, movements done in a high-intensity way. This type of training is considered most effective at achieving fitness results in the fastest amount of time, while also helping you break through plateaus and boredom.
3. Help Losing fat Fast While many people dread doing steady-state cardio exercises, yet force themselves to do them anyway hoping to lose weight, they’re not aware that high-intensity burst training exercises can actually burn the same amount fat and in less time.
4. Ongoing Motivation and a Solid Support System Something that draws many people to L&A and makes it stand apart is its strong sense of community. Thanks to the ongoing support that stems from the group-based exercise setting, BodyFitters get the added benefit of having fellow members to help motivate, encourage and instruct the class in the session
Want to find out more???
Lets grab a coffee
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Do you like to hit the gym, road, or trail by yourself?
Or do you thrive in a crowded group fitness class with everyone breathing, moving, and toning in sync?
No matter what kind of exercise you gravitate toward, there’s no downside to staying physically active.
... But research suggests that if you’re a loner when it comes to exercise, you might be missing out on some health benefits from group workouts.
Group versus solo workouts
Exercise is already known to have many benefits for mental health Trusted Source, including improving sleep and mood, boosting sex drive, and increasing energy levels and mental alertness.
In a new study, researchers looked at whether group exercise could help medical students, a high-stress group that could probably use regular workouts.
Here is why
1. Motivation
It's inspiring and motivating to be surrounded by dedicated, like-minded individuals. It doesn't get much more empowering than a class with an encouraging instructor and supportive people all working hard together. Group fitness is a great way to help motivate yourself and others to dig deeper and push harder in workouts.
2. Structure
Group fitness is a great way to get a workout in without having to think or plan. Each class is structured with a warm-up, a balanced workout and a cool-down.
3. Proper Form
It's the fitness instructor's job to not only show proper form, but to also make sure that everyone in the class is executing each exercise the right way. Not only is proper form important for your muscles to reap the most out of every exercise, but it also helps eliminate potential injuries
In the meantime check out our FREE 90 day recipe ebook
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Diets will teach you WHAT to do, but they don’t teach you WHY you’re doing it. Learning the why’s behind your actions is what creates sustainable long-term weight loss.
Most people choose to follow meal plans and cookie cutter diets over a more mindful approach because the “rules” and boundaries have already been created for us. This helps us to feel safe and confident in our decisions, but the truth is — diets never go as planned.
If you don’t take the time to understand the... purpose behind what you’re doing, you will be easily discouraged when times get tough.
When losing weight you spend a lot of time in uncharted territory. You have to make tough decisions: should I do cardio? How much? Before or after I workout? How many meals should I eat? What time should I eat them? More fats and fewer carbs or fewer fats and more carbs? and on and on.
Diets won’t teach you how to navigate off the beaten path, and that’s where success is ultimately determined. If you want long-term sustainable weight loss, you must start educating yourself on how this process can be woven into the fabric of your everyday life, not just for the next 12 weeks.
Say goodbye to the diet mentality. Stop searching for the “perfect” diet and start learning how to TRUST yourself to make smart and informed decisions without the dieting schtick. Everything you need to know is being communicated to you by your body if you can quiet down your food rules long enough to listen. . ▪️Am I hungry? ▪️Am I satiated? ▪️Could I workout an hour from now and feel comfortable?
Chances are meal plans and diets haven’t worked for you in the past and it’s highly unlikely anything will change that outcome in the future.
Instead, work daily at creating new healthy habits that will build the foundation for long-term weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
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Sleep is not a luxury, it’s a requirement.
Lack of sleep kills productivity and makes sticking to your fat loss regimen a lot harder. The analysis is continually showing those who sleep less than 6 hours a night gain more weight over time than those who sleep the recommended 7 to 8 hours per night.
...Continue Reading


Here's What's included:
✅11 x classes per week
... ✅1-2-1 Mindset Coaching throughout the program
✅Personalised Nutrition Plan
✅Personalised Training Plan
We will focus on
✅Better Posture
✅Fat loss
You will all receive a daily routine personalised to you with a healthy dose of joint mobility, flexibility and various dynamic warm-ups.
This allows us to address any joint immobility or muscle imbalances you may unknowingly have.
A specialized dynamic warm-up always precedes our vigorous workouts.
Stronger Core, Lean Muscle and Functional Strength
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Claim here:
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Body image is about so much more than your perception of how your body looks.
I’d argue that body image is greatly affected by whether you feel:
Safe in your body.... Comfortable in your body. Strong and capable in your body. Resilient in your body. Whether you feel autonomy and ownership over your body.
Feeling safe in your body can be affected by abuse, trauma, racism, homophobia, transphobia, fat-phobia, street harassment, and more.
Feeling comfortable in your body is about both physical and emotional comfort.
Do you have chronic illness or pain? Do you feel comfortable being in public in your body? Are public facilities, chairs, and bathroom stalls available that accommodate your body? Do you feel at home in your body? Do you feel like you were born in the “right” body?
What stories do you tell yourself about how strong and capable you are or are not? Did you grow up feeling weak? Helpless? Dependent? Incapable?
How resilient do you feel in your body? Have you experienced a serious injury? Chronic pain? Or loss of ability that leads you to believe your body will never be the same?
Do you feel autonomy and ownership over your body? Did you grow up in a home or culture in which what you said, wore, and did with your body was closely policed? Do you feel like your body belongs to you or that it’s in service of others as a partner, mother, or caregiver? Do you feel as though you have agency over your body and life?
The image of my body has suffered over the years due to harassment, trauma, autoimmune illness, chronic pain, and other major life events.
It’s a long road (that I’m still on) to heal my relationship with my body, but it’s so worth it.
Let me know below how one or more of these things has affected your relationship with your body, and tag a friend 👇🏻👇🏻 who needs to read this.
- Coach Luke Mitchell
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When I lose 20 lbs. When I get a different job. When things are less busy. When I go grocery shopping. When I find a workout partner.... When I have the right equipment. When I feel less awkward in the gym. When I get the right workout program. . Tomorrow. Next week. Never. . Human beings are always “waiting for the perfect time”. . For many, it’s a great distraction and justification. It helps us avoid the real—and risky—work of doing. . For others, perfectionism and avoidance serve as strong armour against potential embarrassment, criticism, and failure. . “I could ___ but ___” keeps us safe from pain. . Unfortunately, it’s also what keeps us from growing, thriving, and being who we know we have the potential to be. . If you’re constantly saddled with “waiting for the perfect time”, these tips might help: . ▪️Recognize that there is no perfect time and there never will be. ▪️Carve out time, even if it’s imperfect. Nobody will give that time to you. You’ll need to take it. ▪️Just start. Find the smallest possible thing you can do right now, in the next 5 minutes, and do it. ▪️Do something, anything. Action is a “vote” in favour of a different, healthier, fitter life. ▪️You only have to get through this moment. This moment of starting will be the hardest. Luckily, it doesn't last long. . It’s time to stop wishing, hoping, and dreaming. It’s time to TAKE ACTION.
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All-or-nothing mentality. This is the war of attrition. You will lose battles as you make progress.
we’ve lost over 30 pounds and kept it off. When I reflect on the time I was pursuing fat loss, there was A LOT of failures. A LOT of binge eating and overconsumption of food.
I wasn’t successful because I was nailing my diet perfectly every day. I was successful because I kept moving forward despite my setbacks.
... Instead of having an “I can’t _____” mindset, I had an, “I can _____ no matter how long it takes to figure it out. Because quitting won’t get me there any sooner” mindset.
If I achieved my goal 18 out of 21 meals, then I focused on the 18 meals that went right instead of pouring all of my mental bandwidth into the 3 meals that went wrong.
Those 18 meals were 18 deposits into my “habit bank.” That’s great progress!
If I was always focusing on what’s going wrong instead of what was going right, I would have felt discouraged and wanted to give up.
Like the infographic says, it all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you...if you allow it.
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Diets will teach you WHAT to do, but they don’t teach you WHY you’re doing it. Learning the why’s behind your actions is what creates sustainable long-term weight loss.
Most people choose to follow meal plans and cookie cutter diets over a more mindful approach because the “rules” and boundaries have already been created for us. This helps us to feel safe and confident in our decisions, but the truth is — diets never go as planned.
If you don’t take the time to understand the... purpose behind what you’re doing, you will be easily discouraged when times get tough.
When losing weight you spend a lot of time in uncharted territory. You have to make tough decisions: should I do cardio? How much? Before or after I workout? How many meals should I eat? What time should I eat them? More fats and fewer carbs or fewer fats and more carbs? and on and on.
Diets won’t teach you how to navigate off the beaten path, and that’s where success is ultimately determined. If you want long-term sustainable weight loss, you must start educating yourself on how this process can be woven into the fabric of your everyday life, not just for the next 12 weeks.
Say goodbye to the diet mentality. Stop searching for the “perfect” diet and start learning how to TRUST yourself to make smart and informed decisions without the dieting schtick. Everything you need to know is being communicated to you by your body if you can quiet down your food rules long enough to listen. . ▪️Am I hungry? ▪️Am I satiated? ▪️Could I workout an hour from now and feel comfortable?
Chances are meal plans and diets haven’t worked for you in the past and it’s highly unlikely anything will change that outcome in the future.
Instead, work daily at creating new healthy habits that will build the foundation for long-term weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
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Our relationship with food and appetite mirrors our relationship with yourself.
While I was at war with my appetite, I was, in fact, thwarting all my efforts at improving my digestion, metabolism, and health: I was putting myself in chronic physiologic stress response by engaging in negative self-talk, criticism, and judgment.
When someone very wise asked me how what I was doing was working for me, I had to come to terms with the answer: it wasn’t — not at all!
... So, I chose to follow their suggestion of doing the opposite: rather than force my will onto my body, and trying to control it with my mind, I started to listen to my internal body wisdom. This was by no means easy at first: it felt as though my body and I were speaking two very different languages! I didn’t trust my body, and I didn’t trust myself.
With this realization, I continued searching for outside resources — except this time it was different and I went in with a new mindset: I am not broken and I do not need to be fixed!" --
The idea of using your intuition to guide your eating may seem scary, confusing, or downright ridiculous. If intuitive eating is something you're interested in, claim your free pass below
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🤯Have you ever missed out on accomplishing a goal or task because you were overwhelmed? 😫Maybe you had too much information to sort through or tried to do too much at once?⠀⠀⠀⁣ -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 🔬Research has shown that when people try to change a single behaviour at a time, the likelihood that they’ll retain that habit for a year or more is better than 80 per cent.⠀⠀⠀⁣... -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 😟When they try to tackle t w o behaviours at once, their chances of success are less than 35 per cent.⠀⠀⠀⁣ -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 😔When they try for three behaviours or more, their success rate plummets to less than 5 per cent.⠀⠀⠀⁣ -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 🔑Want to know the secret to long-lasting success? Simplify— tackle O N E basic habit at a time.⠀⠀⠀⁣ -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 💥Practice one habit for a week or two. Then execute it for another week or two. Then it becomes a habit.⠀⠀⠀⁣ -⠀⠀⠀⁣ 🏃🏻🏃🏾‍♀️And then, ONLY THEN, you can move on to a new idea.
Are you struggling to focus?
Get in touch and claim a FREE week pass:
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Some people don’t like deadlifts because they feel like they can’t get into a comfortable position.
For some, it’s the grip that keeps them from enjoying this powerhouse movement.
Some don’t like deadlifts because they’re sure they’re going to hurt themselves, and for others, the idea that deadlifts are simply not for “someone like them” keeps them away.
... Let’s look at some of those common reasons why people don’t like to deadlift!
Myth #1: In order to get any benefit from deadlifting you must pull from the floor.
This concept is entirely based on the idea that it must be done this way simply “because that’s the way it’s done.” You would never tell someone they have to squat from a rack set at exactly 6 feet off the ground. Instead, we squat from a starting position in which the bar is between chest and shoulder height, usually down to somewhere between the top of thighs being parallel with the floor and as far down as a person can physically go in the squat position. How high off the ground is that? It’s different for everyone, just like the bottom of the deadlift should be.
Myth #2: Using straps kills your grip strength.
Grip strength is important, but there are other ways to develop it besides deadlifting. If you do use straps to deadlift, add a farmer’s walk to your workout to work on your grip strength. This is a great exercise for developing grip strength that also provides excellent core and shoulder benefits.
Myth #3: Deadlifts are bad for your back.
Deadlifts strengthen your back muscles, your core muscles, your glutes, and your hip hinge pattern. While deadlifts may not be good if you are currently experiencing back pain issues, stronger back, core, and glute muscles, as well as a solid hinge pattern, all help to keep your back healthy.
Myth #4: Deadlifts are scary and only experienced lifters should do them.
It’s true that massive deadlifts can be intimidating and even scary-looking, but the truth is that deadlifts done by ordinary people look like any other quality movement done by ordinary people. Deadlifting will make you feel awesome and powerful!
Get expert advice from our experienced coaches with a FREE week trail
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More about L&A The Fitness People

Monday: 07:00 - 07:45
Tuesday: 06:00 - 06:45
Wednesday: 07:00 - 07:45
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:45
Friday: 07:00 - 07:45
Saturday: -
Sunday: -