
About Mizpah

Mizpah® Gifts of Love create high quality inspirational, romantic & protective jewellery, accessories & gifts. We believe in making this world a little bit better by upholding true values. Founded 1999.
Distributor: Beautiful Jewellery Company LTD / UK

Mizpah Description

MIZPAH – a word from the Holy Scriptures is a symbol of love, peace and wisdom, symbolizing the everlasting bond created when souls join and journeys become one.

A Mizpah® jewel is a token of the unbreakable connection between hearts, a divine shield and a messenger of hope. A Mizpah is more than just a beautiful thing to own. It reminds us that all obstacles can be overcome. When this mysterious word is invoked, it begins to weave its angelic blessings.

Our high quality and unique designs come straight from the heart of designer Helena Lind, who knows the power of Mizpah intimately.

A successful artist who was incapacitated by an accident in 1992, Helena anchored herself on the magical meaning of Mizpah. Following her amazing return, she decided to share her vision of Mizpah.

"The mysterious word MIZPAH spoke to me since I was little. To me it was a magical spell of love, goodness and kindness, not knowing then how important it would become for my life one far away day. "

www. mizpah.com