Miri Mawr Arts Company / Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr

Monday: 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:00
Friday: 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 22:00

About Miri Mawr Arts Company / Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr

Miri Mawr Arts Company are movement /drama specialists working broadly across Education, Health-Care & Community. We are commited to facillitating positive change around wellbeing for all members of society, using creativity as a vehicle for change.

Miri Mawr Arts Company / Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr Description

Mae Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr yn arbenigwyr symud / drama sy'n gweithio'n eang ar draws Addysg, Gofal Iechyd a'r Gymuned. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i hwyluso newid cadarnhaol o amgylch lles i bob aelod o gymdeithas, gan ddefnyddio creadigrwydd fel cyfrwng ar gyfer newid



Another incredible session today at Vale of Clwyd Mind in Rhyl. Think this summarises the nature of this work - drama for wellbeing, creative movement, body and breath mechanics. Theatre of the oppressed methodology 💖💖💖massive thanks to Arts Development Denbighshire for making this possible


Breakthrough workshops aimed at people affected by mental health issues - please contact for further information Gweithdai arloesol wedi'u hanelu at bobl sydd wedi'u heffeithio gan faterion iechyd meddwl - cysylltwch am ragor o wybodaeth.


Had the most wonderful session today working with the Rhyl group of Vale of Clwyd Mind, mental health support service. Excellent group who explored my favorite theatrical work - Theatre of the Opressed founded by Augosto Boal. The group came out of their comfort zone and dug deep to explore feelings, thoughts and emotions. This work is a privilege to facillitate. Lowri-Mair Owen Artistic Director Miri Mawr Arts Company 💖💖💖💖
Wedi cael y sesiwn fwyaf rhyfeddol heddiw yn gweith...io gyda’r elusen Mind, grŵp Rhyl - gwasanaeth cymorth iachâd meddwl. Grŵp rhagorol a archwiliodd fy hoff waith theatraidd - Theatre of the Opressed a sefydlwyd gan Augosto Boal. Daeth y grŵp allan o’u parth cysur a chloddio’n ddwfn i archwilio teimladau, meddyliau ac emosiynau. mae'r gwaith hwn yn fraint i'w hwyluso. Lowri-Mair Owen Cydlynydd Artistic Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr 💖💖
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Wrth ein bodd cael gwahoddiad i bod yn rhan o digwyddiad arbennig yn @venue cymru ddoe a ail gysylltu efo disgyblion ysgol clawdd Offa - Diolch am y cyfle #dewchiddathlu #dysgucreadigol @cyngorcelfyddydaucymru
Over the moon to be invited to perform and demonstrate at a fantastic event @venuecymru yesterday and to re-connect with our lovely pupils from @ysgol clawdd Offa thank you for the opportunity #creativelearning #letscelebrate @artscouncilwales


Absolutely thrilled to release a promotional video of our latest project “Taith i’r Sêr” a partnership with local artists, Prestatyn cluster schools and the respective teachers. Huge thanks to Twisted Image for this. this project was funded by Arts Council of Wales through the Creative Collaborations fund as part of ‘Experiencing the Arts’ 💖 Mae'n bleser mawr ryddhau fideo hyrwyddo o'n prosiect diweddaraf “Taith i’r Sêr”, prosiect partneriaeth sy'n cynnwys artistiaid, ysgolion clwstwr Prestatyn a'r athrawon perthnasol. Diolch yn fawr i Twisted Image am hyn. Ariannwyd y prosiect hwn gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru drwy'r Gronfa Cydweithredu Greadigol fel rhan o 'Profi'r Celfyddydau'💖


Early design and development sessions, Creative Collaborations with 6 form students producing ‘Star Journey’ Funded by Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales Cynllunio gynnar, disgyblion y 6eg Prosiect Cydweithio Creadigol cynhyrchu ‘Taith i’r Sêr’ wedi ariannu gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales


So excited to release photographs from one of the shows ‘Taith i’r Sêr’ a sensory, immersive world, bilingual production aimed at early years. This was a Creative Collaborations project funded by Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales and was possible due to an incredible team of artists, a dedicated music teacher Mrs Helen Bennett, with creative input from our tiny students in the early project stage and 6th from pupils from #PrestatynHighSchool including, these im...ages by the talented Alice Wright. This was a total privilege and we had a blast creating a memorable arts education experience against all the odds. Seren Stori and Miri Mawr Arts Company would like to thank all the children who attended. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This project reached approximately 423 young people across the Prestatyn cluster 🌈with thanks to Ysgol Bodnant, Ysgol Hiraddug, Ysgol Penmorfa, Ysgol Clawdd Offa, Ysgol Melyd
Rydym ni mor gyffrous i ryddhau lluniau o un o'r sioeau ‘Taith i’r Sêr’, byd synhwyraidd sy'n trochi, cynhyrchiad dwyieithog wedi'i anelu at y blynyddoedd cynnar. Roedd hwn yn brosiect Cydweithredu Creadigol a ariannwyd gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales ac roedd hyn i gyd yn bosibl oherwydd tîm anhygoel o artistiaid, athrawes gerdd ymroddedig Mrs Helen Bennett, gyda mewnbwn creadigol gan ein myfyrwyr bach yn ystod y cyfnod prosiect cynnar a ddisgyblion y 6ed #PrestatynHighSchool gan gynnwys, y lluniau welwch yma gan y talent anhygoel disgybl - Alice Wright. Roedd hon yn fraint gyfan ac roedd gennym chwyth yn creu profiad addysg gelfyddydol gofiadwy er wrthdaro. Hoffai Seren Stori a Chwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr ddiolch i'r holl blant a fynychodd. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cyrhaeddodd y prosiect hwn oddeutu 423 o bobl ifanc ar draws clwstwr Prestatyn to diolch i Ysgol Bodnant, Ysgol Hiraddug, Ysgol Penmorfa, Ysgol Clawdd Offa, Ysgol Melyd
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Preview ‘Taith i’r Sêr’ (Star Journey) #creativecollaborations #artscouncilwales #artscouncilfunding #mirimawr #mirimawrartscompany #cwmnicelfyddydaumirimawr #prestatynhighschool #ysgolbodnant #ysgolpenmorfa #ysgolhiraddug #ysgolclawddoffa #ysgolmelyd #sensorytheatre #cymraegiblant


Look at these little beauties by Becky Dearden #deardensart on behalf of the Prestatyn Schools project for Miri Mawr Arts Company. Beautiful work in watercolour can’t wait to hang them in our sensory aquarium 💖💖💖 thank you Becky


Almost at the finish line ! Would like to thank Huw Owen, Rebeca Dearden, Amy Clarke, Megan Laura, Bethan Hughes, Claire Davies, Ian (man with a van 😂👍) for their massive commitment, talent and super skills in making the Prestatyn Creative Collaborations Project and also to the lovely talented 6th form pupils who have helped with this production. 💖💖💖 Diolch or galon


Gymaint o hwyl! Prosiect Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol Cefn Meiriadog, cynllun #cyngorcelfyddydaucymru. Wedi bod wrth ein boddau yn creu coreograffi a chefnogi plant blwyddyn 3 & 4 i greu a ddatblygu gwaith ei hun. Ffordd o gweithio mor diddorol a wahanol i ni fel artistiaid, wedi edrych ar themau fel y Celtiaid, hanes a bywyd modern Cymraeg er mwyn annog agweddau positif tuag at y iaith 💖💖💖So much fun !! Lead Creative Schools Project at Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog an #artscouncilwales initiative. Have been so pleased creating choreography and supporting children from years 3&4 to create and develop their own work. It’s such an interesting and different way to work as an artist. Have been looking at welsh language, history and modern Wales in order to encourage more positive attitudes towards the language 💖💖💖


Bron yn barod am ein sioe newydd sbon!!! ‘Taith i’r Sêr’ Cynhyrchiad synhwyraidd sy’n trochi i’r cyfnod sylfaen a blynyddoedd gynnar -Prosiect Cydweithio Creadigol clwstwr ysgolion Prestatyn. Wedi ariannu gan #CyngorCelfyddydauCymru 💖💖💖 Almost ready for our brand new show ‘Star Journey’ a sensory immersive theatre production aimed at early years and foundation phase-Creative Collaborations funded by #ArtsCouncilWales


Almost there! creative collaborations project for the Prestatyn Schools cluster. ‘Taith i’r Sêr / ‘Star Journey production featuring the infamous Seren Stori. #sensorytheatre #setdesign #creativecollaboration #artscouncilwales #artscouncilfunded #immersivetheatre #immersivesensory #cymraeg

More about Miri Mawr Arts Company / Cwmni Celfyddydau Miri Mawr

Monday: 08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:00
Friday: 08:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 22:00