
Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About M-Sparc

Park Gwyddoniaeth Menai Cyf. - Menai Science Park Ltd.
Parc Gwyddoniaeth sy'n cael ei ddatblygu i G. O. Cymru
A Science Park being developed in NW. Wales

M-Sparc Description

The M-SParc project contributes to a number of strategies on a European, National, Regional and Local basis. These include:
Economic Prioritisation Framework, and the West Wales and the Valleys Operational Programme (Wales European Funding Office)
Economic renewal: a new direction, Science for Wales and Innovation Wales (Welsh Government)
Energy Island Initiative (Anglesey County Council)

To keep businesses in the area, we need to create a place where a one person company can grow to become a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) without having to relocate. M-SParc will provide such a space. This will help such companies stay in the area, providing jobs and stimulating the region’s economy. M-SParc will also enable high level, quality jobs, offering a higher wage than the region’s average. This in turn encourages other ventures in the region to pay a competitive wage, again contributing to the region’s economy.



🏆 Gwobr gan @The_RSAW heno am yr adeilad ac am fod yn Gwsmer y Flwyddyn ac am ddangos balchder yn ein cynllun! #timda
🏆 @The_RSAW award for the building tonight along with the Client of the Year. Well done team
Prifysgol BangorBangor UniversityGleedsFaulknerBrowns ArchitectsWillmott Dixon


‪Oliver Evans ~ Product Design Bangor ‬
‪Myfyriwr 2ail flwyddyn Prifysgol Bangor sydd wedi bod yn gweithio ar prosiect i ddylunio cwpan medrwch ail-ddefnyddio.‬
‪2nd year Bangor University student who’s been working on a project to design a reusable drink cup.‬
... ‪#egni2019‬
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‪Selwyn Owen ~ Beacon Wales
Yn trafod y prosiect i gefnogi’r beio-economi yn Nghymru‬
‪Discussing prosiects to support the bioeconomy in Wales‬


BeioCyfansoddio Prifysgol Bangor yn creu caead cwpan coffi sy’n bioddiraddadwy!
BioComposites Bangor University working on coffee cup lids which are biodegradable!


‪Rob Elias ~ BioComposites
‪Yn trafod bioplastig, be sy’n gweithio a be sy’n sialens.‬
‪Discussing bioplastic, what works and the challenges. ‬


Dyma Rebecca yn trafod ailgylchu ac ail ddefnyddio. Rebecca Coley-Jones discussing reusing and recycling plastic. ♻️🚮 @PolyCE_EU @UniNorthants
... #egni2019
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Y Da, y Drwg, a’r Plastig bore ma! #Egni2019
The Good, the Bad and the Plastic this morning!


Gwych gweld gymaint yma i glwb M-SParc Technocamps Bangor
Great to see such a turn out for Clwb M-SParc Technocamps


Plant mewn egni - Children in Energy


Barod am y nesaf! Clwb M-SParc Technocamps Bangor hefo themau ynni glan heddiw!
Ready for the next! Clwb M-SParc Technocamps today has a clean energy theme!


I gloi, dyma Heledd Cressey Llywodraeth Cymru Gerallt Jones Menter Mon ag Einir Young Prifysgol Bangor ar y panel.
To close, we have the panel with Heledd Cressey Welsh Government Gerallt Jones, Morlais ac Einir Young Bangor University
Diolch i bawb ddaru fynychu, ac i’n holl siarwdwyr gwych iawn!
... Thank you to everyone who atrended, and to all our excellent speakers!
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‪Graham Setter‬
‪Ein siaradwr olaf yn son am ddiogelwch!‬
‪Our last speaker talking about safety!‬
... ‪#egni2019‬
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Michael Oceaneering
Rhywun arall wedi trafeilio’n bell, o’r Alban tro’ma i’n gynhadledd!
Another speaker who’s travelled far, all the way from Scotland today for our conference!


‪Alan Mortimer Wood PLC ‬ ‪Adran Egni Glan - a Wood ydi noddwyr aur #Egni2019 felly diolch yn fawr!‬ ‪Clean Energy department - Wood is the gold sponsor of Egni2019, thank you!‬


‪Croeso i’n tenantiaid diweddaraf Morlais a’u tenantiaid nhw ar gyfer gwely’r môr!‬
‪Welcome to our new tenants, Morlais and their tenants for the tidal array! ‬
‪#ynnimorol #tidalenergy #egni2019 ‬


‪Jamie MacNeil ~ Big Moon‬
‪Yr holl ffordd o Ganada i siarad hefo ni am eu gwaith heddiw.‬
‪All the way from Canada to speak with us today.‬


‪Kate Smith ~ Nova Innovation
‪Mae Kate yn ôl i siarad unwaith eto mewn un o’n digwyddiadau Egni!‬
‪Kate is speaking once again at one of our Energy events!‬
... ‪#egni2019‬
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‪Gaynor Jones ~ Aquatera ‬
‪Un i denantiaid rhithiol M-SParc, gwych eu gweld fel siaradwr.‬
‪One of M-SParc’s virtual tenants, great to have them as a speaker.‬
... ‪#egni2019‬
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More about M-Sparc

M-Sparc is located at Menai Science Park, LL60 6AG Gaerwen
Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -