Llwyncelyn Infants School

About Llwyncelyn Infants School

This page is for the Parents and Guardians of the children that attend the school, to share exciting events that are coming up and how you can get involved



Calling past pupils, past parents and friends of Llwyncelyn Infant School - open door- Wednesday July 18th - 3:30 pm to 5:30pm. Come and visit us before we close - browse our memory wall and reminisce.....light refreshments provided - welcome to all- croeso i bawb,,pass it on to anyone interested!


Sponsored school walk and teddy’s bear picnic to Barry sidings we plan to leave school at 9:30 play in park/ picnic- games and activities at 1pm Don’t forget your packed lunch and teddy bear!


An evening with Natalie Churchill. Tickets available from Julie Morris or at the school, come along for a great night and support the school


Well done Llwyncelyn Infants for coming second in the Christmas card recycling competition!
https://www.rctcbc.gov.uk/…/RecyclingCo mpetitionWinnerAnnou…


We are still short of the amount of signatures we need to present this petition to the council. We have 2 weeks to get the amount we need, but it would show how strongly parents , carers and the surrounding community feel towards the transport being put in place for the children’s safety. If you want the transport put into place then action needs to be taken! Sign the petition and share the link ASAP! We all need your voices and signatures. It only takes a few seconds. Thank you
https://you.38degrees.org.uk/…/to-provi de-school-transport-…


A petition has been set up for RCTCBC council to arrange transport for the Llwyncelyn children who will be attending the new porth community school in September. We would like to get as much support and signatures as possible. So please complete the following link and share! Thank you
https://you.38degrees.org.uk/…/to-provi de-school-transport-…


Joshua‚Äôs snow angel ‚õĄÔłŹ


Stole this from another schools page...but here is some homework for you all! Dont forget to share you photos on here! Happy snow day ‚õĄÔłŹūüėĀ


It‚Äôs getting real now ūüėĀxxx


There will be a pancake making class tomorrow afternoon, Monday 12th, if you would like your child to participate please can you send a donation of 50p with you child tomorrow morning.
Thank you ūü•ě


https://www.facebook.com/louise.higgins‚Ä ¶/‚Ķ/10155655101029807


School is open today - a risk assessment has been done and the site is ok. Please let us know if too difficult for you to get there- be careful.


Breakfast club cancelled tomorrow..... a decision will be made early whether we can open school or not.... Diolch!


Don’t forget our table top sale on Friday. If you’d like to have a table it’s £10 which can be paid to vicki. If you are on the look out for some bargains ready for xmas doors open at 3.15. Please like and share


Great Halloween disco tonight! The children looked fab in their costumes! Happy Halloween everyone ūüĎĽ ūüéÉ


What a fantastic morning we had. Thank you to all the parents that baked for our bake off and well done to the winners!
Amount raised will be announced shortly!
Thank you for your continued support.


Some dates for the diary!


Have u downloaded the new school App in preparation for the launch on Friday? Type into your App Store 'Llwyncelyn Infant School'
A fantastic new app which gives you quick and easy access to information and news from the school.
... Let us know what you think!
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More about Llwyncelyn Infants School

Llwyncelyn Infants School is located at Heather Way, CF39 9TL Porth