Mab Cynnydd Gweinidogaethau Rhyngwladol,Y.Cymru N.W Son Rise Ministries

About Mab Cynnydd Gweinidogaethau Rhyngwladol,Y.Cymru N.W Son Rise Ministries

News of the word of God and his people. Welcome to the website of Son Rise Ministries, Inc. We are glad that you have found our website, and trust you will be blessed by the content you find within it. Bible Teachings Ministries

Mab Cynnydd Gweinidogaethau Rhyngwladol,Y.Cymru N.W Son Rise Ministries Description



This ministry is called to establish, preach, teach, and train. It is our calling by grace to reinstate the Lord’s ways and truth that were lost or abandoned when man substituted his ways for God’s. We realize that this is a progressive thing as we grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding of His word. We believe every believer has a ministry according to Eph. 4: 11-12; our purpose is to equip every man to do the work of the ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ. We also believe in this ministry that worshipping the Most High is the alpha and omega of the ministry of our hearts. In truth, nothing is before it, and there is not anything that supersedes it. Emphatically, there is nothing else; it is the sum of what is required. Therefore, we seek to set before the people of God the wisdom of worship in its scope.

Furthermore, God's purpose for us is to bring His people unto maturity, to the progressive formation of Jesus Christ in them. We minister a word that says His children MUST OVERCOME all that opposes the rising of the Son in their hearts. Rev. 3: 21; I John 5: 4. It is clear in the Word of God that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. For sin not to reign unto death, we must come under (to be subject to) reigning grace, that grace may have dominion in our hearts. Rom. 6: 14. Where grace (God’s total provision) is King, it will reign unto life, and Christ will increase. Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness in all its darkness and to submit unto all righteousness and truth. Titus 2: 11-12.

Therefore, SON RISE is the name of this ministry because it expresses the goal and purpose of our labor in the Lord. Paul said the same in Col. 1: 28-29: “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect (mature) in Christ Jesus. Whereunto I also labour, striving according to His working, which worketh in me mightily. ” This covenant that we shall consider has as its goal matured behavior in Christ.

The destiny of Jesus as the Son of God is to arise, meaning to increase, ascend, and move upward and into prominence in the hearts of His obedient ones. He will arise in us as that glorious light of perfection and beauty of character; if we go on to know the Lord. At this present time, “The path of the just shineth more and more unto the perfect day. ” Prov. 4: 18. This day will dawn, and the day star (Jesus) will arise in fullness in the hearts of many. II Pet. 1: 19. The Greek word phosphoros is translated “day star” in our English Bible, meaning light- bearing or light bringer. Thus, Jesus is the light-bearing One that is to arise. This ministry seeks to point the way to His rising that He may come fully in view, noticed and admired in us by all. We declare that this is the hour to partake of the light of His life (John 1: 4) and forsake the sins of the flesh in all its manifestations. If He is to increase or arise in our lives, we must decrease. We are in a day when sinful flesh will come to full maturity if one is not willing to pay the price to have the light of His life. This will seal him in darkness, and the consequence shall be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

In love and yet in boldness, we also declare that man’s religious methods, thinking, and wisdom are not what we adopt. In fact, we wish purging from any residue of them. Our desire is not to think for the Lord but rather to have the mind of the Lord. Apostle Paul says in Eph. 4: 23, “and be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind, ” which means to think as Jesus does. When we fail as a body to think as He thinks, then we should seek to change our minds and walk in the Spirit of wisdom and truth.

Therefore, this ministry seeks not to be bound by the frail traditions and opinions of religious men, not even our own. We desire no doctrine except it is virgin. We do not wish to set limits upon the Holy Spirit, confining His Word, method, and power by our human mold of understanding, doubt, and unbelief. Jesus has the right to do something new without our permission, yet we are exhorted to try the spirits to see if the new thing is out of the Lord as a source. If His anointing is not present when we gather to worship, teach, train, and edify, then we can do nothing. We have not the right to initiate but only to expedite what the Lord commands.

The Father’s desire is to see His Son, who is the essence and center of the church, have His rightful position as Lord and Head in the midst of His people. The church is to be the visible demonstration of Jesus Christ in the earth. Therefore, we desire to actually see Jesus central in all things we say, do, and think. We realize that we are being purified in our hearts for this realization in full. Do we claim to have all the revelation at this moment? No!

We believe in the virgin birth and in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us that His death and resurrection were not for forgiveness of sin only but for deliverance from the root that produces sin. Forgiveness can be instantaneous, but deliverance from the root (the sin nature in all of us) to the formation of Christ (in us) is certainly a progressive thing by grace. We also believe that His second coming is judgment upon the wicked and the completion of redemption for the righteous. II Thess. 1: 7-10; Hebrews 9: 28. We believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. " II Cor. 13: 14.

Son Rise Ministry is a royal one, like all true ministry because it is God's. It has royal gifts to offer, under royal command, purpose and authority. We are only servants to serve what is given from the Lord to His people. All ministry is precious to the Father. This is so because of His divine intention to have sons and to have a ministry in which He can bring them unto maturity. We choose to acknowledge reality. We are small in our own eyes, but God is great.

There is an invitation to come to the bright and morning star (Jesus). Come unto Him and allow Him to increase in you in progression until He is raised in the full beauty of His nature. This will surely begin the end of the dark night in your heart. This is a Son Rise in which there will never be a Son Set, because He is not rising to decrease. This will be a new day that will remain forever. We say to those who are thirsting after Him and are lovers of Him, “Come! ” To the carnal, religious ones whose knowledge bears no likeness of Him, “Come! ” To the oppressed, wounded, and brokenhearted, “Come! ” To those that are bound in sins of every sort, yes, even the out-casts and rejected, “Come! ” Ministers: John and Rene Parault

More about Mab Cynnydd Gweinidogaethau Rhyngwladol,Y.Cymru N.W Son Rise Ministries

Mab Cynnydd Gweinidogaethau Rhyngwladol,Y.Cymru N.W Son Rise Ministries is located at Port Dinorwic