Nant Gwrtheyrn

About Nant Gwrtheyrn

Nant Gwrtheyrn. Canolfan Iaith a Threftadaeth Cymru. Cyrsiau Cymraeg, llety, lluniaeth, priodasau, cynadleddau.



Rhai ohonom wedi bod yn mapio’r ras traws gwlad heno - 5.7 milltir! Oes yna ras arall gyda golygfeydd cystal dwch?!
Some of us walked the rout of our trail race tonight - 5.7 miles! Amazing views!


Pwy sydd am ddod draw am ras bach / Who's going to come over for a race?!
*Gyda diolch i SportpicturesCymru am y llun / With thanks to Sports Pictures Cymru for the picture


Fel rhan o ddathliadau 40 mlynedd Nant Gwrtheyrn, byddwn yn cynnal dwy ras rhedeg, un draws gwlad ar gyfer oedolion fydd oddeutu 5.6 milltir, a'r llall ar gyfer plant fydd tua milltir o hyd!
Bydd cofrestru y ras plant rhwng 4:15 a 4:45, gyda'r ras yn dechrau am 5 o'r gloch, a bydd cofrestru y ras oedolion rhwng 5 a 5:45, gyda'r ras yn dechrau am 6 o'r gloch.
Cost ras yr oedolion yw £5, tra bod ras y plant AM DDIM!
... Bydd adloniant a bwyd ar gael yng Nghaffi Meinir ar ol y rasus!
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As part of Nant Gwrtheyrn's 40 year celebrations, we'll be hosting two races, one 5.6 miles cross-country race for adults, and another for children which be a mile!
Registration for the children's race will be between 4:15 and 4:45, with the race starting at 5pm, and registration for the adult race will be between 5 and 5:45, with the race starting at 6pm.
The adult race will cost £5 to enter, whilst the children's race is FREE!
Entertainment and food will be available in Caffi Meinir after the races!
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Fel rhan o ddathliadau’r Nant yn 40 eleni rydym am gynnal ras traws gwlad 5.6 milltir. Pwy sydd amdani?!


Bydd y digwyddiad yma acw eto dydd Mawrth nesaf, felly os nad oeddech yn medru dod ddoe, dewch wythnos nesaf!!
This event will be here again next Tuesday, so if you couldn't come yesterday, come next week!!


Mae cyrsiau 2019 yn fyw ar wefan Dysgu Cymraeg, felly cymerwch olwg a cysylltwch os ydych angen unrhyw gymorth
Our courses for 2019 are now live on the Learn Welsh website, so please take a look and get in touch with us if you'd like to discuss anything d-i-gwrs/…


Pawb wedi mwynhau'r gweithdy 'Murlun Mawr y Môr' heddiw! Diolch yn fawr iawn Gwenda Lloyd Williams! Cofiwch archebu eich lle ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf!
A brilliant 'Big Sea Mural' workshop today! Thank you Gwenda! Remember to book your spaces for next week!
... Visit Wales #BlwyddynyMôr #YearoftheSea Ecoamgueddfa #LARGO18 Bws Arfordir Llŷn Coastal Bus
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Cofiwch fod Alejandro Jones yma nos Iau - ddim angen tocyn, dim ond piciad heibio i wrando a mwynhau!


Mae'r tywydd yn edrych braidd yn gymylog ar gyfer fory, felly be well na ychydig o gelf yn Nant Gwrtheyrn, a mae o AM DDIM!!!
The weather doesn't look great for tomorrow, so what better than some art at Nant Gwrtheyrn, and its FREE!!


Os hoffech aros yma noson yr ŵyl, rydym yn cynnig tocyn i'r gig, gwely a brecwast am £75 - bargen!!


Ydych wedi cadw lle ar gyfer y digwyddiad AM DDIM yma eto - well chi wneud yn fuan?!!
Have you kept a place for this FREE event yet - you better had soon?!!


Edrych ymlaen yn fawr iawn i gael dathlu 40 mlynedd 😁


Byddwn yn croesawu Alejandro Jones o Batagonia yma am noson o adloniant gyda'n dysgwyr nos Iau nesaf.
Bydd y noson yn dechrau am 7:30 a mae croeso i bawb - dewch draw!
We'll be welcoming Alejandro Jones from Patagonia here for an evening of entertainment with our learners next Thursday.
... The event will start at 7:30 and everyone is welcome - pop along!…/noson-yng- nghwmni-alejandro-j…/
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Ychydig dros wythnos i fynd tan ein digwyddiad nesaf mewn partneriaeth gyda Ecoamgueddfa - cysylltwch i gadw lle!
Just over a week to go until our next event in partnership with Ecoamgueddfa - contact us to book a place!


Owen Powell o Catatonia gynt yn cynnal sgwrs gyda cyfansoddwyr o Gymru sydd wedi dysgu Cymraeg, i ddiolch am y Gymraeg!


Diwrnod gwych yn y gweithdy gwehyddu dechrau'r wythnos - pawb wedi mwynhau yn fawr a diolch i Ecoamgueddfa am drefnu!
We had a great day here earlier in the week at the weaving workshop - everyone had a brilliant time and thanks to Ecoamgueddfa for arranging it!


Rydym yn falch o ddweud bod ‘Welsh for Visitors’, llyfr newydd gan un o gyn diwtoriaid y Nant, Elin Angharad, bellach ar gael i’w brynu yn ein siop 😁
‘Welsh for Visitors’ now available at our shop!


Eluned Morgan yn lansio cynllun difyr iawn o’r enw Siarad - swnio yn un da iawn


Os ydych yn yr #Eisteddfod, dewch draw i ddweud helo - rydym yn adeilad pen y pier!
If you’re at the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, come over to say hello - we’re in the Pierhead building!


What a place! The views are amazing- it's got a magical "lost- in-time" atmosphere

Just finishing Sunday lunch and the food has been lovely. Served in a beautifully furnished conservatory with breathtaking views over the rugged coastline.

However the one thing that makes this place exceptional is the staff. So friendly and nothing is too much trouble. The Sunday lunch was beef (which I don't really like) but the waitress went to great lengths to find me an alternative.

We are so lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world, and be close enough to come here.

Thanks to the staff for a lovely lunch.


What a fabulous place. We decided to leave the car at the top car park and walk down and we were so glad we did as it was magical in th sea mist. And when it cleared it was like an oasis amongst the hills. The very welcome lunch was excellent , we sat outside as the mist came and went. On our walk back up, we stopped regularly to see the stunning views ( and catch our breath ) which we would have missed in the car. We will definitely visit again.


Well where to start. We got married here on the 1st July this year and it was perfect in every way. I cant thank the staff and Mair enough for all their hard work to bring my dream wedding a reality. The food was stunning there isnt one thing I could fault. A truly perfect day and amazing pictures. Thanks so much.


We have been recommended to come and visit this Lost Village by the owner of the camping pods' site...and what an experience it was...the drive down the hill was breath taking and I could not believe that such a view is possible to admire in the UK...I have never seen anything like it is a true hidden gem...if you want to see a truly unique place you need to visit Nant will not see anything like it anywhere else


We got married here on Saturday and have to say EVERYTHING was perfect.

The venue, food, set up, staff and especially Mair were amazing. Nothing was too much trouble, they even order us sunshine.

Thank you so much for all you did xxx


Visited this wonderful Heritage Centre whilst on holiday recently. What a gem of a place! Stunning scenery and views of the peninsula. Enjoy a relaxing time in the cafe, then have a wander around. Visit the quarry man's cottage and the centre, interesting. Acess to the beach and walks. Thoroughly recommend a visit :)


Visited the cafe and the location for the first time today, absolutely stunning views on the way in. The food in the cafe didn't disappoint either and was very reasonably priced. A spot not to be missed for anyone visiting the area, I'll definitely be going back.


The nant is pure magic, first came here 27 years ago, not much here at that time just the language centre and a few renovated cottages. The cafe here now is amazing the view as you drink your tea sat on the leather couch is to die for. But give yourself some time and explore the woods the strean and the dis used mine workings, this place feels special, no wonder a cult set up here for a brief period in the early 70's. I will come back again, or should I say drawn back, love it.


Perfect setting to immerse yourself in a new language!


Fallen in love with this place!

If you fancy some real time out; no phone signal, no internet, no tv, no shops etc. If you like a good hike, walking through beautiful forests, trailing waterfalls through the valley down to an empty beautiful beach, but you also enjoy 5* accommodation....then I can"t recommend a stay in one of the sea view cottages in the tiny Victorian lost village of Nant Gwrtheyrn enough!

We are definitely going back!!


Everyone should visit this place at least once-if you have a blue badge you can drive to the bottom (think yourself lucky) it's a he'll of a walk, but we'll worth it for the rest of you ;)


Came across this by accident looking for somewhere for lunch. Saw the brown sign with the historic house, viewing point and dining symbols and took a chance. Got to the top and could see an open area with parking and footpath signs but no buildings or cafe. Then we saw a small sign stating "cafe open" so decided to continue on the road. Gorgeous drive down a steep road to the village. Interesting, well presented and restaurant building is lovely. Think you need to do more about your signage. It was luck we went up the road and more luck we saw the cafe open sign. What's at the end of your journey is fabulous. Update...Just read the other reviews and one says you can only drive down if a blue badge holder. Didn't see any signs advising of that. I'll be honest, we wouldn't have walked down and back. So pleased we didn't see the restriction and saw the village but wouldn't return to walk down and up.


But I came here and studied and passed Welsh language level one and two back in March 1994 it has such a dramatic impact on my life I feel I left a piece of my soul there I remember the people that work there I remember the people that I studied with and hopefully fingers crossed in August 2019 I will be moving back to Wales Pembrokeshire for life and I will be returning to “The Nant” to continue my work language


At last we managed to get to this place we'd heard about after meaning to for a while. What a beautiful place! The cafe is lovely with stunning mountain and sea views. The menu looked good. We decided to have the Sunday roast. I had the chicken with all the trimmings and plenty of veg, and Rhubarb and Berry Crumble and custard for dessert. Husband had the roast beef. Was plentiful too, and he said it was perfectly cooked. We will return, as we want to do the walk next time along the coast. A heavy rain shower came over from sea so we didn't get chance. The drive down and back up again was stunning. The staff were great too!


An amazing venue,everything was just perfect, the food was amazing!!! Everyone enjoyed, stunning views, and all staff were very kind and helpful, can't thank you enough for all that they did for us, the day was a very special one. Couldn't have ask for a better venue. ❤️


A truly hidden Welsh "Gem". The scenery is out of this world and all the staff (particuarly Elin/Mair) were so helpful. A magical place and thrilled to have visited and experienced a superb day. Diolch o galon


A stunning view from the top road looking down on Nant Gwrtheyrn reminds me of Italy . A great place to visit even in the rain , the road down isn't for the faint hearted but the Coffee and cake are well worth it. We have walked down and back lots of effort needed for the uphill pull.


1st visit today. Such a wonderful place. And the cafe was absolutely amazing . Good and service second to none . Definatly will be back thanks �����


We are regular walkers here and every time we come something has been added. A good circular walk with this in the middle, cafe, loo's and lots to look at. Keep up the good work. On the beach old quarry workings, goats and a ship wreck. We have seen seals here as well.


What a place! The views are amazing- it's got a magical "lost- in-time" atmosphere

Just finishing Sunday lunch and the food has been lovely. Served in a beautifully furnished conservatory with breathtaking views over the rugged coastline.

However the one thing that makes this place exceptional is the staff. So friendly and nothing is too much trouble. The Sunday lunch was beef (which I don't really like) but the waitress went to great lengths to find me an alternative.

We are so lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world, and be close enough to come here.

Thanks to the staff for a lovely lunch.


What a fabulous place. We decided to leave the car at the top car park and walk down and we were so glad we did as it was magical in th sea mist. And when it cleared it was like an oasis amongst the hills. The very welcome lunch was excellent , we sat outside as the mist came and went. On our walk back up, we stopped regularly to see the stunning views ( and catch our breath ) which we would have missed in the car. We will definitely visit again.


Well where to start. We got married here on the 1st July this year and it was perfect in every way. I cant thank the staff and Mair enough for all their hard work to bring my dream wedding a reality. The food was stunning there isnt one thing I could fault. A truly perfect day and amazing pictures. Thanks so much.


We have been recommended to come and visit this Lost Village by the owner of the camping pods' site...and what an experience it was...the drive down the hill was breath taking and I could not believe that such a view is possible to admire in the UK...I have never seen anything like it is a true hidden gem...if you want to see a truly unique place you need to visit Nant will not see anything like it anywhere else


We got married here on Saturday and have to say EVERYTHING was perfect.

The venue, food, set up, staff and especially Mair were amazing. Nothing was too much trouble, they even order us sunshine.

Thank you so much for all you did xxx


Visited this wonderful Heritage Centre whilst on holiday recently. What a gem of a place! Stunning scenery and views of the peninsula. Enjoy a relaxing time in the cafe, then have a wander around. Visit the quarry man's cottage and the centre, interesting. Acess to the beach and walks. Thoroughly recommend a visit :)


Visited the cafe and the location for the first time today, absolutely stunning views on the way in. The food in the cafe didn't disappoint either and was very reasonably priced. A spot not to be missed for anyone visiting the area, I'll definitely be going back.


The nant is pure magic, first came here 27 years ago, not much here at that time just the language centre and a few renovated cottages. The cafe here now is amazing the view as you drink your tea sat on the leather couch is to die for. But give yourself some time and explore the woods the strean and the dis used mine workings, this place feels special, no wonder a cult set up here for a brief period in the early 70's. I will come back again, or should I say drawn back, love it.


Perfect setting to immerse yourself in a new language!


Fallen in love with this place!

If you fancy some real time out; no phone signal, no internet, no tv, no shops etc. If you like a good hike, walking through beautiful forests, trailing waterfalls through the valley down to an empty beautiful beach, but you also enjoy 5* accommodation....then I can"t recommend a stay in one of the sea view cottages in the tiny Victorian lost village of Nant Gwrtheyrn enough!

We are definitely going back!!


Everyone should visit this place at least once-if you have a blue badge you can drive to the bottom (think yourself lucky) it's a he'll of a walk, but we'll worth it for the rest of you ;)


Came across this by accident looking for somewhere for lunch. Saw the brown sign with the historic house, viewing point and dining symbols and took a chance. Got to the top and could see an open area with parking and footpath signs but no buildings or cafe. Then we saw a small sign stating "cafe open" so decided to continue on the road. Gorgeous drive down a steep road to the village. Interesting, well presented and restaurant building is lovely. Think you need to do more about your signage. It was luck we went up the road and more luck we saw the cafe open sign. What's at the end of your journey is fabulous. Update...Just read the other reviews and one says you can only drive down if a blue badge holder. Didn't see any signs advising of that. I'll be honest, we wouldn't have walked down and back. So pleased we didn't see the restriction and saw the village but wouldn't return to walk down and up.


But I came here and studied and passed Welsh language level one and two back in March 1994 it has such a dramatic impact on my life I feel I left a piece of my soul there I remember the people that work there I remember the people that I studied with and hopefully fingers crossed in August 2019 I will be moving back to Wales Pembrokeshire for life and I will be returning to “The Nant” to continue my work language


At last we managed to get to this place we'd heard about after meaning to for a while. What a beautiful place! The cafe is lovely with stunning mountain and sea views. The menu looked good. We decided to have the Sunday roast. I had the chicken with all the trimmings and plenty of veg, and Rhubarb and Berry Crumble and custard for dessert. Husband had the roast beef. Was plentiful too, and he said it was perfectly cooked. We will return, as we want to do the walk next time along the coast. A heavy rain shower came over from sea so we didn't get chance. The drive down and back up again was stunning. The staff were great too!


An amazing venue,everything was just perfect, the food was amazing!!! Everyone enjoyed, stunning views, and all staff were very kind and helpful, can't thank you enough for all that they did for us, the day was a very special one. Couldn't have ask for a better venue. ❤️


A truly hidden Welsh "Gem". The scenery is out of this world and all the staff (particuarly Elin/Mair) were so helpful. A magical place and thrilled to have visited and experienced a superb day. Diolch o galon


A stunning view from the top road looking down on Nant Gwrtheyrn reminds me of Italy . A great place to visit even in the rain , the road down isn't for the faint hearted but the Coffee and cake are well worth it. We have walked down and back lots of effort needed for the uphill pull.


1st visit today. Such a wonderful place. And the cafe was absolutely amazing . Good and service second to none . Definatly will be back thanks �����


We are regular walkers here and every time we come something has been added. A good circular walk with this in the middle, cafe, loo's and lots to look at. Keep up the good work. On the beach old quarry workings, goats and a ship wreck. We have seen seals here as well.

More about Nant Gwrtheyrn

Nant Gwrtheyrn is located at Nant Gwrtheyrn, Llithfaen, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, Wales, LL53 6NL, LL53 6NL Pwllheli
01758 750 334