Natasha Bray - Success Transformation Coach

About Natasha Bray - Success Transformation Coach

Award Winning International Success Transformation Coach. Helping women achieve rapid success through my 3 success pillars: Success Mindset, Success Heartset & Success Actionset.

Lead a life and business you love.

Natasha Bray - Success Transformation Coach Description

Unlock more success in your life and business through Natasha's unique mix of therapy, coaching and mentoring.



Your focus should not be on affordability, it should be on sustainability 💕
Too many women in business are getting burned out working for way less than they should be. Doing all the things for not a lot of financial return.
I know because that was me once.
... Why?
Because they are trying to be affordable.
Because they are basing their prices on being the ‘cheapest’ in the market.
They are basing their prices on other people’s money blocks and perception of worth!
It’s not your job to decide if people can afford you or not.
It’s your job to show them the transformation they can have from working with you.
It’s your job to create a sustainable business so you can keep helping the people you are here to serve AND provide for your family.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this?
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I work with a lot of clients who have had narcissistic, unloving or abusive parents/ step parents in their lives. It’s so rewarding helping them find peace from the long term impact such relationships have had on them.
“I came across Natasha in mutual group and having followed her for a while I took the plunge and signed up for a 28 day RTT package. My goal was to uncover my own self-sabotage behaviour that was keeping me from growing in my business. I knew what I was doing... but for some reason I couldn't break the patterns of self sabotage every time I went to the next level in business. I will be honest the thought of RTT did scare me a little, but once I started chatting with Natasha all my fears went away. Natasha is perfectly suited to this work. Her kind, gentle and intutitive nature meant that she quickly unpacked my "issues" and helped me to identify what was at the root of it all. I am delighted that I went through the RTT process, I am a much calmer, more focused and more productive businesswoman. My business has thrived as a result of the changes I have made. On a personal level, I am much kinder to myself and there is a sense of calmness which was not there beforehand. For anyone out there considering working with Natasha I say go for it. You will not regret it. I know I don't. Jo, Belfast.”
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You can have love AND success.
In March 2018, my life and business completely changed the first time I experienced RTT (rapid transformational therapy).
It was the missing like to truly healing my past. It was the perfect timing for me to set myself free. Things I would never have consciously realised all finally made sense. My first RTT was around removing limiting beliefs. My business revenue skyrocketed to thousands more than it had ever been before that very same month.... No launch. No new services at that point. My insecurities in my relationship totally disappeared. I finally saw the truth of what I had experienced and therefore was able to truly heal my sense of self.
I was enough. I was Lovable.
This was self love on a truly different level to anything I had ever experienced before. It blew my mind and I knew I had to help others experience this same life-changing transformation.
The income jump was just a side effect of the internal transformation I went through. At first I thought it was a fluke. 15 months of consistent growth later each month I still think sometimes ‘is this a fluke’ 😂. But I’m starting to accept that this amazing journey is my new level. The one I deserve 💕
Income I could never have dreamed of. Impact I could never have dreamed of. A life I could never have dreamed of.
Ive also broken through my old patterns of relationships never lasting more than 18 months as I approach the 2 year mark with my partner, thanks to the same deep beliefs that I am enough and I am lovable and I do deserve both love and success in my life.
RTT has been life changing for me and that’s why I’m so passionate about it and what it can do for my clients too. It’s even MORE powerful when combined with all the other strategies I used to take fast action towards the life of my dreams. s-rtt/
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I’m Natasha, an award-winning Global Rapid Transformation Coach, qualified Social Worker, Bestselling author and founder of Guilt Free Health. After building my own successful six figure product and service based business in the health & wellness industry, women started coming to me for business success and my rapid transformation services for female entrepreneurs were born. My mission is to help heart centred coaches, therapists, healers and entrepreneurs like you t...o unlock your success mindset and achieve more clients, more sales and more freedom, with EASE.
If you are here, you are a woman in business who is ready to take things to the next level. You know you are destined for success. Something is holding you back but you can't quite put your finger on it...YOU are getting in your own way!
I'll tell you how....
Limiting beliefs- "Am I good enough?" Comparisonitus- "She's better than me" Imposter Syndrome-"Who would want to come to me for this?" Visibility fears "I am worried what people will think or say" Low confidence and low self worth Fears of success or failure. Self sabotage. The list goes on!
And the worst thing is you are going through it all alone.
Truthbomb- everyone has these beliefs no matter how successful they are! I saw huge shifts in my business when I started working on the most important thing in my business. ME! Your business is a reflection of you- your beliefs, your values, your thoughts.
I am so excited to embark on this journey of supporting other women to achieve more sales, more freedom and more success in their lives and businesses too.
Thank you for being here and being a part of it.
Love Natasha X
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I don’t just give my clients business success. I give them deep healing that impacts every area of their lives- the business success is just a side effect of the work we do together.
Healing of childhood traumas, repairing broken relationships, knowing they are lovable without condition, knowing their worth and having belief and trust in themselves are just some of the deeply transformational outcomes my clients get from our rapid success 1:1 work 💕
Take my client Laeticia........she had these results in 28 days.
⭐️healed relationship with both parents. ⭐️believing she is lovable ⭐️more confidence and self esteem ⭐️less self conscious ⭐️more visible in her business ⭐️more at peace with her partner
These results are priceless.
And they don’t take years of therapy either thanks to my unique Rapid S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Formula that underpins all of my work 💕
“I had 1-1 RTT with Natasha from April to May and she is amazing at what she does! Every session left me uplifted and more ready to take action and I enjoyed chatting with her. Her warm and open personality shines through, even if it was online. We worked on the limiting belief of not being lovable and it healed my relationship to my parents, I feel much more confident and less self-conscious and have more self-esteem. I make myself more visible in my business now and feel much more at peace about being loved by my partner. Thank you!”
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If you look at other peoples businesses and think they have it all figured out....your wrong! Even those 7 or 8 figure business owners you look up to.....
➡️Everyone is continuously learning as they go along.
➡️Everyone is winging it at times.
... ➡️Everyone has bad days.
➡️Everyone has moments where they question if they’ve done the right thing.
➡️Everyone feels like their business success is a fluke at times (every month I still question that!).
So what’s the difference that makes women in business successful?
⭐️They know it’s a constant journey. But instead of fearing it embrace it. It’s exciting.
⭐️They have a success mindset which allows them to brush away the negative thoughts without it impacting on them or holding them back.
⭐️They have an ability to take imperfect action because they know they are enough.
⭐️They trust themselves that no matter what happens they will still make it successful.
⭐️Their worth is not based on the money they make, but on the people they help.
⭐️They are constantly developing themselves as they know their business is a reflection of them.
⭐️They have an ability to keep taking action despite the negative thoughts.
⭐️They’ve cleared their money blocks and limiting beliefs.
⭐️They have done inner healing and truly dealt with their past.
⭐️They are not afraid to show up as their authentic selves 💕
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True freedom does not come from more money or success. It comes from within. Then the money and success comes!
The biggest barriers to freedom?
... Our inner barriers: thoughts, beliefs, fears, feelings
The quickest path to freedom?
Working on our inner self - ours thoughts, beliefs, fears, feelings and healing them at the root cause.
This is where the gold that leads to our freedom lies 💕
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My face when I see this....
“I've just done my first live in my group.Oh and taken on 5 new clients in the past week. I love how far I've come since starting this programme!”
“I’ve had my second article published on Thrive Global and I’ve had 3 people get in touch with me in the last week saying that they want to work with me. I’ve technically not launched my coaching business yet so this is v exciting. I’m starting to believe that I can do this “
... “I’m on track for June to be my second ever biggest month with sales of £14k !!!! Plus I’ve helped my clients with some major wins so I am over the moon!!!”
“my husband's noticed I'm gaining more confidence and putting myself first for once - which is awesome; I set boundaries with someone that I was concerned about upsetting ... but it worked out fine and I'm pleased I spoke up ... trying to be true to me and not so much of a people pleaser. started drinking greens /veggies each day”
“This is my third week in succession of 2 clients a week and 2 booked for next week as well. Plus enquires daily about my work ✨”
Some of the wins in my 4 month group coaching course The Success Accelerator this week 😍😍😍
This signature course gets phenomenal results using my unique S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Formula™ for rapid business success.
It only runs twice a year...... let me know if you want to get on the waitlist ❤️
The next round is going to be EVEN BETTER 😍😍😍😍 as I’ve been working on updating the content behind the scenes. Eeeeek!
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If you are struggling with perfectionism it is stopping you from getting more clients trust me.
If you are trying to be perfect you are not being authentic Authenticity is important to emotionally connect with your audience and potential clients.
... In my most recent webinar I spoke about my Client Magnet Triad= the need for authenticity, connection, & self love to become a client magnet!
Perfectionism blocks ALL THREE OF THESE key elements of a client magnet mindset!!!! It’s a client repellant.
When we let go of perfectionism we stop wearing the masks of who we think people want us to be and we start showing up more as the real us. And people love that more.
Let go of perfectionism.
Show up more as your authentic self.
Attract more clients and more sales.
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This 💕. Working on yourself is the absolute key to next level success. People often neglect that. In my 13 years of working in behaviour change psychology and therapeutic roles, I’ve seen that the root of EVERY issue comes down to your relationship with yourself. Whether that’s drugs, alcohol addiction, food addiction or holding yourself back in your business. It all relates to the self.


After a catch up with a client who worked with me in December to overcome imposter syndrome, it was great to hear her business has consistently INCREASED IN REVENUE each month since! 😍😍😍 And we are not talking just a little here, we are talking thousands.
This is an example of the long lasting, permanent effects of my rapid transformation packages 💕


I work a lot with healing mother wounds in my clients. A question I’ve been asked a lot about mother wounds is ‘how do I make sure I don’t continue the cycle and wound my own children?’
There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. We each carry our own scars, needs and emotional wounds. Sometimes we have to work a lot. Sometimes we are not available. Sometimes we may lose our temper and shout. Sometimes we experience our own emotional distress. We are human after all.
This is... not enough to cause emotional or psychological wounds. These things only impact negatively on our children if they happen in a home there is no love, praise or safety.
We can and will make mistakes as parents (hardest job in the world!) but as long as we continue to show love, make our children feel good with praise and activities that build their self esteem and apologise when we do make a mistake, we are being a good enough parent 💕
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What an incredible start to a Sunday.
Today I did a 1:1 with my VIP client (also an RTT therapist) who had depression blocking her progress.
It was mind blowing to say the least.
... Her depression was actually her connection to her mother who passed away a year ago and was unable to show her love during her lifetime due to her own wounds.
Through accessing the subconscious mind we were able to have a conversation with her mother and her father who had also passed away some time ago to help free her from the impact her childhood was having on her and make peace with her mother.
She finished the session absolutely beaming with happiness.
“That was incredible - I’ve had so many sessions of RTT before and nothing has ever got that deep. You’ve restored my faith in RTT. I could feel your talent, your skill and how you used your intuition and you were spot on”.
😍😍😍 now for a day of family and fun 💕
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I’m known for helping women unlock their success mindset - one core part of my success mindset formula is SELF LOVE (along with self worth, self belief and self trust). But every good practitioner will keep innovating and developing their work- and now success mindset is just one important stage of my work.
Self love - the belief ‘I am enough’ is absolutely essential to rapidly accelerating success and the number 1 most common thing I work on with all my clients.
But there’s ...something else I now have seen to be an important part of the equation that goes one step further.
The belief you are loved, unconditionally. It’s not enough just to believe you are enough, but to FEEL you are loved UNCONDITIONALLY is key.
So much of our childhoods were spent believing we needed to be or act a certain way to be loved.
So much of our adult life is based on what others wanted us to do out of fear of rejection and the deep need to feel loved. Living empty lives in jobs our parents wanted to do or that we thought would make others proud and happy, never living for ourselves.
Through combining my rapid transformational therapy work with other psychological theories, my own unique concepts and my background in social work, I’ve discovered a powerful way to repair damage caused by parents who did not love us unconditionally (or that we FELT did not love us unconditionally) thus causing a deep belief we cannot be loved without condition. 💕
So many of my clients say they know they were loved but they didn't FEEL loved, and feeling is also key along side the beliefs. I help them feel loved as well as believe they are enough.
Unconditional love is essential to success.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this?
Love Natasha x
Ways you can work with me: I am currently fully booked on all my courses and 1:1 packages for June and I have a few spaces left for 1:1 Rapid Business Success package sign ups for July. s-rtt/
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“Most people who had been through what you’ve been through would be broken.“
A year trickled from my eyes and a lump formed in my throat as I held back the sobs hearing those words from a very talented reiki healer during our session. They were tinged with sadness but they were more like tears of relief.
I knew she could feel and see the pain of my past, and she understood. She acknowledged what I had been through in a way nobody else had ever done.
... She saw. She believed. She acknowledged. She had true empathy. She held a safe space for me.
Even though she was on the other side of the world via video call I still felt safe, held and protected.
It reminded me that this is exactly what my clients get from me in our RTT sessions. Things from the past that have held so much pain, shame, guilt and self punishment have been totally transformed around- healed, set them free and being able to finally feel understood, believed and loved is HUGE for my clients.
This is the power that comes from healing the past. 💕
I received this beautiful testimonial from my client Sarah who felt safe to heal her own past with me:
“When I started working with Natasha, I was concerned that I had money and wealth blocks and this was really holding me back in my new business. During the incredibly powerful RTT session I had with her, she helped me to find the root cause of my negative beliefs about wealth. It was a deeply profound understanding that I gained and Natasha helped me permanently break these beliefs and re-programmed me to think and believe better things. I experienced an immediate shift in my emotional wealth and abundance mindset. The effects on my business were fast in coming. With additional business and strategy advice from Natasha, I was able to take inspired action and sold my dream package to three clients in the second week. The momentum continues to build in my business and I feel liberated to go out and do more of the job I love and create a successful prosperous therapy practise. It has been an absolute joy to work with Natasha”
Healing the past, feeling true unconditional love for yourself and rewiring your belief system is the number 1 catalyst for more success in all areas of your life.
When choosing a practitioner make sure it’s someone you trust, someone who gets results and someone who understands and is not afraid to take about things that have never been talked about before.
Love Natasha x
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Preparing a superfood salad for my VIP client joining me today for a full day of mindset and business mastery. With kale grown in my own garden 😍😍😍
My toddler and I have a full blown fruit and veg patch that we started in April. Surprised how fast it’s grown (and that it’s survived 😂) x


When your client goes from imposter syndrome and procrastinator to fast action taker and landing her first high ticket client ...... Yes! 😍😍😍
If imposter syndrome is holding you back in your business I have a proven track record of helping many women break through this and secure their first clients. 💕 s-rtt/

More about Natasha Bray - Success Transformation Coach

Natasha Bray - Success Transformation Coach is located at Parc Derwen, CF31 2 Bridgend