Laura'S Childcare

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Laura'S Childcare

Reg Childminder, first aider, 22 years experience, fun loving home from home environment. Offer very flexible hours & competitive rates. Spaces available!



Lots of fun playing with kinetic sand. Made yummy sand mud pies в¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸ
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Anyone for yummy sand pizza рҹҳӮрҹҳҠв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸ
... рҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•рҹҳӢр ҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•рҹҳӢрҹҚ•
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Adventures looking for mini insects and snails
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Such a busy fun week we have had рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ© Amazing what little ones can achieve given the right resources рҹӨ©рҹӨ©Such a busy fun week we have had рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ© Amazing what little ones can achieve given the right resources рҹӨ©рҹӨ©


Yummy homemade buns
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Sprinkles sprinkles everywhere lol рҹҳӮ
... в¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸ
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Our very own homemade funky slime!! The kids had so much fun making and playing with their handy work.
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What a fun packed week we have had. Some spaces still available рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘¶рҹҸ»рҹ‘ҰрҹҸ»рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘¶рҹҸ»р ҹ‘ҰрҹҸ»рҹ‘§рҹҸјWhat a fun packed week we have had. Some spaces still available рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘¶рҹҸ»рҹ‘ҰрҹҸ»рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘¶рҹҸ»р ҹ‘ҰрҹҸ»рҹ‘§рҹҸј


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Hi all!
I stilI have some availability left if anyone is still looking. Due to the high volume of interest this wont be available for long. Please see info below в¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸв¬ҮпёҸ
I am a NICMA Registered Childminder with over 22 years experience in childcare. I also hold a Diploma in Childcare and qualified in First Aid. ... Unlike Day Nurseries I offer flexible hours ranging between 7am-9pm, this includes Saturdays and over night stays. Pick ups and drop offs are available. I offer a home from home fun learning environment with plenty of activities. These include arts/crafts, trips to the park, and baking, along with a safe and secure outdoor play area.
For more information please contact Laura on 07784447040 many thanks.
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LetвҖҷs go exploring together to see what we can find рҹҗңрҹҗһрҹҰӢрҹҗӣрҹҗҢрҹ•·рҹҗңрҹҗһрҹҰӢрҹҗӣр ҹҗҢрҹ•·
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ItвҖҷs Monday folks, all the children have been filling me in about their weekend рҹ‘ҰрҹҸ»рҹ‘§рҹҸј we are outside having fun and making lots of memories with our friends рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘ҰрҹҸ» before yummy lunch вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпё ҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ


Lots of fun things to do outside in the garden


Welcome to the childrenвҖҷs playroom рҹ‘§рҹҸјрҹ‘ҰрҹҸ» They are able to play, do their homework and relax in here рҹҳҠ


Think itвҖҷs to rain tomorrow, kiddies will just love this рҹҳҚрҹҺЁрҹҳҚрҹҺЁрҹҳҚрҹҺЁрҹҳҚрҹҺЁрҹҳҚрҹҺЁр ҹҳҚрҹҺЁ


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More about Laura'S Childcare

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -