Morben Isaf Bed And Breakfast

About Morben Isaf Bed And Breakfast

Small two room specialty B & B for adults and birders. Overlooking and within walking distance of the Dyfi Osprey Project nest. Rooms share bathroom. From £30pp /pn

Morben Isaf Bed And Breakfast Description

Small Adult only bed and Breakfast within easy walking distance of the Dyfi Osprey Project. We have two rooms that share a bathroom. One twin and one double with a four poster bed. Tea, coffee, hairdryers, DVD TVs, binoculars and scopes provided in room to view Osprey nest featured on Springwatch. Summer House in garden also with TV, DVD tea and coffee for guest to relax in. Room rates £30pp /pn with light breakfast of toast and cereal or £35pp /pn with cooked breakfast. Breakfast room with live streaming of the nest. Off road parking. Sorry no pets.
Holiday cottage in nearby Derwenlas village, for prices and photos please click on photos then Albums then Avondale.



Al was awake early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. So he went out into the garden and recorded the dawn chorus. If you need a lift in these strange times listen to this.


Never thought we'd say this.


Looks like someone has found the large log that appeared after the winter storms. We are not sure who it was from this distance.


Even if you don't understand why you should do this, please know its for your own good as much as everyone elses. You don't need to be in contact with someone who has it, you only need to touch a surface touched by someone infected who has been out and about. So stay at home.


Although I’ve missed having the odd guest around, I’ve loved having the extra spare time. I’ve split my time between crafting, learning a new skill, pyrography, making a new rag rug seat for an old deck chair, and of course spending more time doing my first love, painting. Here are the results. Hope it inspires you to try something new.


Our very good friend and neighbour, who is a GP posted this last night. Wish we could give her a hug. We will however be making a lot of noise outside her house this evening to show our appreciation and support for her and all those keeping us all going. So don't go to bed too early Tracy.
Tracy Norris 12 hrs ·
... Just been thinking! This is a different kind of war. In all of the last wars we could talk, hug, kiss, share a cuppa, pop next door, help out neighbours without fear, travel freely ( if not an air raid). See our family at any time. Many many many (too many) people died.
This war during this pandemic means we have to isolate ourselves from everyone, and especially those we hold dear. Family. Friends. Neighbours. Unprecedented.
I get to go to work as NHS worker. Do you know what? We would rather be able to go to our loved ones and stay there. But we don’t. We continue to put strangers before ourselves. Have done all my working life which has cost me a lot.
For me, thankfully I can bounce any possible cases to my hospital colleagues. How does that make me feel? To be able to transfer possible infection to those just as ineffectually protected as I am? I feel BEREFT. BERECT that I cannot be with the people I love most in this world —- and there are lots. I feel BEREFT that I cannot protect my colleagues from stuff coming their way. I feel BEREFT that I cannot help those people who need me to help them. I went into this job because I want to help people.
I feel helpless
I feel bereft.
Stay safe. Stay apart. One day our new future will be stable. Stay safe my family my friends my Facebook friends everyone I know and don’t know. Reminded today at work of those who are anxious about the situation. I am too. I can’t make it go away. I don’t have a pill to stop you bring anxious. I’m sorry. 😔
Many many people are going to die.
See More


It looks like the weather conditons will be perfect this weekend for any birds coming up from France and Spain. So it could be this weekend we see Monty and Telyn arrive, keep your eyes on the LS.


And we're off! LS is up and running!


On a plus side of having no guests we have time to sit in the garden and watch the sunset serenaded by this wonderful Thrush.


Al and I are doing fine, and hope you are all staying home and staying safe. The start of the season is always slow, so we are not missing a lack of guest much at the moment, but later when we would normally be busy it's going to be strange. Until we can safely open our home up again . 144


Due to the present circumstances, we are sorry but we are cancelling all bookings. We have decided to do the sensible thing and self isolate. We wish all you all well and ask you to do the same. See you on the flip side.


Well it looks like the season has started. Although we don't have birds here yet, it looks like Rutland have a pair back. Al and I have seen a couple of large osprey shaped birds flying down the valley recentlly, but none have landed on the nest. Not long now before M and T are back though.


While we have a around a couple of weeks before Telyn and Monty are due to arrive, there are reports of sightings of migrating ospreys coming through the Strait of Gibraltar. So we'll start keeping our eyes peeled here for any large birds of prey passing.


Here'e the lastest on the new DWC at the project.…/dop- 2020-10-things-you-n…


Will this weather ever cease. We're getting closer to the birds returning now, so I hope we don't get another month of it. Although I don't think Monty would have far to go for fish at the moment. There's a pre-season volunteer meeting this weekend, and although we aren't officially open, we have one volunteer staying with us who wants to be there, but looking at the forecast I wonder if he'll make it.


While we've escaped any damage, so far, in the recent storms. The new centre has not been so lucky, although the weather has held things up a little, I don't think the damaged solar panels will. As Ems says they'll get there, they always do. Lets hope we get a nice spell of good weather soon so they can crack on.


Still very blustery here today, we had another power cut while having dinner last night, but it wasn't off long. Watching the news we got off lightly, no wind damage and lets face it, it would take a tsunami for us to be flooded.


It's been very rough here today. I don't think there's much of the country that will escape the storm. This morning we had a power cut, but we do OK here as we have a small gene and a log burner to keep warm. Around lunch time the wind dropped and the sun came out, but the weather is closing in now and the wind has got up again.

More about Morben Isaf Bed And Breakfast

Morben Isaf Bed And Breakfast is located at Derwenlas, Machynlleth, SY20 8SR Aberystwyth