
About Mindfulmoon

At Mindfulmoon, we offer a variety of services to help you learn and practice mindfulness.

Mindfulmoon Description

Stressful lives can all too often lead us to operate on auto-pilot. We rush through the day, either worrying about what we have to do next, or fretting about what we didn't get done earlier. We take on responsibility for everyone else's problems, trying to find fixes for all the world's woes. The whole time we have the little voice in our heads telling us how badly we're doing, how we really should be able to do everything better, faster, more efficiently - little wonder we fall into bed at the end of the day absolutely exhausted, only for it all to start again the next day.

We rarely even remember a single moment of the day. After all, we haven't actually been present in any of them - our heads have been worrying about the future, or the past, never truly just enjoying the moment.

Mindfulness gives us a tool to help us to be in the moment. Imagine, that just for a moment or two each day, your mind isn't worrying, or nagging you, or fretting about anything atall - it's simply noticing the moment. What a relief!

Once that stress starts to fall away we find ourselves free to enjoy the life we are living right now - instead of wasting time worrying about what may or may not happen tomorrow, or regretting what happened in the past.