Mindful Walks

About Mindful Walks

Regular Natural Mindfulness Walks and Forest Bathing near Cardiff, Wales. Exploring your inner nature, in nature.

Mindful Walks Description

An opportunity to practice Mindfulness while exploring both the natural environment around Cardiff and also the senses themselves.



#solitude If you get a chance to take the dog for a walk today before lunch, to escape from presents and carols and cooking and consumerism, take the chance.
#walking #walkitover #walkwithme #christmaswalk #dogwalk #walk #mindfulwalking


#mspe Mindfulness isn't just for health you know, in 2019 I'm hoping to start offering Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE) in Cardiff. Evidence for its effectiveness is increasing as in this study of 21 professional baseball players in Taiwan published today.
www.dovepress.com/mindfulness-training-en hances-flow-state-…
... #mindfulsport #mindfulsportperformanceenhancement #flow #flowstate #athletes #dovepress #taiwan #baseball #psychologyresearchandbehaviormanagement #sportspsychology #research #chenetal2018
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#flyagaric I've heard it said that the traditional red and white of Father Christmas has its roots in its use by Lapp shamans to 'fly' through the air delivering gifts of wisdom. Even its veil is reminiscent of a white beard...
#Christmas #redandwhite #shamanism #fatherchristmas #mushrooms #amanitamuscaria


#solviturambulando When it feels like there's no way out and we're trapped in some way, remember the Latin phrase Solvitur Ambulando - "it is solved by walking". A strange one, we assume problems are best solved by thinking, planning, working... Yet sometimes all that's needed is to walk with it and walk it over.
#walkitover #solutions #solutionfocused #solutionfocusedbrieftherapy #sfbt #walking #solvitur #solved #problems #mindfulwalking #maze #stuck #latin


"Mindful walking is a devotional practice in many religions. It is prayer in motion..."
#mindfulwalking #mindfulwalks #prayerwalk #advent


"This time is not for exercise, but it is taking time in nature using your five senses. I find I can get in the zone while walking, with the intention of appreciating the sounds, smells and sights of the woodlands."
#forestbathing #shinrinyoku #tallahassee


I was recently asked by Andrew from @betweenthetreesfestival if I was running any walks over the festive period... Regretfully I'm not. In hindsight I probably should have made the most of having family visiting to get out of the house and offering some seasonal mindful walking but I've been so focused on the two little ones that I've not been thinking far ahead.
I'm hoping to do many things in 2019 - working for the NHS, shared parental leave, continuing my Masters, offering some courses, more walks. It's alot to fit in.
#mindfulwalks #mindfulwalking #forestbathing #shinrinyoku #walks #guidedwalks #Christmas #holidays #snowman #hindsight #newdad


"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face" - Victor Hugo
You might not feel like the day is any longer yet so I hope you can find some laughter in this otherwise stressful midwinter season.
... #laughter #sun #winter #solar #wintersolstice #midwinter #holidays #21stdecember #victorhugo
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"Spirituality and nature go together, as does the resulting sense of inspiration and renewal. In the Catholic tradition, trees signify the cyclical nature of creation — new life, but also death, as the cross on which Jesus was crucified came from a tree."
#forestbathing #shinrinyoku #catholic


#solstice Tomorrow is 21st December - the winter solstice, a solar event that affects us all regardless of religion or spiritual beliefs. By the 4th day afterwards the sun will be up perceptually earlier and may be considered to be reborn.
#wintersolstice #21st #holidays #winter #midwinter #festival #shortestday #longestnight #sun #solar #Christmas #darkness #light #religion #spiritual #rebirth #birth


#trees #forest #woodlands #woodwideweb #mycelium #treescanspeak #listening


#beyond Beyond each mountain the next horizon And each of us Looking to the promise... Of undiscovered lands Eyes open Heart's wide Spirits yearning - Tommy Carr
#poem #poetry #instapoetry #horizon #undiscovered #looking #yearning #mountains #walking #mindfulwalks
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Lit within Lit without Without a person Or journey to start Destinations... Lie left and right Yet The light pulls The eyes like two Moths To its hidden Depths Illuminated
#poetry #poem #instapoetry #railways #shelter #light #journey #lit #station
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"You can even build the Japanese art of Shinrin-yoku – ‘forest bathing’ into your walks: walking mindfully in woodland environments can be good for your body and soul."
#forestbathing #shinrinyoku #mindfulwalking #pain #walking


Know thyself: here are 24 cognitive biases that are warping your perception of reality...
#bias #cognitivebias #perception #reality #opinions #cognitive #thinking #thoughtsarenotfacts


"Maddy later tried mindful walking, a mindfulness method in which participants focus on the environment and bodily sensations as they walk. ‘I was suddenly overcome with the urge to run,’ she recalls. ‘I ran for miles to silence the nervous thoughts swimming around my head. My anxiety was heightened for weeks.’"
I'm sharing this for balance but there are major issues with this article in terms of overstating, understating, not backing up claims etc. Mindfulness meditation isn't for everyone. It's also important to have a trained, experienced guide.
#mindfulwalking #mindfulness


#5mph Maybe we need more 5mph speed zones, to take the time to drive slowly, to notice the light and the shade, the fallen leaves and the bare branches...
#slowdown #slow #slowdriving #speedlimit #mindfuldriving #driving #five #road


#sunrise Sunrise cross the fields Like heavy bulb of blown glass Falling through darkness
... #haiku #poem #poetry #horizon #sun #silhouette #fields #trees #sky #blownglass
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Strongly recommend to everyone, I'll be there every time I could.

Thanks Tommy.


I listened to the tree meditation on insight timer which was exactly what I needed at the time. A beautiful and uplifting meditation that I will return to regularly.

More about Mindful Walks
