
About Meee

The Meee Programme helps people of all ages believe in who they are.

Meee Description

The Meee Programme empowers people of all ages to understand and believe in who they are, drawing on professional expertise from neuroscience, business, branding, education and learning. It helps answer many of the ‘Why?’ questions about our lives, in a highly engaging, practical and creative way, with long-term benefits.

Meee comprises three separate focus strands: Education, Employment and Enterprise, with the overarching aim to help people understand who they are and what they want to be.

Meee develops the complex skills required to deal with both school life and capitalise on the social and economic opportunities beyond. It delivers useable tips about learning from neuroeducational research, and not only teaches coping techniques for stress, but reduces anxiety in the first place. Meee helps the unemployed, including the 922, 000 young people NEET. They, and their families, are more likely to suffer from mental and physical illness, and require costly social support. 63% of employees worldwide are dis-engaged, costing economies billions of dollars p. a. Meee educates people towards a more fulfilling and successful career-path, by helping identify key ‘soft skills’ and providing inspiration and mentoring.

The Meee Programme operates via a series of workshops delivered individually or as a series. It provides flexible and relevant content, targeted to the client group.

It is highly effective: our ability to deliver to a large audience in a relatively short time means price-per-head is low. Meee is supported by a smart tech digital technology platform that grows with the individual.