Mwncis Mentrus Movin Monkeez

About Mwncis Mentrus Movin Monkeez

Physical Movement, music and fun for you and your little one!
Come and join our bilingual sessions for preschool aged children!

Mwncis Mentrus Movin Monkeez Description

Beth yw Mwncis Mentrus?

Mae sesiynau Mwncis Mentrus wedi'u cynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer plant oed cyn-ysgol (cerddwyr hyderus-4 oed) lle byddant yn dysgu hanfodion dawns, rhythm a symudiad mewn amgylchedd hwyliog a diogel.

Mae'r sesiynau yn ddwyieithog ac wedi'u strwythuro i gyd-fynd √¢ Fframwaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen, gan annog ffitrwydd ac iechyd yn ogystal √¢ datblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol, hyder, balans, sgiliau iaith Cymraeg a Saesneg, sgiliau gwrando a rhifedd.

Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio propiau fel sgarffiau, peli, bagiau ffa, offerynnau, offer cydbwyso, parasiwtiau a llawer mwy. Mae'r plant yn archwilio ymarferion symud gwahanol i gerddoriaeth hwyliog ac ysgogol ynghyd √¢ gweithio mewn grwpiau a pharau.

Yn ogystal â bod yn gyfle cyfoethog i blant ddysgu a datblygu’n gorfforol, mae Mwncis Mentrus yn annog rhieni i gymryd rhan gyda'u plant, ac mae’n brofiad bondio gwych i’r ddau.

What is Movin Monkeez?

Moving Monkeez sessions are specifically designed for pre school aged children (confident walkers-4yrs old) where they will learn the basics of dance, rhythm and movement in a fun and safe environment.

The sessions are delivered bilingually and are structured to compliment the Early Years Foundation Phase, encouraging fitness and health as well as developing social skills, confidence, coordination, Welsh and English language skills, numeracy and listening skills.

We focus on using props such as scarves, balls, beanbags, instruments, balancing equipment, parachutes and much more. The children explore different movement exercises to fun and stimulating music along with working in groups and pairs.

As well as being filled with opportunities for learning and physical development for children, Movin Monkeez encourages parents to participate with their children, and is a fantastic bonding experience for both.



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It's with very mixed emotions that I announce that after February half term I will no longer be running Mwncis Mentrus/ Movin Monkeez üòî
... It was a very difficult decision to make, however I have very recently accepted a new full time job, which will make it impossible to continue with running the buisiness.
I will of course be doing any birthday parties already booked but won't be taking any new bookings or doing any more community and nursery sessions after Feburary half term.
I've absolutely loved every single minute of all the sessions ❤️ it really has given me experiences that I will never forget! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone that has supported me over the past year and a half. Without you all I would not have built such a successfull buisiness. I truly have met some wonderful little monkeez and grown ups!
If anyone would like to step into my trainers then you are more than welcome to contact Becky Lane for further information!
Milo and I will miss you all so very much üêíxxx
üåüDiolch am bopeth, mynd i weld eisiau chi gyd a'r mwncis bach cymaint! üò• Xxx
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Oherwydd ymrwymiadau gwaith gyda fy swydd arall, Ni fydd sesiwn yn Llandysul fory yn anffodus. Flin iawn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a achoswyd. Welwn ni chi wythnos nesa! 👍🏻
Due to work commitments with my other job, unfortunately there will be no session at Llandysul tomorrow. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. See you all next week! 👍🏻


Santes Dwynwen yw ein thema yn y gymuned a meithrinfeydd wythnos yma. Byddwn yn cwtsho a swsio tedi, helpu Milo i bostio ei gardiau Santes Dwynwen a chael hwyl a sbri gyda'n balwnau siap calon ar y parasiwt üêª ‚ù§Ô∏èüìÆüíãüè¥ÛÝÅßÛÝÅ¢ÛÝÅ∑ÛÝŨÛÝÅ≥ÛÝÅ ø
Saint Dwynwen is our theme this week in the community and nurseries. We will be cuddling and kissing our teddies, helping Milo post his Santes Dwynwen Cards and having fun with our heart shaped balloons on the parachute üꪂù§Ô∏èüìÆüíãüè¥ÛÝÅßÛÝÅ¢ÛÝÅ∑ÛÝŨÛÝÅ ≥ÛÝÅø


Hwyl a sbri y Geaf gyda mwncis Bach Cae'r Ffair ❄️⛄🧣🌨️
Winter fun with little monkeez at Cae'r Ffair ❄️⛄🧣🌨️


Hip hip hwrê! 🎉 Mae Margaux fach yn 1️⃣ Diolch o galon i ti a dy deulu a ffrindiau hyfryd am gael ddod i ddathlu gyda chi heddiw! 🎈🐰🎶🎂
Hip hip hooray!! 🎉 Margaux is 1️⃣ Thank you to your lovely family and friends for letting me celebrate your special day with you today! 🎈🐰🎶🎂


Joio mas draw da mwncis Bach Meithrinfa Dechrau Disglair Nursery ddoe üêí
Had so much fun with the little monkeez at Dechrau Disglair Nursery yesturday 🐒☔🌈☀️🌬️❄️☃️


Joio mas draw da mwncis Bach Meithrinfa Dechrau Disglair Nursery ddoe üêí
Had so much fun with the little monkeez at Dechrau Disglair Nursery yesturday 🐒☔🌈☀️🌬️❄️☃️


So lucky to work with such fantastic little nurseries! ❤️
Mor lwcus i weithio gyda meithrinfeydd mor ffantastic! ❤️


Blwyddyn newydd dda i bawb! 🎉2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ Edrych mlan i fynd nôl ati i fentro gyda'r Mwncis bach wythnos ma! Mi fydd Mwncis Llandysul yn ail ddechre bore Dydd mawrth yma! Edrych mlan i weld pawb 😄
A very Happy New Year everyone! 🎉2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ Looking forward to get back Movin with the little Monkeez this week! 🐒 Llandysul community sessions start back this Tuesday! Looking forward to see everyone! 😄


Well after a crazy week of non stop Christmas parties... it's a wrap for 2018!
I’d like to thank all my lovely parents, nurseries and schools for your support, kind words, recommendations and loyalty ❤️ It really has been a fantastic year! Milo and I would like to wish you and your monkeez a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2019.
🎄🎅🦌🐒🎄🎅🦌🐒🎄🎅< br>... Wel ar ôl wythnos llawn dop o bartïon Nadolig... dyna ni am 2018.
Hoffwn ddiolch o waelod calon i'r rieni, Meithrinfeydd ac ysgolion am eich cefnogaeth, geiriau caredig, argymhellion a theyrngarwch ❤️ Mae wir wedi bod yn flwyddyn anhygoel! Dymuna Milo a finnau Nadolig Llawen iawn i chi a'ch Mwncis Bach, a phob dymuniad da i 2019
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Milo a finnau'n ecseited bost am wythnos gyfan o bartïon 'Dolig gyda Mwncis bach fy meithrinfeydd hyfryd! 🐒🎅🎄🦌
Milo and I are so excited for a fun filled week of Christmas Parties with the little monkeez at my lovely nurseries! 🐒🎅🎄🦌


When you're out and about and see one of your adorable little monkeez and they ask their mummy "But where's Milo?" 😍 Melts my heart 🐒♥️


Definitely feeling festive after all the Christmas sessions and parties with the little monkeez over the past weeks! 🌲🎅🏻 Milo and the merry monkeez have been jingling, rocking, posting, delivering, dancing, collecting, sorting, and we even had a few flurries of snow! ☃️ and all of this to our favourite Christmas music! 🎶 Cant wait to party with the crew at Llandysul Family Centre tomorrow and then off to visit some of my lovely nurseries and schools this week and next for more festive fun! 🎅🦌🎄🐒
Sicir yn teimlo hwyl yr ŵyl ar ôl yr holl sesiynau a phartion nadolygaidd Mwncis Mentrus dros yr wythnosau diwethaf! 🌲🎅🏻 Milo ar Mwncis wedi bod yn jinglo, rocio, postio, dawsio, casglu, dosbarthu a rydym hyd yn oed wedi cael ychydig o eira! ☃️a hyn i gyd i'n hoff gerddoriaeth 'dolig!🐒 Edrych mlan i bartio gyda chriw Canolfan Deulu Llandysul yfory ac yna ymweld â meithrinfeydd ac ysgolion hyfryd dros yr wythnos yma a nesaf! 🎅🦌🎄
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Hwyl yr wyl yng nghwnni plantws Ysgubor Fach a Ysgol Bancyfelin prynhawn ma!🎄🦌🎅
Festive fun with the little monkeez of Ysgubor Fach Nursery and Bancyfelin School this afternoon 🎅🦌🎄


Join us this week for our final sessions of the year! 🎅🎄☃️❄️
Ymunwch â ni wythnos yma ar gyfer ein sesiynau olaf eleni! 🎅🎄☃️❄️


Hip hip hwrê!! Ma Heti yn 3️⃣!!! 🎈🎈🎈 Heti fach oedd ennillydd y gystadleuaeth 'ennill parti penblwydd' nôl yn mis Ionawr! 🎉 Fe wnes i a Milo mwynhau pob eiliad yn dathlu gyda ti, dy deulu a ffrindiau bach hyfryd heddi! 🎈🎉🐒
Hip hip hooray!! Heti is 3️⃣!!! 🎈🎈🎈Heti was the winner of the 'win a birthday party' competition back in January!!🎉 Milo and I enjoyed every second celebrating with you, your family and lovely little friends! 🎈🎉🐒


Join us this week for our Chistmas sessions! 🎅🎄☃️❄️
Ymunwch â ni wythnos yma ar gyfer ein sesiynau Nadolig 🎅🎄☃️❄️


Thanks Elin, and Milo the Monkey, for a wonderful party for Sofia. Everyone enjoyed so much. You entertain the children of all ages, both welsh speaking and non-welsh speaking alike, seamlessly with song, dance and play. Between the obstacles course, balloons, scarves and myriad of props the party went smoothly but with a bang. Sofia, and all the children (plus parents!), will certainly remember the fun they had at the party for a very long time.

Diolch Elin, a Milo’r Mwnci, am barty arferchog I Sofia. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhai yn fawr iawn. Roedd y plant, sharadwir cymraeg a di-gymraeg wedi eu diddori am y sessiwn gyfan. Trwy gyfrwng canu, dawnsio a chwarau; cwrs rhwystrau, balwns, scarffiau a amrywiaeth helaith of props aeth y parti yn hwyliog iawn – bydd yn aros yng ghof Sofia a’r plant eraill (a’r rhieni!) am spel!


Thank you so much for your patience and enthusiasm on Monday mornings at Carmarthen library! You and Milo have done our little boy the world of good, he started out so overwhelmed and scared to now running in without me and getting stuck straight in. He will be back as soon as I am able.


Thank you so much for coming along to Imogen and Joe 3rd birthday party today. What a fantastic job, everyone enjoyed even the 7 year old hard to please big brother!! Highly recommended, thanks Elin xx


Mae Elin yn ardderchog gyda'r plant ac llawn syniadau gwahanol. Mae hi'n fodlon creu gweithgareddau i fynd gyda'r thema y tymmor sef yn gret a mae'r phlant yn joio cwmni Milo. Diolch Elin.

Meithrinfa Y Cam Cynta'


Elin came to entertain 26 children in my daughter's party today and she ensured that all were involved and everyone thoroughly enjoyed! Having a bilingual entertainer was important and allowed young children to understand what was going on. They danced, sang, jumped, crawled and hopped to exciting music. I will definitely be asking Elin to come to the next party.

Diolch mor gymaint i ti x


Dosbarth fitrwydd llawn hwyl, canu a chwerthin i blant. F


Diolch am barti anhygoel. Llawer o adnoddau a gemau parti hwyl a lliwgar. Elin tin wych. Methu aros i parti blwyddyn nesa’n barod. �


Amser ffantastic yn bedydd y merched. Pawb wedi joio mas draw! Ma Erin yn dwli arno ti a Milo ac wedi joio sessiynau chi ers bod hi'n ddwy felly odd hi mor excited bod chi yn dod i bedydd hi ac Alys : ) Diolch o galon i ti eto xx


Thanks Elin, and Milo the Monkey, for a wonderful party for Sofia. Everyone enjoyed so much. You entertain the children of all ages, both welsh speaking and non-welsh speaking alike, seamlessly with song, dance and play. Between the obstacles course, balloons, scarves and myriad of props the party went smoothly but with a bang. Sofia, and all the children (plus parents!), will certainly remember the fun they had at the party for a very long time.

Diolch Elin, a Milo’r Mwnci, am barty arferchog I Sofia. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhai yn fawr iawn. Roedd y plant, sharadwir cymraeg a di-gymraeg wedi eu diddori am y sessiwn gyfan. Trwy gyfrwng canu, dawnsio a chwarau; cwrs rhwystrau, balwns, scarffiau a amrywiaeth helaith of props aeth y parti yn hwyliog iawn – bydd yn aros yng ghof Sofia a’r plant eraill (a’r rhieni!) am spel!


Thank you so much for your patience and enthusiasm on Monday mornings at Carmarthen library! You and Milo have done our little boy the world of good, he started out so overwhelmed and scared to now running in without me and getting stuck straight in. He will be back as soon as I am able.


Thank you so much for coming along to Imogen and Joe 3rd birthday party today. What a fantastic job, everyone enjoyed even the 7 year old hard to please big brother!! Highly recommended, thanks Elin xx


Mae Elin yn ardderchog gyda'r plant ac llawn syniadau gwahanol. Mae hi'n fodlon creu gweithgareddau i fynd gyda'r thema y tymmor sef yn gret a mae'r phlant yn joio cwmni Milo. Diolch Elin.

Meithrinfa Y Cam Cynta'


Elin came to entertain 26 children in my daughter's party today and she ensured that all were involved and everyone thoroughly enjoyed! Having a bilingual entertainer was important and allowed young children to understand what was going on. They danced, sang, jumped, crawled and hopped to exciting music. I will definitely be asking Elin to come to the next party.

Diolch mor gymaint i ti x


Dosbarth fitrwydd llawn hwyl, canu a chwerthin i blant. F


Diolch am barti anhygoel. Llawer o adnoddau a gemau parti hwyl a lliwgar. Elin tin wych. Methu aros i parti blwyddyn nesa’n barod. �


Amser ffantastic yn bedydd y merched. Pawb wedi joio mas draw! Ma Erin yn dwli arno ti a Milo ac wedi joio sessiynau chi ers bod hi'n ddwy felly odd hi mor excited bod chi yn dod i bedydd hi ac Alys : ) Diolch o galon i ti eto xx

More about Mwncis Mentrus Movin Monkeez

Mwncis Mentrus Movin Monkeez is located at Venues in Carmarthen and Newcastle Emlyn, SA31 Carmarthen, UK