Literature Across Frontiers

About Literature Across Frontiers

European platform for literary exchange, translation and policy debate. Coordinator of Literary Europe Live.



Last year in August19 the Wales-based Cameroonian writer Eric Ngalle Charles participated in The Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival as part of our project Literary Europe Live Plus supported by #CreativeEurope. He read from his work and visited schools. Here’s a stage interview with him. Thank you Inizjamed and #MMLF! Diolch #ArtsCouncilWales


Our tour is over and it will take time to process the intense ten wonderful days in Singapore, Macau and Hong Kong with a varied and busy programme of panel discussions and readings. Starting with Singapore, a huge thank you to Pooja Nansi and Singapore Writers Festival for the inventive programming and for attracting such a great, engaged crowd. Thank you to William Phuan and his colleagues Celine and Carlo at the Singapore Book Council, and to Gopika Jadeja for inviting us to talk to her lovely students at the United World College of South East Asia. And, last but not least, a big thank you to Alvin Pang for showing us Singapore and having an answer to every possible question.


‪Last day to apply for this fantastic residency opportunity for Welsh writers under forty! Deadline 9 November! Apply in Welsh or English. Ulysses’ Shelter - Literature Across Frontiers ses-shelter/‬


Many thanks to Tammy Lai-Ming Ho and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal for hosting a reading writers from Europe and Hong Kong tomorrow night as part of our #EULit South East Asia tour. @CreativeEuropeEU #EuropeforCulture


Many thanks to Tammy Lai-Ming Ho and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal for hosting a reading tomorrow night with our European authors during their tour of South East Asia.


Our tour of South East Asia with this brilliant crew starts next week. Watch this space.


We are delighted to announce that the LAF - University of Wales Trinity Saint David Fellowship in literary translation and creative writing has been awarded to Dr Shalim M Hussein, poet, translator and academic. He will start his fellowship in March 2020 #CWIT


Next week, at the Frankfurt Book Fair, we’ll be talking Brexit with British writers, translation with translators from around Europe, and asking whether it’s time to drop the “small literatures” label. Join us at the Weltempfang Hall 4.1 on Friday 18th October.


We are honoured to be presenting these three talented European authors to Indian audiences on behalf of #EU Delegation to India and of the Cultural Diplomacy Platform. Looking forward to the many encounters with readers scheduled for this week at the Pune International Literary Festival #PILF19 and in Delhi.


Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship in Wales for early career literary translators and writers - application deadline extended to 13th September.


Applications are now open for the 2019-20 Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship in Wales for an early career Indian translator-writer. Deadline 11 September 2019. Can you give us a hand sharing this call?


Open mike on the third night of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival week #MMLF19 #LiteraryEuropeLifePlus


Telling your story - fact or fiction? Cameroonian author Eric Ngalle Charles workshopping with children as part of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival. photos: Katel Delia.


Excellent panel last night at #MMLF19 with Astrid Alben, Rasha Abbas and Yolanda Pantin, moderated by John Portelli. Astrid Alben on interference in creative processes: “Artists are increasingly being turned into educationalists, environmentalists, health carers by arts funders’ policies.”


How do we tell a story? Cameroonian author Eric Ngalle Charles shares the story of his journey from Cameroon to #Wales (via Malta and Russia) in a workshop with children in a Maltese school, as part of our project #LiteraryEuropeLivePlus highlighting the many voices contributing to European literary diversity today.


It started with a conference on the cultural impact of #EUEnlargement organised in cooperation with Inizjamed in 2005 and with a translation workshop and public readings in 2006. Today, #MMLF is an important part of the cultural calendar bringing together writers from Malta and around the world to meet Maltese audiences for a week of events. Congratulations to Inizjamed on the terrific programme of the 14th Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival! #MMLF19


Applications are now open for the 2019-20 Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship in Wales for an early career Indian translator-writer. Deadline 11 September 2019. Can you give us a hand sharing this call?


We're gearing up for the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival (MMLF) organised by our longstanding partner Inizjamed. We will jointly present authors who have made a home in Europe Rasha Abbas and Eric Ngalle Charles as part of our project Literary Europe Live Plus (LEUL+). Eric will give workshops and talk to kids and young people about his long journey from Cameroon to Wales via Malta and Russia. LEUL+ is supported by Creative Europe

More about Literature Across Frontiers

Literature Across Frontiers is located at Mercator International, Old College, 6 King Street, SY23 2AY Aberystwyth