Llandyrnog Astronomical Society

About Llandyrnog Astronomical Society

Llandyrnog Astronomical Society is dedicated to all things astronomical and meets on the last Tuesday of the month in Llandyrnog Village Hall at 7. 30pm

Llandyrnog Astronomical Society Description

A society dedicated to all things astronomical and space science related.



Lovely picture of an interesting grouping of galaxies.


Morning all. An upcoming event in August for information.


Last post from me tonight. The notes of the AGM.


We have held the delayed AGM tonight. The decision has been taken to increase the membership fee from £10 per year to £12. We also decided that part year membership will be charged for new members attending within each year on a pro rata basis. The membership year is from April each year.
The £2 meeting fee remains unchanged.
Chris was re-elected Chair and Nigel treasurer.


The Planets is on BBC2 tonight at 9pm. Hopefully recording to watch later. It'll be on iPlayer as well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06qj2l5


Meeting tonight and it's a lovely evening for a bit of solar observing. Chris has set up his solar scope to see what the sun is doing.


BBC4. Sky At Night peeps!


Meant to put this here!


A great picture by Clive Roberts.


Some advice on seeing the ETA Aquariids.


Another great photo from a local member of North Wales Astronomical Society. Mel Hughes comments: - 'My first attempt at a 6 image panoramic ,milky way arch over Cwm idwel, comments are appreciated'
Hope you all like the picture and hop over and give your appreciation to Mel!
... Note that this is a repost with credit added to the photo.
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I've tried all ways to share this great photo by Philip Milton of North Wales Astronomical Society. I've had to save it and repost here.


Hi folks.
A little reminder that the meeting of the Society takes place as usual in the Village Hall, Llandyrnog. Sadly I won't be there due to work commitments.


Wow! Pink moon tonight!


Interesting news and an incredible piece of science. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-enviro nment-47873592


A rather stunning image of NGC 5078 by Pete Williamson!


Hey everyone. Turn off your outside lights, find a dark site, take your binoculars if you have them (or telescope even) and take a look up at the wonders of the sky. We are heading into spring skies now and here you can find a handy guide about what to look for. https://astronomynow.com/uk-sky-chart/


Some of our members gathered around the new telescope, kindly donated by Carol Richards in memory of her sadly departed husband, Clive.

More about Llandyrnog Astronomical Society

Llandyrnog Astronomical Society is located at Llandyrnog Village Hall, Llandyrnog