Natural Therapy By Angharad

About Natural Therapy By Angharad

IBS, eczema, wheat intolerance, arthritis, asthma, anxiety, PMS, thyroid issues, diabetes, sciatica, CFS, anxiety, digestive issues, generally unwell . . .

Natural Therapy By Angharad Description

Have you ever considered the impact everyday toxins have on your physical and mental wellbeing? Have you wondered what impact 'harmless' household items such as scented candles can have on your body?

Have you thought of how simple lifestyle changes can significantly improve your quality of life
by reversing the impact of debilitating illnesses such as IBS, anxiety, premenstrual symptoms and eczema?

I believe in the importance of natural remedies to aid physical recovery. I specialise in an holistic approach by looking at my patients as a whole, assessing physical symptoms and their environment to identify the cause of their condition and developing tailored treatment to aid the body back to full health.

Mae tocsinau yn rhan o’n bywydau erbyn hyn ond ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried yr effaith a gânt ar ein hiechyd? Beth am y hylif glanhau ry’ch chi’n ddefnyddio? Beth am y canhwyllau ry’ch chi’n eu cynnu?

Ydych wedi ystyried yr effaith a gânt ar ein cyrff? Y gwir amdani ydy ei bod yn bosibl gwaredu’r symptomau sy’n ein poeni wrth wneud mân newidiadau i’r ffordd ry’n ni’n byw. Mae’n bosibl gwaredu’r ecsema, y boen meddwl a’r problemau treulio.

Rwy’n grediniol mai’r ateb ydy dilyn therapi naturiol. Rwy’n trîn yr holl berson gan holi, asesu’r symptomau a chan asesu’r tocinau’r amgylchedd a’r ffordd o fyw. Penllanw hyn oll ydy creu cynllun personol sy’n galluogi’r corff i wella.

More about Natural Therapy By Angharad

Natural Therapy By Angharad is located at CF64 2 Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan