Mct Coaching

About Mct Coaching

Personal Training in a private North Down Studio. Online coaching for dads - teamdilf. co. uk



One of my absolutely epic clients bought me an IPhone 11 Pro for crimbo. 🥰 He had an epic year and it was totally unexpected. Anyways, the camera on this thing is immense and the glimpse of sun made me want to bop out a handstand on the way home from a sports massage. #iphone11pro #handstand #gmbtrainer #gmb #seaside #beach #irishcoast #inverted #functional


Stoked for another one of my online clients. Think he’s down maybe 10kg but the big thing is how he looked in early technique videos to now. Not just the technique but self awareness. Those early workout videos you could tell he felt like a tit whereas now he’s kicking sand in people’s faces on the way to the squat rack. Happy coach. #onlinecoach #PT #nonstopsuccess #morethanjustmuscle #gainsville #mctcoaching


Just spotted Stephen Nolan’s post from yesterday. I think he was on liquid style diet last year of just a few hundred calories and very little food (can’t remember exactly?!)
Anyone could see the potential rebound on the horizon but he was encouraged to keep going. Losing fat the right way, isn’t always sexy. It doesn’t make good tv or magazine articles but it leaves you feeling much better than how he feels now. Must say I feel sorry for him and how he talks about himself i...n this post.
You can’t trick the body with quick fixes and starvation. It will bounce back. Using excessive cardio to create a deficit can leave you hating the gym and looking worse than if you properly strength trained and took your time to get lean.
Aggressive dieting may have a place but not here and not with Stephen. 😕
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- Pre workout - Chalk - Popcorn - Pick N mix - Frozen 2 gains


So I’ve been enlisting the help of @muscleupmum in creating some content for my online coaching programme. Can’t help but get distracted by her gains. 😍😍 Next wave starting Jan 20th. DM for deets. #onlinecoaching #health #fitness #muscle #dadbod #lean #strength #gains #goals #motivation


I haven’t watched ‘The Game Changers’ on Netflix yet, as I generally hate anything nutrition related that appears in the media, but apparently it’s worth a watch. The general jist is that we head towards a plant based diet and while that is ethically correct it’s always worth looking at both sides before forming opinions. This article does a great job. s-scientific-revi…/


Coach / top doodler neilmct. Available for portraits, nudes, chapel ceilings etc 😅🤷🏼‍♂️🤣 #mctcoaching #doodle #ipad #coaching #investment


Only a default bronze for me at the Irish Open this weekend. First debut at purple belt where I lost on points. Congrats to big Sheldon for double gold and Dave who medalled in a completely different comp and sport. 😎💪🏻


Shout out to client and ultimate DILF, Dave. During our last session, this 39 year old married dad of two, said he wanted to enter a fitness competition. Fast forward a few months and with a body from Baywatch, face from Crime watch, he only went and won it. 💪🏻🥇🏆
If you need help with your face: Surgery If you need help with your hair: Gel If you need a perma tan like this: Ronseal
... If you’re a man, dad or wanna be DILF with fitness problems that need a solution... check out my online coaching programme: (Link in bio)
😎💪🏻🕺🏻⭐️ #dadbod #health #fitness #gains #physique #goals #fatloss #fitatforty #mctcoaching
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GUTTED to be losing my wee gem of a client as she returns home to the mainland next month. As a coach you play a part in someone’s journey, trying to help as much as you can, so it’s never easy if that time comes to an end and they choose family over gains, moving house hundreds of miles away. 🤣😭💪🏻 #mctcoaching #gains #fitness #fitmum


So many females... - starve themselves - train like it’s their last workout - focus on sweating / beasting - avoid strength work... - hate their workouts and think punishment is the goal
The reality for any training is that... - you chase progression - enjoy the journey - find out what your body is capable of - push yourself but know when to hold back
Great work Ashley Cromie 😎💪🏻💥
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I don’t know if I’m impressed....or nervous?


Class of 5 girls = class of 5 girls doing chin ups. Proud coach! 😎💪🏻👊🏻⭐️🥰 #strength #strongmums #fitgirls #fitmum #girlsgotstrong #mctcoaching


I love these Facebook memories popping up.
As a kid, the gym was all about bending bars and setting PRs. As an adult, lifting weights and performing calisthenics was more about having fun and feeling great, with aesthetics being the awesome side effect. Now I use training to complement my BJJ and keep me moving well but as a dad I want my kids to see all of the above.
Training will help you feel better, look better and perform better.
... Forget about diet and exercise.
Think training and nutrition.
Find the stuff you enjoy and do more of that.
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Other girls disappeared when I hit record 🤣🏃‍♀️but impressive stuff tonight on simple dead’s and presses. Sarah trying a 20kg for singles after the 5 rep stuff was feeling so slick. Happy coach! #mctcoaching #strength #stronggirls #functional


If asked to describe my perfect client?
Age - Doesn’t matter. Kev here is 61 and started training in his 50s.
Level - Doesn’t matter. Every advanced client was once a beginner.
... Attitude - Everything. You can be a mature beginner or a talented youngster but how consistent you are and how much you want to progress, is what really matters.
#mctcoaching #trainer #onlinetrainer #fitness #health
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Are you a man / dad / wanna be DILF?
Need help with gym technique / nutrition and accountability?
Fed up with the low quality Personal Entertainers in your gym?
... 23 years of training + 30,000+ coaching hours are being crammed into a sexy package launching this month. Drop a comment if you want in. 👇🏻 #coach #personaltrainer #dilf #dadbod #gains #fatloss #health
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A client I’m helping online who can’t seem to work out why he’s getting ripped while eating food. 😱😉.
1- You want to get lean on as many calories as possible. If you start at 1000, you’re screwed, as you really have nowhere to go that won’t lead to a starve / binge cycle.
2- Train like a maniac and fuel it. Eating and training beats diet and exercise.
... 3- A lack of abs is not caused by genetics, gut health, your star sign, Boris Johnston etc. Stop arsing about. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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More about Mct Coaching

Mct Coaching is located at Bangor, BT19 Bangor, County Down