Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve

About Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve

Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve

Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve Description

(Please scroll down for English)

Mae Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Merthyr Mawr oddeutu 340 ha o faint. Twyni tywod yw’r cynefin yn bennaf, ac mae’n lloches bwysig i nifer o blanhigion a phryfed sydd dan fygythiad.
Mae’r twyni’n cynnwys llecyn o dwyni tywod tir isel a llwyfandir uchel o dwyni tywod sy’n gorwedd ar ben sgarp o galchfaen. O fewn glaswelltir y twyni gellir gweld môr o flodau drwy’r rhan fwyaf o’r flwyddyn.
Er mwyn helpu i reoli llecynnau agored o laswelltir y twyni, a rheoli lledaeniad y prysgwydd a’r coetir, mae’r arfer o ddefnyddio gwartheg i bori’r tir wedi’i chyflwyno ar y warchodfa. Ceir dau lecyn mawr sydd wedi’u ffensio, ac o fewn y rhain bydd gwartheg yn pori ar adegau arbennig o’r flwyddyn.
Dan y sgarp calchfaen mae ffynnon garsitig (calchog) o’r enw ‘Burrow's Well’ i’w chael mewn pant sydd wedyn yn bwydo nant fechan. Mae’r nodwedd hon yn unigryw ym Mhrydain. Yn y gaeaf, gall y dŵr sy’n llifo o’r ffynnon arwain at orlifo’r pantiau twyni cyfagos, gan gynnig cynefin ychwanegol i adar sy’n gaeafu yno.
Ym Merthyr Mawr hefyd ceir un o’r poblogaethau mwyaf toreithiog o greaduriaid di-asgwrn-cefn ym Mhrydain. Mae’r cynhesrwydd sy’n deillio o’r oriau heulwen cymharol niferus, y blodau gwyllt di-rif sy’n cynhyrchu digonedd o neithdar, a’r priddoedd tywodlyd sy’n hawdd ei dyllu i adeiladu gwalau, yn gynefin delfrydol i amryw byd o bryfed.
Hefyd, ceir cysylltiad cryf rhwng y warchodfa a hanes pobl. Yn wir, mae rhan fawr o’r warchodfa yn Heneb Gofrestredig. Mae’r darganfyddiadau – sy’n cynnwys fflintiau Mesolithig, bwyeill cerrig, biceri, crochenwaith Neolithig, aelwydydd o’r Oes Haearn, siambrau claddu o’r Oes Efydd a darnau arian Rhufeinig – i’w cael ar wasgar ar draws y safle, yn hytrach nag mewn un neu fwy o safleoedd ar wahân.

Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve is approximately 340 ha of mainly sand dune habitat which provides an important refuge for many threatened dune plant and insect species.

The dunes are composed of an area of lowland sand dunes and a high plateau of sand dunes that lie on top of an escarpment of limestone. Within these dune grasslands a colourful profusion of flowers can be found throughout most of the year.

To help manage the open areas of dune grasslands, and control the spread of scrub and woodland, cattle grazing has been introduced to the reserve. There are two large fenced enclosures in which cattle graze at certain times of the year.

Below the limestone escarpment a karstic (lime rich) spring known as Burrows Well emerges in a hollow which then feeds a small stream. This feature is unique in Britain. In winter, the outflow of water from the spring can flood the adjacent dune hollows and provide an additional habitat for overwintering birds.

Merthyr Mawr also has one of the richest invertebrate populations in Britain. The warmth from the relative high number of sunshine hours, the abundance of nectar providing wild flowers, and the sandy soils in which it is easy to excavate burrows provide an ideal habitat for a wide array of insect species.

There is also a large amount of human history associated with the reserve, a large part of which is also a Scheduled Ancient Monument. Finds, which have included Mesolithic flints, stone axes, beakers, Neolithic pottery, Iron Age hearths, Bronze Age burial chambers and Roman coins, are scattered over a broad area, rather than concentrated in one or more discrete sites.



Contractors will be starting work today to control the spread of Himalayan balsam. This plant is a non-native invasive species that can spread rapidly, especially along watercourses.
The areas being worked are adjacent to the stream near Candleston car park and in woodland near Candleston Farm. Some of these areas are close to paths and riding routes.
The work will involve hand pulling the plants or cutting them using strimmers. The areas being worked will be marked off using red and white tape


A huge thank you to eveyone that took part in the recent litter picks on the beach and saltmarsh. We almost ran out of litter!


With the warmer weather arriving now is a good time to spot adders basking in the sun on the sand dunes at Merthyr Mawr.
The adder (Vipera berus) is the UK's only venomous snake and is found in a range of areas including grasslands, heaths, mountain sides and sand dunes. The adder grows to about 66cm in length (just over 2 feet) and feeds mainly on small mammals, amphibians and small birds.
The adder can be recognised by the typical zigzag patterning on the back. The male is ...greyish and smaller than the female, which is browner in colour.
If you see an adder do not – - Pick it up - Annoy or disturb it - Try and kill it as this is illegal (Adders are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act)
Just remember snakes are more frightened of us than we are of them, but if cornered they will try and defend themselves. Keep your distance while watching them and then move quietly away.
See More


Spring has arrived this week at Merthyr Mawr.


Please be aware that work to remove sea buckthorn will be starting this week near Candleston, adjacent to the yellow riding route at the location shown in red on the map. Please follow any instructions on safety notices and do not enter taped off areas.


Thank you to everyone that took part in the recent litter picks at Merthyr Mawr. As always your help with this task is very much appreciated.


The footpbridge leading onto the reserve from Candleston car park has now been replaced. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused during this work.


Applications for 2019 horse riding permits for Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve are now being taken.
Application forms can be obtained from Merthyr Mawr Estate Office. Tel.(01656) 662413.


The Christmas Pudding Run will be taking place on Merthyr Mawr Warren NNR on 9/12/2018. Please be aware that the reserve will be busy with runners and spectators on this day, particularly around the Candleston area.


Bydd y Ras Pwdin Nadolig yn cael ei chynnal yng Ngwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Merthyr Mawr ar 9/12/2018. Byddwch yn ymwybodol y bydd y warchodfa’n brysur gyda rhedwyr a gwylwyr ar y diwrnod hwn, yn enwedig yn ardal Tregantllo.

More about Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve

Merthyr Mawr Warren National Nature Reserve is located at Merthyr Mawr, CF32 0LS Bridgend