Lower My Charges

About Lower My Charges

Lower My Charges is a new financial services company which is going to be built around the consumer. We are going to show consumers how hidden charges can erode your wealth and provide financial advice when you need it.

Lower My Charges Description

Lower My Charges is launching a business which will provide you with financial advice at a low, affordable cost so you can secure a better financial future.

Lower My Charges have recognised that financial advice isn’t always easy to access, isn’t easy to understand and the costs can be confusing, unclear and difficult to compare. This gives financial advisors and their companies an unfair advantage – we see this not as helpful and ‘advisory’; instead, it’s opaque and people find it hard to understand what’s best for them.

Lower My Charges aims to help you understand what happens to your money when you receive financial advice, or when fees are deducted from the financial products recommended.

Knowing the impact of your decisions now can have a significant impact on the performance of your products in the future, as well as on your financial and personal wellbeing.

More about Lower My Charges

Lower My Charges is located at Britannia House Caerphilly Business Park Caerphilly, CF83 3GG Caerphilly