Medical Keyring

About Medical Keyring

Your car or house keys could help to save your life with Medical Keyring! Your important medical and emergency contact details in one safe place.

Medical Keyring Description

Whether you or a loved one suffer from a medical condition, we have products to help you. Even if your medical condition is not life threatening, we are still able to offer you increased peace of mind, by providing you with one of our many QR Medical ID Products. QR, or Quick Response, is a way of displaying information on electronic devices, including scanners, computers and mobile phones, by way of scanning a QR code. A QR code is a unique pattern of squares that is registered to a set of data.



Another exciting partnership is taking place for us. We are joining forces with Mark Bates Ltd and offering customers 10% discount :-)


Don't forget that we are now DLF APPROVED VENDORS and you can find our products on the DLF (Disabled Living Foundation) website here:…/qr-m edical-keyring-01203… :-)


Exciting news as Medical Keyring partners with the Independent Living Group offering all members 10% off our prices :-)


Now available from Barry security centre and locksmith - thank you for your support :-)


QR Medical ID Products has been accepted as an official supplier of Emergency Medical Identification by the Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) and will be listed as a an Approved Supplier at Our range of products will be listed at their flagship website Very proud to say the least :-)


My best seller is currently on offer to Facebook buyers at £4.95. Message me to take advantage of this offer.


I am pleased to announce a new commercial contract with Vale Care Services :-)
VCS Ltd is a Cardiff based healthcare recruitment agency, dedicated to delivering the best healthcare solutions that answer your needs and exceed all expectations. They specialise in providing healthcare workers to both private and corporate clients.
High five!


Order your QR Medical Keyring here.


Booked in for meetings with some charities and societies over the next couple of weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to to post a good update soon about more commercial relationships for QR Medical ID Products :-)
In the meantime, please visit the following page and consider buying a QR Medical Keyring. 15% of the sale will be donated to The Brain Tumour Charity.…/QR-Medical-Keyr ing-Li…/172864105246…


I always love receiving emails, letters and reviews from happy customers. But, this has to be my favourite, and most encouraging, so far. A review from a serving Paramedic, stating the importance and value of QR Medical ID Products and how my products can make his and other Paramedics jobs easier, by allowing quick and easy access to potentially critical medical information.


Excited to update loyal followers about some imminent news regarding QR Medical ID Products and a commercial contract, but I can't say anything yet...


Less than £6 to save yours and your loved ones lives. Can you spare 1 minute to learn how?

More about Medical Keyring

Medical Keyring is located at Barry, Vale of Glamorgan