National Theatre Wales

Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About National Theatre Wales

National Theatre Wales creates invigorating theatre in the English language, rooted in Wales, with an international reach.
Box office: 029 2037 1689

National Theatre Wales Description

We bring together storytelling poets, visual visionaries and inventors of ideas. We collaborate with artists, audiences, communities and companies to create theatre in the English language, rooted in Wales, with an international reach.

Rydym yn dwyn ynghyd beirdd sy’n adrodd straeon, gweledyddion gweledol a dyfeiswyr syniadau. Cydweithiwn gydag artistiaid, cynulleidfaoedd, cymunedau a chwmnïau i greu theatr Saesneg wedi’i gwreiddio yng Nghymru ag elfen ryngwladol.

Get in touch: / @ntwtweets



Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at fynd â Peggy’s Song gan Katherine Chandler ar daith o gwmpas de Cymru dros dymor yr hydref. Bydd yn cael ei berfformio gan y disglair Christian Patterson, ac mae’r sioe un person doniol a theimladwy hon yn ymdrin â chyfeillgarwch a grym cerddoriaeth.
We’re looking forward to taking Katherine Chandler’s Peggy’s Song out on tour around south Wales in the Autumn. Performed by the brilliant Christian Patterson, this touchingly funny one-man show is about friendship & the power of music.


HEDDIW @summerhallery #EdFringe! Ewch draw i Summerhall i weld DWY sioe @ntwtweets! Cotton Fingers, 12.15pm a For All I Care, 1.30pm (y ddwy yn 1 awr). Prynwch docynnau #NTWCotton #NTWCare
TODAY @summerhallery #EdFringe! Head to Summerhall to see TWO @ntwtweets shows! Cotton Fingers, 12.15pm & For All I Care, 1.30pm (both 1 hr). Book tix #NTWCotton #NTWCare


Gŵyl Ymylol Caeredin / Edinburgh Festival Fringe Summerhall 31 Gorff / July – 25 Awst / Aug,dydd Mawrth / Tuesday – Dydd Sul / Sunday(dim perfformiadau ar ddydd Llun / No Monday Performances) 12.15pm


★★★★ The Stage – A powerful and poetic new play gives voice to a Belfast teen changing her path in light of Ireland's referendum on abortion
“Rich women have abortions, and poor women have kids."
Gŵyl Ymylol Caeredin / Edinburgh Festival Fringe ... Summerhall 31 Gorff / July – 25 Awst / Aug, dydd Mawrth / Tues – Dydd Sul / Sunday (dim perfformiadau ar ddydd Llun / No Monday Performances) 12.15pm
Tocynnau / Tickets:
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Dyma wythnos gyntaf #EdFringe2019, ac mae tocynnau rhagddangosiadau ein sioeau @summerhallery yn £5 (heddiw) ac £8 (Iau) yn unig! Ewch i weld #NTWCare a #NTWCotton
It’s the first week of #EdFringe2019, & preview tickets of our shows @summerhallery are just £5 (today!) & £8 (Thurs)! Get along to see #NTWCare & #NTWCotton


We’re all set up at Summerhall for the first performances of For All I Care & Cotton Fingers, at this years’ Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Be one of the first to see the shows with tickets this Wednesday just £5, and £8 on Thursday!
Book Online


Rydym yn barod yn Summerhall ar gyfer perfformiadau cyntaf For All I Care a Cotton Fingers, yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin.
Byddwch yn un o’r cyntaf i weld y sioeau gyda thocynnau dydd Mercher yn £5 yn unig, ac £8 ddydd Iau!
Archebwch ar-lein


Gŵyl Ymylol Caeredin / Edinburgh Festival Fringe Summerhall
31 Gorff / July – 25 Awst / Aug, 1.30pm Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday – Dydd Sul / Sunday (dim perfformiadau ar ddydd Llun / No Monday performances)
Llun/Images: Glenn Edwards
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Pob lwc i’n cwmni For All I Care, ar gyfer eu rhagddangosiadau Chapter! Yn agor heno, cyn mynd i #EdFringe2019
Good luck to our For All I Care company, for their previews Chapter Opens tonight, until tomorrow before heading to #EdFringe2019


Rydym wrth ein bodd yn gweithio gyda Hannah Daniel ar #NTWCare! Dyma gipolwg ohoni wrth ei gwaith, cyn y rhagddangosiadau #EdFringe yn Chapter, Caerdydd ddydd Mercher a dydd Iau.
We’re loving working with Hannah Daniel on #NTWCare! Here’s a peek at her in action, before #EdFringe previews at Chapter, Cardiff this Weds & Thurs.
Cadwch eich tocynnau yma / Book your tickets here


Ynghyd â’r Goethe-Institut Llundain, rydym yn edrych am bedwar gwneuthurwr theatr o Gymru neu sy’n byw yng Nghymru gyda phrofiad mewn dramäwriaeth ar gyfer cyfnod cyfnewid rhwng yr Almaen a Chymru.
Along with the Goethe-Institut London, we are looking for four Welsh or Wales based theatre makers with experience in dramaturgy for a research exchange between Germany & Wales.
Cael gwybod rhagor / Find out more


Mae gennym 3 digwyddiad #FforwmMynediad ar y gweill! Mae’r rhain yn gyfleoedd hyfforddi a thrafod am ddim, ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn hygyrchedd yn y celfyddydau – pwy bynnag ydych, beth bynnag eich rôl!
We have 3 #AccessForum events coming up! These are free training and discussion opportunities, for anyone with an interest in accessibility in the arts - whoever you are, whatever your role!
Cael gwybod rhagor / Find out more


Yr wythnos hon, mae rhagddangosiadau o #NTWCare yn Chapter! Cymerwch olwg y tu ôl i’r llenni, cyn y noson agoriadol nos Fercher.
This week, #NTWCare previews at Chapter, Cardiff! Take a look behind the scenes, ahead of opening night Wednesday.
Tocynnau yma / Tickets here ...
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Bydd cynulleidfaoedd yn Sherman Theatre, Caerdydd a’r The Royal Court Theatre, Llundain hefyd yn gallu profi’r gosodwaith drwy ffilm VR fydd ar gael i’w gwylio yn y ddwy theatr gan olygu y bydd tirwedd On Bear Ridge yn hygyrch yng nghanol y dinasoedd prysur hyn.
Experience #NoPetrolfor12Miles, an outdoor installation close to Ed Thomas’ childhood home exploring the world of our #OnBearRidge, our co-production with The Royal Court Theatre.
Audiences at Sherman Theatre, Cardif...f & The Royal Court Theatre, London will also be able to experience the installation through a VR film that will be available to watch at both theatres making the landscape of On Bear Ridge accessible in the centre of these busy cities.
Cael gwybod rhagor / Find out more
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More about National Theatre Wales

National Theatre Wales is located at 30 Castle Arcade, CF10 1BW Cardiff
+44 (0) 29 2035 3070
Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -