Neil Dalrymple Stoneware Sculptor

About Neil Dalrymple Stoneware Sculptor

Ceramic stoneware sculptor.

Neil Dalrymple Stoneware Sculptor Description

Neil Dalrymple specializes in handmade original stoneware ceramic sculptures. His themes of work are predominantly realistic and anatomically accurate.
Neil is most well known for his fine art fish sculptures. His fish include game, coarse and saltwater species.
Neil Dalrymple’s wild life sculptures include otters, badgers, birds and pond life such as frogs, toads and newts and a wide variety of water features.
He has also made many ceramic sculptures of his figurative work from nude life studies as well as a wide variety of animals and birds.
Neil has created a broad range of mythological sculptures influenced by Welsh folklore, Arthurian legend and Classical mythology. His work include nymphs, gods and goddesses, Green Men and in particular, dragons!
The images on this site are examples of stoneware ceramic sculptures that Neil has produced and comprise only part of his full portfolio of work. They can be repeated on request, however, they are unique and therefore will not be identical to the original.
Neil Dalrymple can be contacted to discuss any individual requirements for sculptures. Prices range from £25 – £1500 (approx. ) according to size, detail and individual specifications.

More about Neil Dalrymple Stoneware Sculptor