Moira'S Market Garden - Grow Our Seeds, Cook Our Veg, Enjoy Our Meals

About Moira'S Market Garden - Grow Our Seeds, Cook Our Veg, Enjoy Our Meals

We offer quality produce - FROM SEED TO PLATE. Quality vegetable seeds for you to grow your own, quality fresh market garden fruit and veg for you to cook, convenient, tasty and nourishing home cooked meals for you to enjoy.

Moira'S Market Garden - Grow Our Seeds, Cook Our Veg, Enjoy Our Meals Description

Hello and welcome to Moira's Market Garden.

We have a two and a half acre smallholding in Summerhill, Wrexham were we keep a small flock of sheep, chickens, dogs and cats. We are very excited about the rare breed pigs due to arrive at Moira's Market Garden very soon : )

Our garden is about an acre in size. It seemed like a large space when we first started, however we are now finding that we are running out of space fast as the garden is expanding and we plan to expand again next season : ).

We currently deliver our fresh garden produce to customers in the Wrexham and Chester areas. We also, most weeks attend farmers markets and local venues.

Our new extensive seed catalogue will be launched in the next few weeks as part of our brand new website which is being built and is due to go live very soon.

We are currently working flat out on our exciting new soup range.

We will be starting our new home delivery service of fresh home cooked soups to the Wrexham and Chester area in the first half of November.

Every week we will have different exiting new varieties of soups to offer, ranging from - meaty, vegetarian, vegan and low calorie - sin free soups.

The ingredients I use in our soups are all ingredients you would find in your own kitchen. Nothing nasty, no hidden ingredients, just good honest food : )

Our own market garden vegetables will be used in the soups and when we run out we will be sourcing them from local growers and farmers.

Animal welfare is VERY important to us as I am sure it is to you. All our meaty soups and home made stocks will either have our own free range meat or locally sourced free range meat in them.

Our soups come in a 600ml (serves two) pouch or a handy 350ml single serving pouch which is ideal for people living alone or are looking for a healthy convenient alternative to their working lunch!

Our soups can be delivered to your place of work or direct to your home, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or as a one off, it's up to you : )

All you'll need to do is pop them in the fridge where they will keep fresh for up to 3 days or pop them in the freezer where they will keep for a month.

Our website with our online farm shop is due to go live very soon however for now, if you would like further information about our delivery service please do let us know via Facebook. PM me with your email address, I can then send you more info on how to order.

ALL orders placed before 12 noon on the 4th of November will receive a complimentary 350ml pouch of fresh soup from us as a thank you gift : )

We can deliver weekly, fortnightly, monthly or as a one off, it's up to you! However, once you've tried one of our tasty wholesome soups you might find that you soon become a soupaholic : )



Growing pea shoots with your children using our new Gro-Station kit will bring a whole new meaning to 'easy peasy'! With our Gro-Station, pea shoots (amongst other leafy crops) can be easily grown all year round as a cut 'n' come again vegetable. They are a low maintenance leafy crop that can be used in cooking and as an exciting addition to any salad.
They can last you months and are full of healthy goodness - vitamin K, C and A. They have 7 times more vitamin C than bluebe...rries!
Children will love our Gro-Station kit for kids. This kit may well be their very first introduction to 'grow your own'. Mixing fun with education, they will be able to colour in their very own Penny Peashoot character, personalise their own gro-station and receive smily peashoot stars from Penny Peashoot when certain tasks have been achieved, tasks like sowing, watering and of course eating!
If you would like one of our Gro-Station kits for yourself or as a gift for someone special, Pm me for more info, thanks :)
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Our very own Moira's Market Garden Gro-station kit is nearly ready for launch :) Our Gro-station is where fresh leafy greens can be easily grown all year round simply on a windowsill! Ideal for juicing or for cut and come again healthy fresh greens. The kit includes everything you will need to grow your own greens! From mini greenhouse to organic compost, specialist seeds to full instructions ....all you need to add is water!. Fresh nutritional leaves grown in less than 14 days, all through the year :) Photo of our Gro-station will be posted very soon. Here's a great way to get children involved with grow your own and healthy eating.... make it fun, easy and educational with our Gro-station for kids kit.


Buy our exciting new home made fresh soup from our new Facebook shop. Opens very soon. "like" this post if you would like me to let you know when our fresh soups are available in the shop :)


Buy our exciting new home made fresh soup from our new Facebook shop. Opens very soon. "like" this post if you would like me to let you know when our fresh soups are available in the shop :)


WOO HOOOO.... A BIG Thank you to all of you who helped us get to out first 100 likes by clicking on our new page. We hit our target of 100 likes by Wednsday AND with 6 extra likes!!!! Thank you again for your support :)


Our home made free range chicken soup with root veg, cooked, sealed, labeled and now chilling in the fridge ready for Broughton market tomorrow.


Had a bowl of our home made free range chicken soup with root vegetables for my lunch. What is it about chicken soup that makes it sooooo comforting???


Looking forward to Broughton & Bretton Market on Tuesday. From what I've heard it's going to be cold on Tuesday.... just the weather for a bowl of our home cooked free range chicken soup with chunky root veg. Eat it hot with some artisan local bread or take a pouch home for the fridge or freezer. We also have some spicy carrot & lentil soups in the freezer. Let me know if you fancy some of these frozen soups to take home for next day. 10% off for all pre order of hot or cold soups. Pic - "Did somebody mention Chichen soup"


Looking for something different for lunch at work? Something healthy, nourishing and convenient? Our home cooked fresh soups - meaty, veggie, vegan or low calorie - sin free come in a convenient single serving re-sealable pouch. Ideal for freezing! Take one out of the freezer before you leave for work, by lunchtime it will have defrosted! Pop it in the micro or pan and within minutes you have a tasty wholesome home made meal, enjoy ;) Order before 12noon on 4th November and get a free serving of fresh soup :) (Pic shows one of the ingredients used in our soups)


“Good soup is one of the prime ingredients of good living. For soup can do more to lift the spirits and stimulate the appetite than any other one dish.” Louis P. De Gouy


Head of security having a shower after spending the day with us in a very muddy field. It's a good job he does'nt mind mud and a cold shower!! #brassmonkeys

More about Moira'S Market Garden - Grow Our Seeds, Cook Our Veg, Enjoy Our Meals

01978 722790